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use DVRRDK to debug scd alg code on DM8168


    I want to develop my alg on dm8168 DVR board, and DVRRDK_02.00.00.23 develop kit is used. I want to use CCSV5 to debug dsp code .so I modify two files under

makerules dir .This is my options:


# c6xdsp - DSP core
# Profile: Allowed values = debug | whole_program_debug | release
PROFILE_c6xdsp = debug
CFLAGS_GLOBAL_c6xdsp =  -g --gcc -D___DSPBIOS___
LNKFLAGS_GLOBAL_c6xdsp = -x --zero_init=off --retain=_Ipc_ResetVector

and in

# CFLAGS based on profile selected

ifeq ($(PROFILE_$(CORE)), debug)

CFLAGS_INTERNAL += --symdebug:dwarf --optimize_with_debug

#CFLAGS_INTERNAL += --symdebug:dwarf -O3 -ms0 --opt_for_speed=5 --optimize_with_debug

 CFLAGS_XDCINTERNAL = -Dxdc_target_name__=C674  -Dxdc_bld__profile_debug -D_DEBUG_=1


 CFLAGS_XDCINTERNAL += -Dxdc_cfg__header__='$(CONFIGURO_DIR)/package/cfg/$(XDC_HFILE_NAME)_pe674.h'




when I recomplie and reload under my console ,and load dsp symbols use CCSV5 ,it can't find DSP application code symbols.

where should I modify to debug scd alg code?

My english is no good ,I'm sorroy .