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8168 total performance

now i do 2 ch loopback enc and dec test.but i found that if i set  ch 0 1080P60 and ch 1 1080P30 then the app run for some time and the channel 0 will can decode to be 60fps ,sometimes the image will be fuzzy .so i do some other test to check the performance,i found that i can set the ch 1 to be 23fps ,the ch 0 will not be i can not confirm that is my program's problem or my own board performance limit.

the following is my three times print log:



  • The issue is with your app wrongly setting encoder target bitrate. You have set 1 mbps targetbotrate for 1080P60 stream. It is expected to cause encoding artifacts. This has got nothing to do with performance

  • but later i have changed the encoder target bitrate to 8M,but still is the problem,and i have printf the enc statistic information,the enc framerate is normal 60fps,but the video image is still fuzzy,so i think this is some frame lost and  not decode ,so why?

    the below is my swms sc configure:

    swMsPrm[0].swMsInstId[0] = SYSTEM_SW_MS_SC_INST_SC5;
    swMsPrm[0].swMsInstId[1] = SYSTEM_SW_MS_SC_INST_VIP1_SC;
    swMsPrm[1].swMsInstId[0] = SYSTEM_SW_MS_SC_INST_DEI_SC_NO_DEI;
    swMsPrm[1].swMsInstId[1] = SYSTEM_SW_MS_SC_INST_DEI_SC_NO_DEI;

    swMsPrm[0].numSwMsInst                 = 2;

    this is the log:


    but if i set like following:

    swMsPrm[0].swMsInstId[0] = SYSTEM_SW_MS_SC_INST_SC5;
    swMsPrm[0].swMsInstId[1] = SYSTEM_SW_MS_SC_INST_VIP1_SC;

    swMsPrm[1].swMsInstId[0] = SYSTEM_SW_MS_SC_INST_DEI_SC;
    swMsPrm[1].swMsInstId[1] = SYSTEM_SW_MS_SC_INST_VIP1_SC;

    then the video output from HDMI is normal ,but output from DVI,the video is not normal

  • You have to debug your app. Your app may be dropping decode frames. decode link will not drop frames.If you drop frames to be decoded in  your app you will see decode errors . The stats doesn't show any performance issue.

    You are selecting wrong scaler id. SYSTEM_SW_MS_SC_INST_DEI_SC should be used only for interlaced content.

  • but i didn't see any decode errors,so i don't know where the frames lost.

    whether my display configure error cause the display fuzzy?

    so you said to debug the app ,you can tell me how to debug?make the bios6 by debug mode?or make the linux by debug mode?