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m3video Unhandled exception on DM8168 with DVR_RDK 3.5


I capture 1920*1080 resolution video on VIP0 and VIP1 port of DM8168 with DVR-RDK3.5. The YUV data from FPGA -> VIP ->  encoder -> send encoded stream . But I get the following unhandled exeption:

[m3vpss ] Unhandled Exception:
[m3vpss ] Exception occurred in ThreadType_Task
[m3vpss ] handle: 0x9dbf430c.
[m3vpss ] stack base: 0x3ed788c0.
[m3vpss ] stack size: 0x4000.
[m3vpss ] R0 = 0x9dbf775c R8 = 0x9da2af68
[m3vpss ] R1 = 0x9dbf775c R9 = 0xffffffff
[m3vpss ] R2 = 0x00000000 R10 = 0x00000010
[m3vpss ] R3 = 0x0000160f R11 = 0x9da2af60
[m3vpss ] R4 = 0x9dbf76e8 R12 = 0x3ed48380
[m3vpss ] R5 = 0xc9c8f480 SP(R13) = 0x3ed7c840
[m3vpss ] R6 = 0x00000000 LR(R14) = 0x9da0996f
[m3vpss ] R7 = 0xcbf79e2b PC(R15) = 0x9d9e0232
[m3vpss ] PSR = 0x81000000
[m3vpss ] ICSR = 0x00400803
[m3vpss ] MMFSR = 0x00
[m3vpss ] BFSR = 0x82
[m3vpss ] UFSR = 0x0000
[m3vpss ] HFSR = 0x40000000
[m3vpss ] DFSR = 0x00000000
[m3vpss ] MMAR = 0xc9c8f498
[m3vpss ] BFAR = 0xc9c8f498
[m3vpss ] AFSR = 0x00000000
[m3vpss ] Terminating Execution...

There is my codes!

int SixeChan_CreateWriteBitStream(MultiHDEncoder_ENVParams *envp)
	int ret=0;
	CaptureLink_CreateParams				capturePrm;
	CaptureLink_CreateParams				*pCapturePrm;
	CaptureLink_VipInstParams				*pCaptureInstPrm;
	CaptureLink_OutParams					*pCaptureOutPrm;
	IpcLink_CreateParams					IpcOutVpssPrm;
	IpcLink_CreateParams					*pIpcOutVpssPrm;
	IpcLink_CreateParams					IpcInVideoPrm;
	IpcLink_CreateParams					*pIpcInVideoPrm;
	EncLink_CreateParams					EncPrm;
	EncLink_CreateParams					*pEncPrm;
	IpcBitsOutLinkRTOS_CreateParams		IpcBitsOutVideoPrm;
	IpcBitsOutLinkRTOS_CreateParams 		*pIpcBitsOutVideoPrm;
	IpcBitsInLinkHLOS_CreateParams			IpcBitsInHostPrm;
	IpcBitsInLinkHLOS_CreateParams			*pIpcBitsInHostPrm;
	DupLink_CreateParams        				dupPrmInput1;
	DupLink_CreateParams        				dupPrmInput2;
	MergeLink_CreateParams				MergePrm;
	Uint32					captureId;
	Uint32					ipcOutVpssId;
	Uint32					ipcInVideoId;
	Uint32					encId;
	Uint32					dupInput1Id,dupInput2Id;
	Uint32					mergeId;
	Uint32					selectId1;
	Uint32					selectId2;
	Uint32					ipcBitsOutVideoId;
	Uint32					ipcBitsInHostId;
	Int32 					status = 0;
	char 					c;
	int						i=0;


	ret = AD7441Init();
	ret = SelectAD7441();
	ret = AD7442Init();
	ret = SelectAD7442();
		printf("Decoder Init Failed!\n");
		return 0;



//capture start
	pCapturePrm = &capturePrm;
	pCapturePrm->numVipInst			= 2;
	pCapturePrm->tilerEnable			= FALSE;
	pCapturePrm->fakeHdMode			= TRUE;
	pCapturePrm->enableSdCrop		= FALSE;
	pCapturePrm->doCropInCapture		= FALSE;
	pCaptureInstPrm                     		= &(pCapturePrm->vipInst[0]);
	pCaptureInstPrm->vipInstId			= SYSTEM_CAPTURE_INST_VIP0_PORTA;
	pCaptureInstPrm->inDataFormat		= SYSTEM_DF_YUV422P;
	pCaptureInstPrm->standard			= SYSTEM_STD_1080P_60;
	pCaptureInstPrm->numOutput		= 1;
	pCaptureOutPrm					= &pCaptureInstPrm->outParams[0];
	pCaptureOutPrm->dataFormat		= SYSTEM_DF_YUV420SP_UV;
	pCaptureOutPrm->scEnable			= FALSE;
	pCaptureOutPrm->scOutWidth		= 1920;
	pCaptureOutPrm->scOutHeight		= 1080;
	pCaptureOutPrm->outQueId			= 0;
	pCapturePrm->outQueParams[0].nextLink = dupInput1Id;
	pCaptureInstPrm                     		= &(pCapturePrm->vipInst[1]);
	pCaptureInstPrm->vipInstId			= SYSTEM_CAPTURE_INST_VIP1_PORTA;
	pCaptureInstPrm->inDataFormat		= SYSTEM_DF_YUV422P;
	pCaptureInstPrm->standard			= SYSTEM_STD_1080P_60;
	pCaptureInstPrm->numOutput		= 1;
	pCaptureOutPrm					= &pCaptureInstPrm->outParams[0];
	pCaptureOutPrm->dataFormat		= SYSTEM_DF_YUV420SP_UV;
	pCaptureOutPrm->scEnable			= FALSE;
	pCaptureOutPrm->scOutWidth		= 1920;
	pCaptureOutPrm->scOutHeight		= 1080;
	pCaptureOutPrm->outQueId			= 1;
	pCapturePrm->outQueParams[1].nextLink = dupInput2Id;
//capture end

	dupPrmInput1.inQueParams.prevLinkId 		= captureId;
	dupPrmInput1.inQueParams.prevLinkQueId		= 0;
	dupPrmInput1.numOutQue                 			= 3;
	dupPrmInput1.notifyNextLink            			= TRUE;
	dupPrmInput1.CrossMode					= 1;	
	dupPrmInput2.inQueParams.prevLinkId 		= captureId;
	dupPrmInput2.inQueParams.prevLinkQueId	 	= 1;
	dupPrmInput2.numOutQue                 			= 3;
	dupPrmInput2.notifyNextLink            			= TRUE;
	dupPrmInput2.CrossMode            			= 1;

	dupPrmInput1.outQueParams[0].nextLink 		= mergeId;
	dupPrmInput1.outQueParams[1].nextLink 		= mergeId;
	dupPrmInput1.outQueParams[2].nextLink 		= mergeId;

	dupPrmInput2.outQueParams[0].nextLink 		= mergeId;
	dupPrmInput2.outQueParams[1].nextLink 		= mergeId;
	dupPrmInput2.outQueParams[2].nextLink 		= mergeId;
	MergePrm.numInQue						= 6;
	MergePrm.inQueParams[0].prevLinkId			= dupInput1Id;
	MergePrm.inQueParams[0].prevLinkQueId		= 0;
	MergePrm.inQueParams[1].prevLinkId			= dupInput1Id;
	MergePrm.inQueParams[1].prevLinkQueId		= 1;
	MergePrm.inQueParams[2].prevLinkId			= dupInput1Id;
	MergePrm.inQueParams[2].prevLinkQueId		= 2;
	MergePrm.inQueParams[3].prevLinkId			= dupInput2Id;
	MergePrm.inQueParams[3].prevLinkQueId		= 0;
	MergePrm.inQueParams[4].prevLinkId			= dupInput2Id;
	MergePrm.inQueParams[4].prevLinkQueId		= 1;
	MergePrm.inQueParams[5].prevLinkId			= dupInput2Id;
	MergePrm.inQueParams[5].prevLinkQueId		= 2;
	MergePrm.outQueParams.nextLink			= ipcOutVpssId;
	MergePrm.notifyNextLink					= TRUE;
	pIpcOutVpssPrm = &(IpcOutVpssPrm);
	pIpcOutVpssPrm->inQueParams.prevLinkId		= mergeId;
	pIpcOutVpssPrm->inQueParams.prevLinkQueId		= 0;
	pIpcOutVpssPrm->numOutQue					= 1;
	pIpcOutVpssPrm->outQueParams[0].nextLink		= ipcInVideoId;
	pIpcOutVpssPrm->notifyNextLink					= TRUE;
	pIpcOutVpssPrm->notifyPrevLink					= TRUE;
	pIpcOutVpssPrm->noNotifyMode					= FALSE;
	pIpcInVideoPrm = &(IpcInVideoPrm);
	pIpcInVideoPrm->inQueParams.prevLinkId			= ipcOutVpssId;
	pIpcInVideoPrm->inQueParams.prevLinkQueId		= 0;
	pIpcInVideoPrm->numOutQue					= 1;
	pIpcInVideoPrm->outQueParams[0].nextLink		= encId;
	pIpcInVideoPrm->notifyNextLink					= TRUE;
	pIpcInVideoPrm->notifyPrevLink					= TRUE;
	pIpcInVideoPrm->noNotifyMode					= FALSE;
	pEncPrm = &(EncPrm);
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].format	= IVIDEO_H264HP;
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].profile	= IH264_HIGH_PROFILE;
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].dataLayout = IVIDEO_FIELD_SEPARATED;
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].fieldMergeEncodeEnable  = FALSE;
			//pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].defaultDynamicParams.intraFrameInterval = 30;
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].encodingPreset = encodingPreset;//ÿ������IDR//note by zhq  // XDM_DEFAULT;//I֡����0x21��ͷ����Ҫ���SPS��PPS///////
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].enableAnalyticinfo = 0;
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].rateControlPreset = IVIDEO_STORAGE;
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].maxBitRate = -1;

			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].defaultDynamicParams.inputFrameRate = 60;//video_param.nFrameRate;
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].defaultDynamicParams.targetBitRate = 10*1000*1000;//20000 * 1000; //video_param.sBitrate*1000;
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].defaultDynamicParams.interFrameInterval = 1;
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].defaultDynamicParams.mvAccuracy = IVIDENC2_MOTIONVECTOR_QUARTERPEL;
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].defaultDynamicParams.qpInit = -1;
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].defaultDynamicParams.qpMin = 10;
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].defaultDynamicParams.qpMax = 40;
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].defaultDynamicParams.vbrDuration = 8;
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].defaultDynamicParams.vbrSensitivity = 0;
			pEncPrm->chCreateParams[i].defaultDynamicParams.rcAlg = 0;

	pEncPrm->inQueParams.prevLinkId = ipcInVideoId;
	pEncPrm->inQueParams.prevLinkQueId = 0;
	pEncPrm->outQueParams.nextLink = ipcBitsOutVideoId;

	pIpcBitsOutVideoPrm = &(IpcBitsOutVideoPrm);
	pIpcBitsOutVideoPrm->baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkId	= encId;
	pIpcBitsOutVideoPrm->baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkQueId = 0;
	pIpcBitsOutVideoPrm->baseCreateParams.numOutQue 				= 1;
	pIpcBitsOutVideoPrm->baseCreateParams.outQueParams[0].nextLink	= ipcBitsInHostId;
	pIpcBitsOutVideoPrm->baseCreateParams.noNotifyMode				= TRUE;
	pIpcBitsOutVideoPrm->baseCreateParams.notifyNextLink			= FALSE;
	pIpcBitsOutVideoPrm->baseCreateParams.notifyPrevLink			= TRUE;

	pIpcBitsInHostPrm = &(IpcBitsInHostPrm);
	pIpcBitsInHostPrm->baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkId		= ipcBitsOutVideoId;
	pIpcBitsInHostPrm->baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkQueId	= 0;
	pIpcBitsInHostPrm->baseCreateParams.outQueParams[0].nextLink	= SYSTEM_LINK_ID_INVALID;
	pIpcBitsInHostPrm->baseCreateParams.noNotifyMode = TRUE;
	pIpcBitsInHostPrm->cbFxn = NULL;//WriteBitsFileTsk;
	pIpcBitsInHostPrm->cbCtx = NULL;//&numsBits;
	pIpcBitsInHostPrm->baseCreateParams.notifyNextLink = FALSE;
	pIpcBitsInHostPrm->baseCreateParams.notifyPrevLink = FALSE;

	//note by zhq//12.2//System_linkCreate���ڴ���link
	System_linkCreate(captureId, &capturePrm, sizeof(CaptureLink_CreateParams));
	System_linkCreate(dupInput1Id, &dupPrmInput1, sizeof(DupLink_CreateParams));
	System_linkCreate(dupInput2Id, &dupPrmInput2, sizeof(DupLink_CreateParams));
	System_linkCreate(mergeId, &MergePrm, sizeof(MergeLink_CreateParams));
	System_linkCreate(ipcOutVpssId, &IpcOutVpssPrm, sizeof(IpcLink_CreateParams));
	System_linkCreate(ipcInVideoId, &IpcInVideoPrm, sizeof(IpcLink_CreateParams));
	System_linkCreate(encId, &EncPrm, sizeof(EncLink_CreateParams));
	System_linkCreate(ipcBitsOutVideoId, &IpcBitsOutVideoPrm, sizeof(IpcBitsOutLinkRTOS_CreateParams));
	System_linkCreate(ipcBitsInHostId, &IpcBitsInHostPrm, sizeof(IpcBitsInLinkHLOS_CreateParams));

	//note by zhq//12.2//System_linkStart���ڴ�link

	gWriteFileDone = 1;

	status = OSA_thrCreate(&BitsOutHandle, (OSA_ThrEntryFunc)BitsOutTskRtsp, 99, 0, envp);

	//note by zhq//12.2//SetEncoderFrameRate��������֡�ʺͱ����ʣ�60�൱��20֡
	SetEncoderFrameRate(0, 60);
	SetEncoderFrameRate(1, 60);
	SetEncoderFrameRate(2, 60);
	SetEncoderFrameRate(3, 60);
	SetEncoderFrameRate(4, 60);
	SetEncoderFrameRate(5, 60);

	return ret;

  • Share full console logs from start of application run

  • Hello,This is my log.

    4667.session .log
    Starting kernel ...
    Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
    Linux version 2.6.37 (root@ubuntu) (gcc version 4.3.3 (Sourcery G++ Lite 2009q1-203) ) #1 Tue Nov 12 19:04:38 PST 2013
    CPU: ARMv7 Processor [413fc082] revision 2 (ARMv7), cr=10c53c7f
    CPU: VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache
    Machine: ti8168evm
    vram size = 20971520 at 0x0
    ti81xx_reserve: ### Reserved DDR region @8ff00000
    reserved size = 20971520 at 0x0
    FB: Reserving 20971520 bytes SDRAM for VRAM
    Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writeback
    OMAP chip is TI8168 2.0
    Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 59648
    Kernel command line: console=ttyO2,115200n8 noinitrd mem=256M rootwait=1 rw ubi.mtd=4,2048 rootfstype=ubifs root=ubi0:rootfs noinitrd vram=20M notifyk.vpssm3_sva=0xBEE00000 stdin=serial ddr_mem=1024M
    PID hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
    Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
    Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
    Memory: 234MB 1MB = 235MB total
    Memory: 232772k/232772k available, 29372k reserved, 0K highmem
    Virtual kernel memory layout:
        vector  : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000   (   4 kB)
        fixmap  : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000   ( 896 kB)
        DMA     : 0xffc00000 - 0xffe00000   (   2 MB)
        vmalloc : 0xd0800000 - 0xf8000000   ( 632 MB)
        lowmem  : 0xc0000000 - 0xd0000000   ( 256 MB)
        pkmap   : 0xbfe00000 - 0xc0000000   (   2 MB)
        modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xbfe00000   (  14 MB)
          .init : 0xc0008000 - 0xc0041000   ( 228 kB)
          .text : 0xc0041000 - 0xc04ed000   (4784 kB)
          .data : 0xc04ee000 - 0xc0538ac0   ( 299 kB)
    SLUB: Genslabs=11, HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1
    IRQ: Found an INTC at 0xfa200000 (revision 5.0) with 128 interrupts
    Total of 128 interrupts on 1 active controller
    GPMC revision 6.0
    Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ400
    Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ401
    Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ402
    Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ403
    Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ404
    Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ405
    Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ406
    Trying to install type control for IRQ407
    Trying to set irq flags for IRQ407
    OMAP clockevent source: GPTIMER1 at 27000000 Hz
    Console: colour dummy device 80x30
    Calibrating delay loop... 986.31 BogoMIPS (lpj=4931584)
    pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
    Security Framework initialized
    Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
    CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
    devtmpfs: initialized
    TI81XX: Map 0x8ff00000 to 0xfe500000 for dram barrier
    TI81XX: Map 0x40300000 to 0xfe600000 for sram barrier
    omap_voltage_early_init: voltage driver support not added
    regulator: core version 0.5
    regulator: dummy: 
    NET: Registered protocol family 16
    omap_voltage_domain_lookup: Voltage driver init not yet happened.Faulting!
    omap_voltage_add_dev: VDD specified does not exist!
    OMAP GPIO hardware version 0.1
    OMAP GPIO hardware version 0.1
    omap_mux_init: Add partition: #1: core, flags: 0
    _omap_mux_get_by_name: Could not find signal i2c2_scl.i2c2_scl
    _omap_mux_get_by_name: Could not find signal i2c2_sda.i2c2_sda
    NOR: Can't request GPMC CS
    registered ti816x_gpio_vr device
    registered gpio device
    registered ti816x_sr device
    Cannot clk_get ck_32
    Init DM8168 GPIO Bank1 0~8 For GPIO!
    Init DM8168 SPI CS 0~3 For SPI!
    Init DM8168 GPIO Bank1-29 BANK0-2,3 For FPGA UpData!
    pm_dbg_init: only OMAP3 supported
    registered ti81xx_vpss device
    registered ti81xx_vidout device
    registered ti81xx on-chip HDMI device
    registered ti81xx_fb device
    registered ti81xx_vin device
    ti81xx_pcie: Invoking PCI BIOS...
    ti81xx_pcie: Setting up Host Controller...
    ti81xx_pcie: Register base mapped @0xd0820000
    ti81xx_pcie: Starting PCI scan...
    PCI: bus0: Fast back to back transfers enabled
    ti81xx_pcie: PCI scan done.
    bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
    regulator: VFB: 800 <--> 1025 mV at 845 mV 
    vgaarb: loaded
    SCSI subsystem initialized
    usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
    usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
    usbcore: registered new device driver usb
    USBSS revision 4ea20809
    registerd cppi-dma Intr @ IRQ 17
    Cppi41 Init Done
    omap_i2c omap_i2c.1: bus 1 rev4.0 at 100 kHz
    I2C: Read failed at pcf8575_cir_enable 679 with error code: -121
    I2C: Transfer failed at pcf8575_cir_enable 685 with error code: -121
    omap_i2c omap_i2c.2: bus 2 rev4.0 at 100 kHz
    Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.23.
    Switching to clocksource gp timer
    musb-hdrc: version 6.0, host, debug=0
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.0: dma type: dma-cppi41
    MUSB controller-0 revision 4ea20800
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.0: MUSB HDRC host driver
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
    usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
    usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
    usb usb1: Product: MUSB HDRC host driver
    usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 2.6.37 musb-hcd
    usb usb1: SerialNumber: musb-hdrc.0
    hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
    hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.0: USB Host mode controller at d081e000 using DMA, IRQ 18
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.1: dma type: dma-cppi41
    MUSB controller-1 revision 4ea20800
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.1: MUSB HDRC host driver
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
    usb usb2: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
    usb usb2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
    usb usb2: Product: MUSB HDRC host driver
    usb usb2: Manufacturer: Linux 2.6.37 musb-hcd
    usb usb2: SerialNumber: musb-hdrc.1
    hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
    hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected
    musb-hdrc musb-hdrc.1: USB Host mode controller at d0826800 using DMA, IRQ 19
    NET: Registered protocol family 2
    IP route cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
    TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
    TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
    TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192)
    TCP reno registered
    UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
    UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
    NET: Registered protocol family 1
    RPC: Registered udp transport module.
    RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
    RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.
    NetWinder Floating Point Emulator V0.97 (double precision)
    PMU: registered new PMU device of type 0
    omap-iommu omap-iommu.0: ducati registered
    omap-iommu omap-iommu.1: sys registered
    JFFS2 version 2.2. (NAND) © 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
    msgmni has been set to 454
    io scheduler noop registered
    io scheduler deadline registered
    io scheduler cfq registered (default)
    Reach GPIO device registered successfully (Major = 253,  Minor = 0)
    Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
    omap_uart.0: ttyO0 at MMIO 0x48020000 (irq = 72) is a OMAP UART0
    omap_uart.1: ttyO1 at MMIO 0x48022000 (irq = 73) is a OMAP UART1
    omap_uart.2: ttyO2 at MMIO 0x48024000 (irq = 74) is a OMAP UART2
    console [ttyO2] enabled
    brd: module loaded
    loop: module loaded
    ahci probe: devid name is ahci
    ahci CAP register dump =0x6726ff81
    Modified ahci CAP register dump =0x6f26ff81
    ahci ahci.0: forcing PORTS_IMPL to 0x3
    ahci: SSS flag set, parallel bus scan disabled
    ahci ahci.0: AHCI 0001.0100 32 slots 2 ports 3 Gbps 0x3 impl platform mode
    ahci ahci.0: flags: ncq sntf stag pm led clo only pmp pio slum part ccc 
    scsi0 : ahci_platform
    scsi1 : ahci_platform
    ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 mmio [mem 0x4a140000-0x4a150fff] port 0x100 irq 16
    ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 mmio [mem 0x4a140000-0x4a150fff] port 0x180 irq 16
    omap2-nand driver initializing
    NAND device: Maf ID: 0x2c, Chip ID: 0xca (Micron, )
     erasesize: 0x20000, writesize: 2048, oobsize: 64
    Creating 6 MTD partitions on "omap2-nand.0":
    0x000000000000-0x000000260000 : "U-Boot"
    0x000000260000-0x000000280000 : "U-Boot Env"
    0x000000280000-0x000000580000 : "U-Boot Logo"
    0x000000580000-0x0000009c0000 : "Kernel"
    0x0000009c0000-0x00000d1e0000 : "File System"
    0x00000d1e0000-0x000010000000 : "Reserved"
    UBI: attaching mtd4 to ubi0
    UBI: physical eraseblock size:   131072 bytes (128 KiB)
    UBI: logical eraseblock size:    126976 bytes
    UBI: smallest flash I/O unit:    2048
    UBI: sub-page size:              512
    UBI: VID header offset:          2048 (aligned 2048)
    UBI: data offset:                4096
    hub 2-0:1.0: over-current change on port 1
    ata1: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
    hub 1-0:1.0: over-current change on port 1
    ata2: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
    UBI: max. sequence number:       2835
    UBI warning: print_rsvd_warning: cannot reserve enough PEBs for bad PEB handling, reserved 11, need 16
    UBI: attached mtd4 to ubi0
    UBI: MTD device name:            "File System"
    UBI: MTD device size:            200 MiB
    UBI: number of good PEBs:        1601
    UBI: number of bad PEBs:         0
    UBI: number of corrupted PEBs:   0
    UBI: max. allowed volumes:       128
    UBI: wear-leveling threshold:    4096
    UBI: number of internal volumes: 1
    UBI: number of user volumes:     1
    UBI: available PEBs:             0
    UBI: total number of reserved PEBs: 1601
    UBI: number of PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 11
    UBI: max/mean erase counter: 6/1
    UBI: image sequence number:  1899718345
    UBI: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 40
    davinci_mdio davinci_mdio.0: davinci mdio revision 1.6
    davinci_mdio davinci_mdio.0: detected phy mask fffffffd
    davinci_mdio.0: probed
    davinci_mdio davinci_mdio.0: phy[1]: device 0:01, driver unknown
    usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether
    usbcore: registered new interface driver dm9601
    Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
    usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
    USB Mass Storage support registered.
    mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
    omap_rtc omap_rtc: rtc core: registered omap_rtc as rtc0
    i2c /dev entries driver
    Linux video capture interface: v2.00
    usbcore: registered new interface driver uvcvideo
    USB Video Class driver (v1.0.0)
    OMAP Watchdog Timer Rev 0x00: initial timeout 60 sec
    usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
    usbhid: USB HID core driver
    notify_init : notify drivercreated  for  remote proc id 2 at physical Address 0xbee00000
    usbcore: registered new interface driver snd-usb-audio
    wm8960asp0-codec 1-0032: No platform data supplied
    wm8960asp0-codec 1-0032: Failed to issue reset
    asoc: failed to probe CODEC wm8960asp0-codec.1-0032
    asoc: failed to instantiate card TI81XX SOUND0: -121
    asoc: HDMI-DAI-CODEC <-> hdmi-dai mapping ok
    wm8960asp0-codec 1-0032: No platform data supplied
    wm8960asp0-codec 1-0032: Failed to issue reset
    asoc: failed to probe CODEC wm8960asp0-codec.1-0032
    asoc: failed to instantiate card TI81XX SOUND0: -121
    wm8960asp2-codec 1-005c: No platform data supplied
    wm8960asp2-codec 1-005c: Failed to issue reset
    asoc: failed to probe CODEC wm8960asp2-codec.1-005c
    asoc: failed to instantiate card TI81XX SOUND2: -121
    wm8960asp0-codec 1-0032: No platform data supplied
    wm8960asp0-codec 1-0032: Failed to issue reset
    asoc: failed to probe CODEC wm8960asp0-codec.1-0032
    asoc: failed to instantiate card TI81XX SOUND0: -121
    ALSA device list:
      #0: TI81XX SOUND1
    TCP cubic registered
    NET: Registered protocol family 17
    VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 3 part 30 variant c rev 3
    omap_voltage_late_init: Voltage driver support not added
    Power Management for TI81XX.
    smartreflex smartreflex: Driver initialized
    omap_rtc omap_rtc: setting system clock to 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (946684800)
    UBIFS: recovery needed
    UBIFS: recovery completed
    UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 0, name "rootfs"
    UBIFS: file system size:   199225344 bytes (194556 KiB, 189 MiB, 1569 LEBs)
    UBIFS: journal size:       9023488 bytes (8812 KiB, 8 MiB, 72 LEBs)
    UBIFS: media format:       w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0)
    UBIFS: default compressor: lzo
    UBIFS: reserved for root:  0 bytes (0 KiB)
    VFS: Mounted root (ubifs filesystem) on device 0:15.
    devtmpfs: mounted
    Freeing init memory: 228K
    INIT: version 2.86 booting
    Please wait: booting...
    Error opening /dev/fb0: No such file or directory
    Starting udev
    udevd (79): /proc/79/oom_adj is deprecated, please use /proc/79/oom_score_adj instead.
    udev: starting version 141
    Root filesystem already rw, not remounting
    Caching udev devnodes
    Populating dev cachemv: cannot rename '/tmp/devices': No such file or directory
    ALSA: Restoring mixer settings...
    Configuring network interfaces... ifup: ignoring unknown interface eth0
    ifup: ignoring unknown interface eth1
    Setting up IP spoofing protection: rp_filter.
    Mon Apr 11 17:32:00 UTC 2011
    davinci_mdio davinci_mdio.0: resetting idled controller
    net eth0: attached PHY driver [Generic PHY] (mii_bus:phy_addr=0:01, id=143bca2)
    INIT: Entering runlevel: 5
    Starting system message bus: dbus.
    Starting telnet daemon.
    Starting syslogd/klogd: done
    Starting thttpd.
    /etc/rc5.d/S99startapp: line 6: syntax error: "fi" unexpected
    Applying sync command
     _   _ ___  _   _         _
    | | | |    | ||| |___ ___| | _ ___
    | |_| | |) |  ~  | . |  _| |/_|  -|
    |_____|___ /____/ ___|_| |_| _|-__|
    DVR_Netra Board (2011.04)
    dm816x login: PHY: 0:01 - Link is Up - 100/Full
    root@dm816x:~# cd /opt/dvr_rdk/
    /opt/dvr_rdk/ti816x/    /opt/dvr_rdk/z_ti816x/
    root@dm816x:~# cd /opt/dvr_rdk/z_ti816x/
    root@dm816x:/opt/dvr_rdk/z_ti816x# ./ 
    *** Bootargs Validated for mem param ***
    *** Bootargs Validated for notifyk.vpssm3 params ***
    *** Kernel Base address validated ***
    Kernel bootargs validated
    amixer: Cannot find the given element from control default
    amixer: Cannot find the given element from control default
     [c6xdsp ] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbf000000
     [m3video] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbf005020
     [m3vpss ] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbf00a040
    SysLink version :
    SysLink module created on Date:Nov 12 2013 Time:19:05:28
    Trace enabled
    Trace SetFailureReason enabled
     Setting DMM priority for [DUCATI  ] to [0] ( 0x4e000624 = 0x08000000 )
     Setting DMM priority for [HDVICP0 ] to [2] ( 0x4e000634 = 0x0000000a )
     Setting DMM priority for [HDVICP1 ] to [2] ( 0x4e000634 = 0x000a0000 )
     Setting DMM priority for [HDVICP2 ] to [2] ( 0x4e000634 = 0x00a00000 )
     *** TVP5158 probe : START ***
     TI VS EVM : TVP5158 device address : 0x58, 0x5a, 0x5c, 0x5e
     TI DVR    : TVP5158 device address : 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f
     Device found     : I2C (0xXX): 0x08 = 0x51
                        I2C (0xXX): 0x09 = 0x58
     Device NOT found : I2C (0xXX): Read ERROR !!! (reg[0x08], count = 2)
    omap_i2c omap_i2c.2: controller timed out
     I2C (0x58): Read ERROR !!! (reg[0x08], count = 2)
    omap_i2c omap_i2c.2: controller timed out
     I2C (0x5a): Read ERROR !!! (reg[0x08], count = 2)
    omap_i2c omap_i2c.2: controller timed out
     I2C (0x5c): Read ERROR !!! (reg[0x08], count = 2)
    omap_i2c omap_i2c.2: controller timed out
     I2C (0x5d): Read ERROR !!! (reg[0x08], count = 2)
    omap_i2c omap_i2c.2: controller timed out
     I2C (0x5e): Read ERROR !!! (reg[0x08], count = 2)
    omap_i2c omap_i2c.2: controller timed out
     I2C (0x5f): Read ERROR !!! (reg[0x08], count = 2)
     *** TVP5158 probe : END ***
    Attached to slave procId 2.
    Loaded file ../firmware/dvr_rdk_fw_m3vpss_1024M_256M.xem3 on slave procId 2.
    Started slave procId 2.
    After Ipc_loadcallback status [0x00000000]
     [m3vpss ] ***** SYSTEM  : Frequency <ORG> - 250000000, <NEW> - 279999968
     [m3vpss ] notify_attach  rtnVal  0
     [m3vpss ] initProxyServer  rtnVal  0
     [m3vpss ]  
     [m3vpss ]  *** UTILS: CPU KHz = 559999 Khz ***
     [m3vpss ]  
     [m3vpss ]  34: SYSTEM  : System Common Init in progress !!!
     [m3vpss ]  34: SYSTEM: IPC init in progress !!!
     [m3vpss ]  34: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ... 
     [m3vpss ]  1034: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ... 
     [m3vpss ]  1036: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ... SUCCESS !!!
     [m3vpss ]  1036: SYSTEM: Attaching to [DSP] ... 
    After Ipc_startcallback status [0x00000000]
    Attached to slave procId 1.
    Loaded file ../firmware/dvr_rdk_fw_m3video_1024M_256M.xem3 on slave procId 1.
    Started slave procId 1.
    After Ipc_loadcallback status [0x00000000]
     [m3video] ***** SYSTEM  : Frequency <ORG> - 250000000, <NEW> - 279999968
     [m3video]  *** UTILS: CPU KHz = 559999 Khz ***
     [m3video]  1653: SYSTEM  : System Common Init in progress !!!
     [m3video]  1653: SYSTEM: IPC init in progress !!!
     [m3video]  1654: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ... 
     [m3vpss ]  2036: SYSTEM: Attaching to [DSP] ... 
     [m3video]  2653: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ... 
     [m3video]  2655: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ... SUCCESS !!!
     [m3video]  2655: SYSTEM: Attaching to [DSP] ... 
    After Ipc_startcallback status [0x00000000]
    Attached to slave procId 0.
    Loaded file ../firmware/dvr_rdk_fw_c6xdsp_1024M_256M.xe674 on slave procId 0.
    Started slave procId 0.
    After Ipc_loadcallback status [0x00000000]
     [c6xdsp ] ***** SYSTEM  : Frequency <ORG> - 800000000, <NEW> - 813176448
     [c6xdsp ]  
     [c6xdsp ]  *** UTILS: CPU KHz = 813176 Khz ***
     [c6xdsp ]  
     [c6xdsp ]  5: SYSTEM  : System Common Init in progress !!!
     [c6xdsp ]  5: SYSTEM: IPC init in progress !!!
     [c6xdsp ]  5: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ... 
     [m3vpss ]  3036: SYSTEM: Attaching to [DSP] ... 
     [m3video]  3655: SYSTEM: Attaching to [DSP] ... 
     [c6xdsp ]  1012: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ... 
     [c6xdsp ]  1015: SYSTEM: Attaching to [HOST] ... SUCCESS !!!
     [c6xdsp ]  1015: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ... 
    After Ipc_startcallback status [0x00000000]
    DMA: Module install successful, device major num = 249 
    DRV: Module install successful
    DRV: Module built on Nov 12 2013 19:05:53 
     [c6xdsp ] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbf000000
     [m3video] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbf005020
     [m3vpss ] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbf00a040
     [m3vpss ]  4036: SYSTEM: Attaching to [DSP] ... 
     [m3video]  4655: SYSTEM: Attaching to [DSP] ... 
     [c6xdsp ]  2021: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ... 
     [m3vpss ]  5036: SYSTEM: Attaching to [DSP] ... 
     [c6xdsp ]  2736: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ... SUCCESS !!!
     [m3video]  5655: SYSTEM: Attaching to [DSP] ... 
     [c6xdsp ]  2736: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VPSS-M3] ... 
     [m3video]  5655: SYSTEM: Attaching to [DSP] ... SUCCESS !!!
     [m3video]  5655: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VPSS-M3] ... 
     [m3vpss ]  6036: SYSTEM: Attaching to [DSP] ... 
     [c6xdsp ]  3743: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VPSS-M3] ... 
     [m3video]  6655: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VPSS-M3] ... 
     [m3vpss ]  7036: SYSTEM: Attaching to [DSP] ... 
     [c6xdsp ]  4117: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VPSS-M3] ... SUCCESS !!!
     [m3vpss ]  7036: SYSTEM: Attaching to [DSP] ... SUCCESS !!!
     [c6xdsp ]  4117: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ Heap [IPC_MSGQ_MSG_HEAP_0] ...
     [m3vpss ]  7036: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ... 
     [c6xdsp ]  4117: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ [DSP_MSGQ] ...
     [c6xdsp ]  4117: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ [DSP_ACK_MSGQ] ...
     [c6xdsp ]  4118: SYSTEM: Notify register to [HOST] line 0, event 15 ... 
     [c6xdsp ]  4118: SYSTEM: Notify register to [VIDEO-M3] line 0, event 15 ... 
     [c6xdsp ]  4118: SYSTEM: Notify register to [VPSS-M3] line 0, event 15 ... 
     [c6xdsp ]  4118: SYSTEM: IPC init DONE !!!
     [c6xdsp ]  4120: MEM: Shared Region 2: Base = 0xb0000000, Length = 0x0e9c0000 (233 MB) 
     [c6xdsp ]  4120: MEM: Shared Region 1: Base = 0x90000000, Length = 0x0ca00000 (202 MB) 
     [c6xdsp ]  4120: SYSTEM  : System Common Init Done !!!
     [c6xdsp ]  4086: SYSTEM  : System DSP Init in progress !!!
     [c6xdsp ]  4086: SYSTEM  : RpeServer_init() done... Ret Val 0!!!
     [c6xdsp ]  4123: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [DSP_IPC_OUT_19] in region 0 ...
     [c6xdsp ]  4123: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [DSP_IPC_IN_19] in region 0 ...
     [c6xdsp ]  4123: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf182f80
     [c6xdsp ]  4124: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [DSP_IPC_OUT_20] in region 0 ...
     [c6xdsp ]  4124: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [DSP_IPC_IN_20] in region 0 ...
     [c6xdsp ]  4124: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf1a6800
     [c6xdsp ]  4125: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [DSP_IPC_OUT_21] in region 0 ...
     [c6xdsp ]  4125: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [DSP_IPC_IN_21] in region 0 ...
     [c6xdsp ]  4125: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf1ca080
     [c6xdsp ]  4125: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [DSP_IPC_OUT_24] in region 0 ...
     [c6xdsp ]  4125: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [DSP_IPC_IN_24] in region 0 ...
     [c6xdsp ]  4126: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf1ed900
     [c6xdsp ]  4126: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [DSP_IPC_OUT_25] in region 0 ...
     [c6xdsp ]  4126: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [DSP_IPC_IN_25] in region 0 ...
     [c6xdsp ]  4126: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf20b400
     [c6xdsp ] !!WARNING.Resource already registered:2
     [c6xdsp ]  4092: SYSTEM  : Initializing Links !!! 
     [c6xdsp ]  4127: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : System Heap      = 10391168 B, Mbx = 10240 msgs) 
     [c6xdsp ]  4101: SYSTEM  : Initializing Links ... DONE !!! 
     [c6xdsp ]  4101: SYSTEM  : System DSP Init Done !!!
     [m3video]  7655: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VPSS-M3] ... 
     [m3video]  8036: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VPSS-M3] ... SUCCESS !!!
     [m3vpss ]  8036: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ... 
     [m3video]  8036: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ Heap [IPC_MSGQ_MSG_HEAP_1] ...
     [m3vpss ]  8036: SYSTEM: Attaching to [VIDEO-M3] ... SUCCESS !!!
     [m3video]  8036: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ [VIDEO-M3_MSGQ] ...
     [m3vpss ]  8036: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ Heap [IPC_MSGQ_MSG_HEAP_2] ...
     [m3video]  8037: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ [VIDEO-M3_ACK_MSGQ] ...
     [m3vpss ]  8036: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ [VPSS-M3_MSGQ] ...
     [m3video]  8038: SYSTEM: Notify register to [HOST] line 0, event 15 ... 
     [m3vpss ]  8037: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ [VPSS-M3_ACK_MSGQ] ...
     [m3video]  8038: SYSTEM: Notify register to [DSP] line 0, event 15 ... 
     [m3vpss ]  8038: SYSTEM: Notify register to [HOST] line 0, event 15 ... 
     [m3video]  8038: SYSTEM: Notify register to [VPSS-M3] line 0, event 15 ... 
     [m3vpss ]  8038: SYSTEM: Notify register to [DSP] line 0, event 15 ... 
     [m3video]  8039: SYSTEM: IPC init DONE !!!
     [m3vpss ]  8038: SYSTEM: Notify register to [VIDEO-M3] line 0, event 15 ... 
     [m3vpss ]  8039: SYSTEM: IPC init DONE !!!
     [m3video]  8044: MEM: Shared Region 2: Base = 0xb0000000, Length = 0x0e9c0000 (233 MB) 
     [m3vpss ]  8044: MEM: Shared Region 2: Base = 0xb0000000, Length = 0x0e9c0000 (233 MB) 
     [m3video]  8044: MEM: Shared Region 1: Base = 0x90000000, Length = 0x0ca00000 (202 MB) 
     [m3vpss ]  8044: MEM: Shared Region 1: Base = 0x90000000, Length = 0x0ca00000 (202 MB) 
     [m3video]  8046: SYSTEM  : System Common Init Done !!!
     [m3vpss ]  8046: SYSTEM  : System Common Init Done !!!
     [m3video]  8046: SYSTEM  : System Video Init in progress !!!
     [m3vpss ]  8046: SYSTEM  : System VPSS Init in progress !!!
     [m3video]  8046: SYSTEM  : System Video Init Done !!!
     [m3vpss ] === HDVPSS Clocks are enabled ===
     [m3video]  8047: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_OUT_0] in region 0 ...
     [m3vpss ] === HDVPSS is fully functional ===
     [m3video]  8047: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_IN_0] in region 0 ...
     [m3vpss ] === HDVPSS module is not in standby ===
     [m3video]  8047: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf319d80
     [m3vpss ] === I2C1 Clk is active ===
     [m3video]  8049: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_OUT_1] in region 0 ...
     [m3vpss ]  8051: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_0] in region 0 ...
     [m3video]  8049: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_IN_1] in region 0 ...
     [m3vpss ]  8051: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_0] in region 0 ...
     [m3video]  8049: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf31d280
     [m3vpss ]  8052: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf320780
     [m3vpss ]  8054: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_1] in region 0 ...
     [m3vpss ]  8054: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_1] in region 0 ...
     [m3video]  8055: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_OUT_19] in region 0 ...
     [m3vpss ]  8054: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf323c80
     [m3video]  8055: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_IN_19] in region 0 ...
     [m3video]  8055: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf327180
     [m3video]  8058: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_OUT_20] in region 0 ...
     [m3video]  8058: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_IN_20] in region 0 ...
     [m3video]  8058: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf34aa00
     [m3video]  8060: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_OUT_21] in region 0 ...
     [m3video]  8061: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_IN_21] in region 0 ...
     [m3video]  8061: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf36e280
     [m3video]  8074: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_OUT_24] in region 0 ...
     [m3vpss ]  8067: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_19] in region 0 ...
     [m3video]  8074: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_IN_24] in region 0 ...
     [m3vpss ]  8068: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_19] in region 0 ...
     [m3video]  8074: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf3fc480
     [m3vpss ]  8068: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf391b00
     [m3vpss ]  8070: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_20] in region 0 ...
     [m3vpss ]  8071: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_20] in region 0 ...
     [m3vpss ]  8071: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf3b5380
     [m3vpss ]  8073: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_21] in region 0 ...
     [m3vpss ]  8073: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_21] in region 0 ...
     [m3vpss ]  8073: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf3d8c00
     [m3video]  8076: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_OUT_25] in region 0 ...
     [m3vpss ]  8075: SYSTEM : HDVPSS Drivers Version: HDVPSS_01_00_01_37
     [m3video]  8076: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_IN_25] in region 0 ...
     [m3vpss ]  8075: SYSTEM  : FVID2 Init in progress !!!
     [m3video]  8077: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0xbf419f80
     [m3vpss ]  8144: SYSTEM  : FVID2 Init in progress DONE !!!
     [m3video]  8078: HDVICP: Doing PRCM for IVAHD[0] ... 
     [m3vpss ]  8144: SYSTEM  : Device Init in progress !!!
     [m3video]  8078: HDVICP: PRCM for IVAHD[0] ... DONE.
     [m3video]  8078: HDVICP: Doing PRCM for IVAHD[1] ... 
     [m3vpss ] initPrms.isI2cInitRe[module] vpss probe done.
    q = 0
     [m3video]  8079: HDVICP: PRCM for IVAHD[1] ... DONE.
     [m3video]  8079: HDVICP: Doing PRCM for IVAHD[2] ... 
     [m3vpss ] initPrms.isI2cInitReq = 0
     [m3video]  8079: HDVICP: PRCM for IVAHD[2] ... DONE.
     [m3vpss ]  8147: SYSTEM  : Device Init in progress DONE !!!
     [m3video]  8079: SYSTEM  : Initializing Links !!! 
     [m3vpss ]  8186: SYSTEM  : System VPSS Init Done !!!
     [m3vpss ]  8186: U[module] ti81xxfb probe done.
    TILS: DMA: HWI Create for INT63 !!!
     [m3video]  8079: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : System Heap      = 6279304 B, Mbx = 10240 msgs) 
     [m3vpss ]  8187: SYSTEM  : Initializing Links !!! 
     [m3vpss ] Received character 's'
     [c6xdsp ] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbf000000
     [m3video] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbf005020
     [m3vpss ] Remote Debug Shared MHDMI W1 rev 2.0
    emory @ 0xbf00a0HDMI CEC Spec version 1.2
     [m3video] Received character 's'
     [m3video[module] ti81xx_hdmi probe done.
    ]  8079: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : SR0 Heap         = 12356480 B (11 MB) 
     [m3vpss ]  8187: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : System Heap      = 74056 B, Mbx = 10240 msgs) 
     [c6xdsp ] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbf000000
     [m3video] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbf005020
     [m3vpss ] Remote Debug Shared Memory @ 0xbf00a040
     [c6xdsp ] Received character 's'
     [m3video]  8079: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : Frame Buffer     = 245104512 B (233 MB) 
     [m3vpss ]  8187: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : SR0 Heap         = 12356480 B (11 MB) 
     [m3video]  8080: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : Bitstream Buffer = 211812224 B (201 MB) 
     [m3vpss ]  8187: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : Frame Buffer     = 240794496 B (229 MB) 
     [m3video]  8080: SYSTEM: Opening MsgQ [VPSS-M3_MSGQ] ...
     [m3vpss ]  8187: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : Bitstream Buffer = 211812224 B (201 MB) 
     [m3video]  8080: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : Tiler 8-bit      = 134217728 B (128 MB)  - TILER ON 
     [m3vpss ]  8188: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : Tiler 8-bit      = 134217728 B (128 MB)  - TILER ON 
     [m3video]  8080: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : Tiler 16-bit     = 134217728 B (128 MB)  - TILER ON 
     [m3vpss ]  8188: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : Tiler 16-bit     = 134217728 B (128 MB)  - TILER ON 
     [m3video]  8114: SYSTEM  : Initializing Links ... DONE !!! 
     [m3vpss ] NullSrcLink_init()
     [m3vpss ]  8299: SYSTEM  : Initializing Links ... DONE !!! 
     [m3vpss ]  8299: SYSTEM  : Set Static L3 pressure for HDVPSS as High
    I2C Bus Low?
    HDMI failed to read E-EDID
     ## Interface is 1 [0:DVI, 1:HDMI]
     ORG 0x46c00524: 0
     NEW 0x46c00524: 2
    ! 0: SYSTEM: System Common Init in progress !!!
     1: SYSTEM: IPC init in progress !!!
     51: SYSTEM: CPU [DSP] syslink proc ID is [0] !!!
     51: SYSTEM: CPU [VIDEO-M3] syslink proc ID is [1] !!!
     51: SYSTEM: CPU [VPSS-M3] syslink proc ID is [2] !!!
     51: SYSTEM: CPU [HOST] syslink proc ID is [3] !!!
     53: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ Heap [IPC_MSGQ_MSG_HEAP_3] ...
     61: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ [HOST_MSGQ] ...
     63: SYSTEM: Creating MsgQ [HOST_ACK_MSGQ] ...
     64: SYSTEM: Opening MsgQ [DSP_MSGQ] ...
     65: SYSTEM: Opening MsgQ [VIDEO-M3_MSGQ] ...
     65: SYSTEM: Opening MsgQ [VPSS-M3_MSGQ] ...
     66: SYSTEM: Notify register to [DSP] line 0, event 15 ... 
     69: SYSTEM: Notify register to [VIDEO-M3] line 0, event 15 ... 
     69: SYSTEM: Notify register to [VPSS-M3] line 0, event 15 ... 
     70: SYSTEM: IPC init DONE !!!
     78: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [HOST_IPC_OUT_24] in region 0 ...
     80: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [HOST_IPC_IN_24Request GPIO 3 Failed!
    ] in region 0 ..Set GPIO 39 to 0!
     82: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Set GPIO 40 to 0!
    Addr = 0x407b5d00
     83: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [HOST_IPC_OUT_25] in region 0 ...
     85: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [HOST_IPC_IN_25] in region 0 ...
     86: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0x407d3800
     90: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [HOST_IPC_OUT_19] in region 0 ...
     92: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [HOST_IPC_IN_19] in region 0 ...
     94: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0x407f1300
     95: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [HOST_IPC_OUT_20] in region 0 ...
     97: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [HOST_IPC_IN_20] in region 0 ...
     98: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0x40814b80
     99: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [HOST_IPC_OUT_21] in region 0 ...
     102: SYSTEM: Creating ListMP [HOST_IPC_IN_21] in region 0 ...
     103: SYSTEM: ListElem Shared Addr = 0x40838400
     122: SYSTEM: System Common Init Done !!!
    Device_adv7441Init() FPGA 28 = 0x1
    num = 39, data = 0
    Device_adv7442Init() FPGA 28 = 0x2
    num = 40, data = 0
     [m3vpss ]  10447: CAPTURE: Create in progress !!!
     [m3vpss ] pVipCreateArgs->numCh = 1, pInst->numChPerOutput = 1
     [m3vpss ]  
     [m3vpss ]  10477: CAPTURE: VIP0 PortA capture mode is [16-bit, Non-mux Discrete Sync - ACTVID_VSYNC] !!! 
     [m3vpss ] pVipCreateArgs->numCh = 1, pInst->numChPerOutput = 1
     [m3vpss ]  
     [m3vpss ]  10633: CAPTURE: VIP1 PortA capture mode is [16-bit, Non-mux Discrete Sync - ACTVID_VSYNC] !!! 
     [m3vpss ]  UTILS: DMA: Allocated CH (TCC) = 58 (58)
     [m3vpss ]  UTILS: DMA: 0 of 4: Allocated PaRAM = 58 (0x49004740)
     [m3vpss ]  UTILS: DMA: 1 of 4: Allocated PaRAM = 64 (0x49004800)
     [m3vpss ]  UTILS: DMA: 2 of 4: Allocated PaRAM = 65 (0x49004820)
     [m3vpss ]  UTILS: DMA: 3 of 4: Allocated PaRAM = 66 (0x49004840)
     [m3video]  10803: IPC_IN_M3   : Create in progress !!!
     [m3video]  10803: SYSTEM: Opening ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_OUT_0] ...
     [m3vpss ] CAPTURE::HEAPID:0    USED:520
     [m3video]  10803: SYSTEM: Opening ListMP [VPSS-M3_IPC_IN_0] ...
     [m3vpss ] CAPTURE::HEAPID:4    USED:72576000
     [m3video]  10805: IPC_IN_M3   : Create Done !!!
     [m3vpss ]  10789: CAPTURE: Create Done !!!
     [m3video]  10805: ENCODE: Create in progress ... !!!
     [m3vpss ]  10793: DUP   : Create CrossMode!!!CrossNums = 3
     [m3vpss ]  10794: DUP   : Create Done !!!
     [m3vpss ]  10798: DUP   : Create CrossMode!!!CrossNums = 3
     [m3vpss ]  10799: DUP   : Create Done !!!
     [m3vpss ]  10801: MERGE   : Create Done !!!
     [m3vpss ]  10802: IPC_OUT_M3   : Create in progress !!!
     [m3vpss ]  10802: IPC_OUT_M3   : Create Done !!!
     [m3video]  11004: ENCODE: Creating CH0 of 1920 x 1080, pitch = (1920, 1920) [PROGRESSIVE] [NON-TILED  ], bitrate = 10000 Kbps ... 
     [m3video] ENCLINK_H264:HEAPID:0        USED:13808
     [m3video] ENCLINK_H264:HEAPID:3        USED:7176192
     [m3video]  11038: ENCODE: Creating CH1 of 1920 x 1080, pitch = (1920, 1920) [PROGRESSIVE] [NON-TILED  ], bitrate = 10000 Kbps ... 
     [m3video] ENCLINK_H264:HEAPID:0        USED:11912
     [m3video] ENCLINK_H264:HEAPID:3        USED:7176192
     [m3video]  11071: ENCODE: Creating CH2 of 1920 x 1080, pitch = (1920, 1920) [PROGRESSIVE] [NON-TILED  ], bitrate = 10000 Kbps ... 
     [m3video] ENCLINK_H264:HEAPID:0        USED:11912
     [m3video] ENCLINK_H264:HEAPID:3        USED:7176192
     [m3video]  11105: ENCODE: Creating CH3 of 1920 x 1080, pitch = (1920, 1920) [PROGRESSIVE] [NON-TILED  ], bitrate = 10000 Kbps ... 
     [m3video] ENCLINK_H264:HEAPID:0        USED:11912
     [m3video] ENCLINK_H264:HEAPID:3        USED:7176192
     [m3video]  11138: ENCODE: Creating CH4 of 1920 x 1080, pitch = (1920, 1920) [PROGRESSIVE] [NON-TILED  ], bitrate = 10000 Kbps ... 
     [m3video] ENCLINK_H264:HEAPID:0        USED:11912
     [m3video] ENCLINK_H264:HEAPID:3        USED:7176192
     [m3video]  11171: ENCODE: Creating CH5 of 1920 x 1080, pitch = (1920, 1920) [PROGRESSIVE] [NON-TILED  ], bitrate = 10000 Kbps ... 
     [host] IpcBitsInLink_tskMain:Entered
     [host]  897: IPC_BITS_IN   : Create in progress !!!
     [host]  897: IPC_BITS_IN   : ListMPOpen start !!!
     [host]  897: SYSTEM: Opening ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_OUT_24] ...
     899: SYSTEM: Opening ListMP [VIDEO-M3_IPC_IN_24] ...
     [host]  901: IPC_BITS_IN   : ListMPOpen done !!!
     [host]  903: IPC_BITS_IN   : System_linkGetInfo done !!!
     [host]  903: IPC_BITS_IN   : Create Done !!!
     [m3vpss ]  11217: CAPTURE: Start in progress !!!
     [m3video] ENCLINK_H264:HEAPID:0        USED:11912
     [m3vpss ]  11217: CAPTURE: Start Done !!!
     [m3video] ENCLINK_H264:HEAPID:3        USED:7176192
     [m3video]  11205: ENCODE: All CH Create ... DONE !!!
     [m3video] ENCLINK:HEAPID:0     USED:73488
     [m3video] ENCLINK:HEAPID:2     USED:43545600
     [m3video] ENCLINK:HEAPID:3     USED:43057152
     [m3video]  11206: ENCODE: Create ... DONE !!!
     [m3video]  11207: IPC_BITS_OUT   : Create in progress !!!
     [m3video]  11209: IPC_BITS_OUT   : Create Done !!!
     [m3vpss ]  11317: CAPTURE: Enabled Time Stamping !!!
     [m3vpss ]  11325: CAPTURE: Enabled Time Stamping !!!
     [m3video] 11375:!ERROR!:ENCLINK::links_m3video/iva_enc/encLink_h264.c:[232]::INTERNAL ERROR:-1
     [m3video] ALGCONTROL FAILED:CMD:1
    ============ch[1] sps length is 62 ==============
    ============ch[1] pps length is 5 ==============
    ============ch[4] sps length is 62 ==============
    ============ch[4] pps length is 5 ==============
     [m3video] 11375:WARN
     [m3video]  ENCLINK: ERROR in Run time parameters changes, Extended Error code:1 
    ============ch[2] sps length is 62 ==============
    ============ch[2] pps length is 5 ==============
    ============ch[5] sps length is 62 ==============
    ============ch[5] pps length is 5 ==============
     [m3video] 11376:!ERROR!:ENCLINK::links_m3video/iva_enc/encLink_h264.c:[232]::INTERNAL ERROR:-1
     [m3video] ALGCONTROL FAILED:CMD:1
     [m3video] 11376:WARN
     [m3video]  ENCLINK: ERROR in Run time parameters changes, Extended Error code:1 
    ============ch[0] sps length is 62 ==============
    ============ch[0] pps length is 5 ==============
    ============ch[3] sps length is 62 ==============
    ============ch[3] pps length is 5 ==============
     [m3video] 11391:!ERROR!:ENCLINK::links_m3video/iva_enc/encLink_h264.c:[232]::INTERNAL ERROR:-1
     [m3video] ALGCONTROL FAILED:CMD:1
     [m3video] 11391:WARN
     [m3video]  ENCLINK: ERROR in Run time parameters changes, Extended Error code:1 
     [m3video] 11392:!ERROR!:ENCLINK::links_m3video/iva_enc/encLink_h264.c:[232]::INTERNAL ERROR:-1
     [m3video] ALGCONTROL FAILED:CMD:1
     [m3video] 11392:WARN
     [m3video]  ENCLINK: ERROR in Run time parameters changes, Extended Error code:1 
     [m3video] 11407:!ERROR!:ENCLINK::links_m3video/iva_enc/encLink_h264.c:[232]::INTERNAL ERROR:-1
     [m3video] ALGCONTROL FAILED:CMD:1
     [m3video] 11407:WARN
     [m3video]  ENCLINK: ERROR in Run time parameters changes, Extended Error code:1 
     [m3video] 11408:!ERROR!:ENCLINK::links_m3video/iva_enc/encLink_h264.c:[232]::INTERNAL ERROR:-1
     [m3video] ALGCONTROL FAILED:CMD:1
     [m3video] 11408:WARN
     [m3video]  ENCLINK: ERROR in Run time parameters changes, Extended Error code:1 
    ********rtspd version is********
    rtsp server listen sucess
    server waiting 
    rtsp_callback func wait.............
    wait client..........
    rtsp server listen sucess
    wait client..........
    rtsp_callback func wait.............
    server waiting 
    rtsp server listen sucess
    wait client..........
    server waiting 
    rtsp_callback func wait.............
    rtsp server listen sucess
    wait client..........
    rtsp_callback func wait.............
    server waiting 
    rtsp server listen sucess
    wait client..........
    rtsp_callback func wait.............
    server waiting 
    rtsp server listen sucess
    server waiting 
    wait client..........
    rtsp_callback func wait.............
    rtsp server listen sucess
    wait client..........
    rtsp_callback func wait.............
    server waiting 
    | Channel Number |  Frame Rate(f/s) |    Function   |   Time(s)  |
    |       Ch1      |      19.50       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch2      |      19.53       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch3      |      19.50       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch4      |      19.50       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch5      |      19.53       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch6      |      19.50       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
     [m3vpss ] CHANNEL ID = 0x0 This is Unkown!
    | Channel Number |  Frame Rate(f/s) |    Function   |   Time(s)  |
    |       Ch1      |      20.00       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch2      |      20.00       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch3      |      20.00       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch4      |      20.03       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch5      |      20.00       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch6      |      19.97       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
     [m3vpss ] CHANNEL ID = 0x0 This is Unkown!
     [m3vpss ] CHANNEL ID = 0x0 This is Unkown!
    | Channel Number |  Frame Rate(f/s) |    Function   |   Time(s)  |
    |       Ch1      |      20.00       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch2      |      20.00       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch3      |      20.00       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch4      |      20.07       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch5      |      20.00       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch6      |      19.93       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
     [m3vpss ] CHANNEL ID = 0x0 This is Unkown!
     [m3vpss ] Unhandled Exception:
     [m3vpss ] Exception occurred in ThreadType_Task
     [m3vpss ] handle: 0x3ec92bb0.
     [m3vpss ] stack base: 0x3ebc1780.
     [m3vpss ] stack size: 0x8000.
     [m3vpss ] R0 = 0xb4b17603  R8  = 0x9da2aa40
     [m3vpss ] R1 = 0xcff7eeff  R9  = 0x00000000
     [m3vpss ] R2 = 0x3ec92388  R10 = 0x00000000
     [m3vpss ] R3 = 0x3e2e2054  R11 = 0x00002710
     [m3vpss ] R4 = 0x9dbf76e8  R12 = 0x9da09111
     [m3vpss ] R5 = 0x3ec92bb0  SP(R13) = 0x3ed301e8
     [m3vpss ] R6 = 0x3ec92340  LR(R14) = 0x9da14e5b
     [m3vpss ] R7 = 0x00000000  PC(R15) = 0x9da14e5e
     [m3vpss ] PSR = 0x01000000
     [m3vpss ] ICSR = 0x00400803
     [m3vpss ] MMFSR = 0x00
     [m3vpss ] BFSR = 0x82
     [m3vpss ] UFSR = 0x0000
     [m3vpss ] HFSR = 0x40000000
     [m3vpss ] DFSR = 0x00000000
     [m3vpss ] MMAR = 0x7ea8df84
     [m3vpss ] BFAR = 0x7ea8df84
     [m3vpss ] AFSR = 0x00000000
     [m3vpss ] Terminating Execution...
    | Channel Number |  Frame Rate(f/s) |    Function   |   Time(s)  |
    |       Ch1      |      18.33       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch2      |      18.33       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch3      |      18.33       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch4      |      18.37       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch5      |      18.33       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch6      |      18.30       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    | Channel Number |  Frame Rate(f/s) |    Function   |   Time(s)  |
    |       Ch1      |      0.00       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch2      |      0.00       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch3      |      0.00       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch4      |      0.00       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch5      |      0.00       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |
    |       Ch6      |      0.00       |  BitsOutTsk() |     30     |

    I cap YUV from FPGA. The YUV data are divided into three channels.

  • That is the problem of DDR,Thank you very much!

  • can you tell me what ti is wrong about DDR? is it  a software problem,and or hardware problem?because the problem you faced is occured to me.thancks very much!

  • it  is a hardware problem.