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I-Frame (intraFrameInterval) flashing (beat)

I am experiencing an I-Frame beat coincident with the intraFrameInterval setting.
The shorter the GOP size the higher the beat frequency. The screen flash is very subtle but noticeable.
There appears a screen 'refresh' that slowly scans from top to bottom that starts to clear up the screen but never finishes because the I-Frame interrupts the update.I

I am using McFw on a DM8168 processor. I have the resolution set to 1080p PsF29.97 and GOP is 20. The condition is the same for 720p. Main Profile. Bitrate 4000000.

I have an .mpg file I can attach but was unable to do it here.

My usecase is as follows:

I am using the DEI in progressive pass-thru mode.  VBI capture is NOT enabled.

I applied a patch mentioned below:

/* Max value of maxPicSizeRatioI is 960 */
#define ENC_H264_MAX_PIC_RATIO_I (960)

/* There is a dependency of maxPicSizeRatioI on intraFrameInterval
* Max possible value for maxPicSizeRatioI = (intraFrameInterval << 5)
* maxPicSizeRatioI determines ratio for max pic size of intra pics
* As an optimum value, we are using 2/3rd of intraFrameInterval

#define ENC_H264_CALCULATE_PIC_RATIO_I(ratio, fr) \
ratio = ((fr * 2) / 3) << 5; \
if (ratio > ENC_H264_MAX_PIC_RATIO_I) \
{ \
ratio = ENC_H264_MAX_PIC_RATIO_I; \
} \
if ((ratio > ENC_H264_MAX_MAXPICSIZERATIO1) && (ratio < ENC_H264_MIN_MAXPICSIZERATIO2)) \
{ \

Here is my channel setting:

 [m3video] --------- CH 0 : H264 ENC : Status Params -------
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : videnc2Status -------
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> size                    : 828
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> extendedError           : 0
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> data                    : 41615376
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> encodingPreset          : 3
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> rateControlPreset       : 5
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> maxInterFrameInterval   : 1
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> inputChromaFormat       : 9
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> inputContentType        : 0
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> operatingMode           : 1
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> profile                 : 77
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> level                   : 40
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> inputDataMode           : 3
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> outputDataMode          : 3
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> numInputDataUnits       : 1
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> numOutputDataUnits      : 1
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> configurationID         : 1271
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> bufInfo                 : 1032508673
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> metadataType   : [0] '-1'
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> metadataType   : [1] '-1'
 [m3video] videnc2Params -> metadataType   : [2] '-1'
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : rateControlParams -------
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> rateControlParamsPreset        : 1
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> scalingMatrixPreset            : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> rcAlgo                         : 1
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpI                            : 30
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpMaxI                         : 50
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpMinI                         : 10
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpP                            : 35
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpMaxP                         : 50
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpMinP                         : 20
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpOffsetB                      : 28
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpMaxB                         : 50
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpMinB                         : 20
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> allowFrameSkip                 : 1
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> removeExpensiveCoeff           : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> chromaQPIndexOffset            : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> IPQualityFactor                : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> initialBufferLevel             : 3455440
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> HRDBufferSize                  : 3455440
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> minPicSizeRatioI               : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> maxPicSizeRatioI               : 416
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> minPicSizeRatioP               : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> maxPicSizeRatioP               : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> minPicSizeRatioB               : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> maxPicSizeRatioB               : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> enablePRC                      : 1
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> enablePartialFrameSkip         : 1
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> discardSavedBits               : 1
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> VBRDuration                    : 8
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> VBRsensitivity                 : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> skipDistributionWindowLength   : 5
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> numSkipInDistributionWindow    : 2
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> enableHRDComplianceMode        : 1
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> frameSkipThMulQ5               : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> vbvUseLevelThQ5                : 0
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : interCodingParams -------
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> interCodingPreset  : 0
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> searchRangeHorP    : 144
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> searchRangeVerP    : 32
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> searchRangeHorB    : 144
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> searchRangeVerB    : 16
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> interCodingBias    : 1
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> skipMVCodingBias   : 1
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> minBlockSizeP      : 0
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> minBlockSizeB      : 0
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> meAlgoMode         : 0
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : IntraCodingParams -------
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> intraCodingPreset          : 1
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> lumaIntra4x4Enable         : 255
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> lumaIntra8x8Enable         : 0
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> lumaIntra16x16Enable       : 15
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> chromaIntra8x8Enable       : 15
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> chromaComponentEnable      : 1
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> intraRefreshMethod         : 0
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> intraRefreshRate           : 120
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> gdrOverlapRowsBtwFrames    : 0
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> constrainedIntraPredEnable : 0
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> intraCodingBias            : 0
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : nalUnitControlParams -------
 [m3video] nalUnitControlParams -> naluControlPreset              : 1
 [m3video] nalUnitControlParams -> naluPresentMaskStartOfSequence : 9184
 [m3video] nalUnitControlParams -> naluPresentMaskIDRPicture      : 9120
 [m3video] nalUnitControlParams -> naluPresentMaskIntraPicture    : 8962
 [m3video] nalUnitControlParams -> naluPresentMaskNonIntraPicture : 514
 [m3video] nalUnitControlParams -> naluPresentMaskEndOfSequence   : 12096
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : sliceCodingParams -------
 [m3video] sliceCodingParams -> sliceCodingPreset  : 0
 [m3video] sliceCodingParams -> sliceMode          : 0
 [m3video] sliceCodingParams -> sliceUnitSize      : 0
 [m3video] sliceCodingParams -> sliceStartOffset   : [0] '0'
 [m3video] sliceCodingParams -> sliceStartOffset   : [1] '0'
 [m3video] sliceCodingParams -> sliceStartOffset   : [2] '0'
 [m3video] sliceCodingParams -> streamFormat       : 0
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : loopFilterParams -------
 [m3video] loopFilterParams -> loopfilterPreset     : 1
 [m3video] loopFilterParams -> loopfilterDisableIDC : 1
 [m3video] loopFilterParams -> filterOffsetA        : 0
 [m3video] loopFilterParams -> filterOffsetB        : 0
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : fmoCodingParams -------
 [m3video] fmoCodingParams -> fmoCodingPreset        : 0
 [m3video] fmoCodingParams -> numSliceGroups         : 1
 [m3video] fmoCodingParams -> sliceGroupMapType      : 4
 [m3video] fmoCodingParams -> sliceGroupChangeDirectionFlag : 0
 [m3video] fmoCodingParams -> sliceGroupChangeRate   : 0
 [m3video] fmoCodingParams -> sliceGroupChangeCycle  : 0
 [m3video] fmoCodingParams -> sliceGroupParams   : [0] '0'
 [m3video] fmoCodingParams -> sliceGroupParams   : [1] '0'
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : vuiCodingParams -------
 [m3video] vuiCodingParams -> vuiCodingPreset            : 1
 [m3video] vuiCodingParams -> aspectRatioInfoPresentFlag : 1
 [m3video] vuiCodingParams -> aspectRatioIdc             : 255
 [m3video] vuiCodingParams -> videoSignalTypePresentFlag : 0
 [m3video] vuiCodingParams -> videoFormat                : 2
 [m3video] vuiCodingParams -> videoFullRangeFlag         : 0
 [m3video] vuiCodingParams -> timingInfoPresentFlag      : 1
 [m3video] vuiCodingParams -> hrdParamsPresentFlag       : 1
 [m3video] vuiCodingParams -> numUnitsInTicks            : 1001
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : stereoInfoParams -------
 [m3video] stereoInfoParams -> stereoInfoPreset       : 0
 [m3video] stereoInfoParams -> topFieldIsLeftViewFlag : 1
 [m3video] stereoInfoParams -> viewSelfContainedFlag  : 0
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : framePackingSEIParams -------
 [m3video] framePackingSEIParams -> framePackingPreset : 0
 [m3video] framePackingSEIParams -> framePackingType   : 3
 [m3video] framePackingSEIParams -> frame0PositionX    : 0
 [m3video] framePackingSEIParams -> frame0PositionY    : 0
 [m3video] framePackingSEIParams -> frame1PositionX    : 0
 [m3video] framePackingSEIParams -> frame1PositionY    : 0
 [m3video] framePackingSEIParams -> reservedByte       : 0
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : svcCodingParams -------
 [m3video] svcCodingParams -> svcExtensionFlag         : 0
 [m3video] svcCodingParams -> dependencyID             : 0
 [m3video] svcCodingParams -> qualityID                : 0
 [m3video] svcCodingParams -> enhancementProfileID     : 0
 [m3video] svcCodingParams -> layerIndex               : 0
 [m3video] svcCodingParams -> refLayerDQId             : -100
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> interlaceCodingType           : 3
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> bottomFieldIntra              : 0
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> gopStructure                  : 0
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> entropyCodingMode             : 0
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> transformBlockSize            : 2
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> log2MaxFNumMinus4             : 10
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> picOrderCountType             : 0
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> enableWatermark               : 0
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> IDRFrameInterval              : 1
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> maxIntraFrameInterval         : 2147483640
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> debugTraceLevel               : 0
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> lastNFramesToLog              : 0
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> enableAnalyticinfo            : 0
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> enableGMVSei                  : 0
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> constraintSetFlags            : 0x0040
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> enableRCDO                    : 0
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> enableLongTermRefFrame        : 0
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> LTRPPeriod                    : 0
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> searchCenter                  : 32767
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> enableStaticMBCount           : 0
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> extMemoryDebugTraceAddr       : 0xB7E1FB80
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> numTemporalLayer              : 1
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> referencePicMarking           : 1
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> extMemoryDebugTraceSize       : 36
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> enableROI                     : 0
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> extErrorCode   : [0] '0'
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> extErrorCode   : [1] '0'
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> extErrorCode   : [2] '0'
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> extErrorCode   : [3] '0'
 [m3video] pH264EncStatus -> extErrorCode   : [4] '0'
 [m3video] --------- CH 0 : H264 ENC : Dynamic Params -------
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : videnc2DynamicParams -------
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> inputHeight             : 1080
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> inputWidth              : 1920
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> refFrameRate            : 30000
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> targetFrameRate         : 30000
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> targetBitRate           : 3455440
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> intraFrameInterval      : 20
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> generateHeader          : 0
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> captureWidth            : 1920
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> forceFrame              : -1
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> interFrameInterval      : 1
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> mvAccuracy              : 2
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> sampleAspectRatioHeight : 1
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> sampleAspectRatioWidth  : 1
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> ignoreOutbufSizeFlag    : 1
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> lateAcquireArg          : -1
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> putDataFxn              : 0x00000000
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> putDataHandle           : 0x00000000
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> getDataFxn              : 0x00000000
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> getDataHandle           : 0x00000000
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> getBufferFxn            : 0x00000000
 [m3video] videnc2DynamicParams -> getBufferHandle         : 0x00000000
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : rateControlParams -------
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> rateControlParamsPreset        : 1
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> scalingMatrixPreset            : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> rcAlgo                         : 1
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpI                            : 30
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpMaxI                         : 50
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpMinI                         : 10
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpP                            : 35
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpMaxP                         : 50
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpMinP                         : 20
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpOffsetB                      : 28
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpMaxB                         : 50
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> qpMinB                         : 20
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> allowFrameSkip                 : 1
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> removeExpensiveCoeff           : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> chromaQPIndexOffset            : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> IPQualityFactor                : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> initialBufferLevel             : 3455440
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> HRDBufferSize                  : 3455440
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> minPicSizeRatioI               : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> maxPicSizeRatioI               : 416
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> minPicSizeRatioP               : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> maxPicSizeRatioP               : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> minPicSizeRatioB               : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> maxPicSizeRatioB               : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> enablePRC                      : 1
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> enablePartialFrameSkip         : 1
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> discardSavedBits               : 1
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> VBRDuration                    : 8
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> VBRsensitivity                 : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> skipDistributionWindowLength   : 5
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> numSkipInDistributionWindow    : 2
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> enableHRDComplianceMode        : 1
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> frameSkipThMulQ5               : 0
 [m3video] rateControlParams -> vbvUseLevelThQ5                : 0
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : interCodingParams -------
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> interCodingPreset  : 0
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> searchRangeHorP    : 144
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> searchRangeVerP    : 32
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> searchRangeHorB    : 144
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> searchRangeVerB    : 16
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> interCodingBias    : 1
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> skipMVCodingBias   : 1
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> minBlockSizeP      : 0
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> minBlockSizeB      : 0
 [m3video] interCodingParams -> meAlgoMode         : 0
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : IntraCodingParams -------
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> intraCodingPreset          : 1
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> lumaIntra4x4Enable         : 255
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> lumaIntra8x8Enable         : 0
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> lumaIntra16x16Enable       : 15
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> chromaIntra8x8Enable       : 15
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> chromaComponentEnable      : 1
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> intraRefreshMethod         : 0
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> intraRefreshRate           : 120
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> gdrOverlapRowsBtwFrames    : 0
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> constrainedIntraPredEnable : 0
 [m3video] intraCodingParams -> intraCodingBias            : 0
 [m3video] --------- : H264 ENC : sliceCodingParams -------
 [m3video] sliceCodingParams -> sliceCodingPreset  : -32
 [m3video] sliceCodingParams -> sliceMode          : 9120
 [m3video] sliceCodingParams -> sliceUnitSize      : 33694466
 [m3video] sliceCodingParams -> sliceStartOffset   : [0] '64'
 [m3video] sliceCodingParams -> sliceStartOffset   : [1] '47'
 [m3video] sliceCodingParams -> sliceStartOffset   : [2] '0'
 [m3video] sliceCodingParams -> streamFormat       : -32
 [m3video] sliceGroupChangeCycle           : 0
 [m3video] searchCenter                    : 0
 [m3video] enableStaticMBCount             : 1
 [m3video] enableROI                       : 262400

Hear is the Capture Driver Statistics

 [m3vpss ]  *** Capture Driver Advanced Statistics ***
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ]  VIP Parser Reset Count : 0
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ]      |   Total    Even     Odd  Total  Even   Odd  Min /  Max  Min /  Max Dropped Fid Repeat Frame Error Y/C
 [m3vpss ]  CH  |  Fields  Fields  Fields    FPS   FPS   FPS       Width      Height  Fields      Count (Desc Error Y/C)
 [m3vpss ]  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 [m3vpss ]  000 |   48290   24145   24145     59    29    29 1920 / 1920  540 /  540       1          0 0/0 (0/0)
 [m3vpss ]  200 |   48288   24145   24143     59    29    29  720 /  720  243 /  244       1          1 0/0 (0/0)
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ]  VIP Capture Port 0 | DescMissMatch1 = 4, DescMissMatch2 = 0 , DescMissMatch3 = 0
 [m3vpss ]  VIP Capture Port 2 | DescMissMatch1 = 0, DescMissMatch2 = 0 , DescMissMatch3 = 0
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ]  *** Capture List Manager Advanced Statistics ***
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ]  List Post Count        : 201421
 [m3vpss ]  List Stall Count       : 0
 [m3vpss ]  List Post Time (ms)    : Max = 0, Min = 0, Avg = 0, Total = 0
 [m3vpss ]  INTC Timeout Count     : (0, 0) (Min timeout value = 989, 1000)
 [m3vpss ]  Descriptor miss found count : 0
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ]  VIP and VPDMA registers,
 [m3vpss ]  VIP0 : FIQ_STATUS  : 0x4810551c = 0x00000000
 [m3vpss ]  VIP1 : FIQ_STATUS  : 0x48105a1c = 0x00000000
 [m3vpss ]  VPDMA: LIST_BUSY   : 0x4810d00c = 0x00000000
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ]  827665: CAPTURE: Fields = 96574 (fps = 119, CPU Load = 0)
 [m3vpss ]  827665: CAPTURE: Num Resets = 0 (Avg 0 ms per reset)
 [m3vpss ]  827665: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : System Heap      = 67600 B, Mbx = 10238 msgs)
 [m3vpss ]  827665: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : SR0 Heap         = 8653312 B (8 MB)
 [m3vpss ]  827665: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : Frame Buffer     = 95573120 B (91 MB)
 [m3vpss ]  827665: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : Bitstream Buffer = 193345408 B (184 MB)
 [m3vpss ]  827666: SYSTEM  : FREE SPACE : Tiler Buffer     = 224 B (0 MB)  - TILER OFF
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ]  *** [DEI0    ] DEI Statistics ***
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ]  Elasped Time           : 808 secs
 [m3vpss ]  Total Fields Processed : 48288
 [m3vpss ]  Total Fields FPS       : 125 FPS
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ]  CH  | In Recv In Reject In Process Out[0] Out[1] Out[2] Out[3] Out[4] Skip Out[0] Skip Out[1] Skip Out[2] Skip Out[3] Skip Out[4] User Out[0] User Out[1] User Out[2] User Out[3] User Out[4] Latency  
 [m3vpss ]  Num | FPS     FPS       FPS        FPS    FPS    FPS    FPS    FPS       FPS         FPS         FPS         FPS         FPS       Skip FPS    Skip FPS    Skip FPS    Skip FPS    Skip FPS   Min / Max
 [m3vpss ]  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 [m3vpss ]    0 |      59        29         29      0     29      0      0      0          29           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0 255 / -18859
 [m3vpss ]    1 |      59        29         29      0     29      0      0      0          29           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0 255 / -18859
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ]  *** [DEI2    ] DEI Statistics ***
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ]  Elasped Time           : 807 secs
 [m3vpss ]  Total Fields Processed : 48288
 [m3vpss ]  Total Fields FPS       : 906 FPS
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ]  CH  | In Recv In Reject In Process Out[0] Out[1] Out[2] Out[3] Out[4] Skip Out[0] Skip Out[1] Skip Out[2] Skip Out[3] Skip Out[4] User Out[0] User Out[1] User Out[2] User Out[3] User Out[4] Latency  
 [m3vpss ]  Num | FPS     FPS       FPS        FPS    FPS    FPS    FPS    FPS       FPS         FPS         FPS         FPS         FPS       Skip FPS    Skip FPS    Skip FPS    Skip FPS    Skip FPS   Min / Max
 [m3vpss ]  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 [m3vpss ]    0 |      59        29         29      0     29      0      0      0          29           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0 255 / -18871
 [m3vpss ]    1 |      59        29         29      0     29      0      0      0          29           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0 255 / -18871
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3video]      833674: HDVICP-ID:0
 [m3video] All percentage figures are based off totalElapsedTime
 [m3video]               totalAcquire2wait :2 %
 [m3video]               totalWait2Isr :35 %
 [m3video]               totalIsr2Done :0 %
 [m3video]               totalWait2Done :35 %
 [m3video]               totalDone2Release :0 %
 [m3video]               totalAcquire2Release :37 %
 [m3video]               totalAcq2acqDelay :62 %
 [m3video]               totalElapsedTime in msec :  811579
 [m3video]               numAccessCnt:   24325
 [m3video]              IVA-FPS :      29
 [m3video]              Average time spent per frame in microsec:   11677
 [m3video]      833675: HDVICP-ID:1
 [m3video] All percentage figures are based off totalElapsedTime
 [m3video]               totalAcquire2wait :2 %
 [m3video]               totalWait2Isr :6 %
 [m3video]               totalIsr2Done :0 %
 [m3video]               totalWait2Done :6 %
 [m3video]               totalDone2Release :0 %
 [m3video]               totalAcquire2Release :8 %
 [m3video]               totalAcq2acqDelay :91 %
 [m3video]               totalElapsedTime in msec :  811618
 [m3video]               numAccessCnt:   24330
 [m3video]              IVA-FPS :      30
 [m3video]              Average time spent per frame in microsec:    2001
 [m3video]      833676: HDVICP-ID:2
 [m3video] All percentage figures are based off totalElapsedTime
 [m3video]               totalAcquire2wait :0 %
 [m3video]               totalWait2Isr :41 %
 [m3video]               totalIsr2Done :0 %
 [m3video]               totalWait2Done :41 %
 [m3video]               totalDone2Release :0 %
 [m3video]               totalAcquire2Release :41 %
 [m3video]               totalAcq2acqDelay :58 %
 [m3video]               totalElapsedTime in msec :  811618
 [m3video]               numAccessCnt:   48647
 [m3video]              IVA-FPS :      59
 [m3video]              Average time spent per frame in microsec:    6840
 [m3video]  *** ENCODE Statistics ***
 [m3video]  Elasped Time           : 811 secs
 [m3video]  CH  | In Recv In Skip In User  Out  Latency 
 [m3video]  Num | FPS     FPS     Skip FPS FPS Min / Max
 [m3video]  --------------------------------------------
 [m3video]    0 |      29       0        0  29  35 /  63
 [m3video]    1 |      29       0        0  29  38 /  85
 [m3video]    2 |      29       0        0  29  10 /  55
 [m3video]    3 |      29       0        0  29  10 /  87
 [m3video] Multi Channel Encode Average Submit Batch Size
 [m3video] Max Submit Batch Size : 24
 [m3video] IVAHD_0 Average Batch Size : 1
 [m3video] IVAHD_0 Max achieved Batch Size : 1
 [m3video] IVAHD_1 Average Batch Size : 1
 [m3video] IVAHD_1 Max achieved Batch Size : 1
 [m3video] IVAHD_2 Average Batch Size : 1
 [m3video] IVAHD_2 Max achieved Batch Size : 1
 [m3video] Multi Channel Encode Batch break Stats
 [m3video] Total Number of Batches created: 24319
 [m3video] All numbers are based off total number of Batches created
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to batch sizeexceeding limit: 100 %
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to ReqObj Que being empty: 0 %
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to changed resolution class: 0 %
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to interlace and progressivecontent mix: 0 %
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to channel repeat: 0 %
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to different codec: 0 %
 [m3video] Total Number of Batches created: 24319
 [m3video] All numbers are based off total number of Batches created
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to batch sizeexceeding limit: 0 %
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to ReqObj Que being empty: 100 %
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to changed resolution class: 0 %
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to interlace and progressivecontent mix: 0 %
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to channel repeat: 0 %
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to different codec: 0 %
 [m3video] Total Number of Batches created: 48638
 [m3video] All numbers are based off total number of Batches created
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to batch sizeexceeding limit: 50 %
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to ReqObj Que being empty: 49 %
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to changed resolution class: 0 %
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to interlace and progressivecontent mix: 0 %
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to channel repeat: 0 %
 [m3video]       Batch breaks due to different codec: 0 %
 [m3video]  EncLink_resetStatistics():2356 ***** ENTERING:
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ]  836680: LOAD: CPU: 9.9% HWI: 1.2%, SWI:1.6%
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3vpss ]  836680: LOAD: TSK: IPC_OUT_M30         : 0.6%
 [m3vpss ]  836681: LOAD: TSK: IPC_FRAMES_OUT0     : 0.6%
 [m3vpss ]  836681: LOAD: TSK: CAPTURE             : 0.5%
 [m3vpss ]  836681: LOAD: TSK: DEI0                : 1.3%
 [m3vpss ]  836681: LOAD: TSK: DEI2                : 1.1%
 [m3vpss ]  836681: LOAD: TSK: DUP0                : 0.2%
 [m3vpss ]  836681: LOAD: TSK: DUP1                : 0.2%
 [m3vpss ]  836681: LOAD: TSK: MERGE0              : 0.1%
 [m3vpss ]  836681: LOAD: TSK: MERGE2              : 0.1%
 [m3vpss ]  836681: LOAD: TSK: MERGE3              : 0.1%
 [m3vpss ]  836682: LOAD: TSK: MISC                : 2.3%
 [m3vpss ] 
 [m3video]  837183: LOAD: CPU: 9.9% HWI: 0.6%, SWI:1.0%
 [m3video]  837183: LOAD: TSK: IPC_IN_M30          : 0.2%
 [m3video]  837184: LOAD: TSK: IPC_BITS_OUT0       : 0.8%
 [m3video]  837184: LOAD: TSK: ENC0                : 1.5%
 [m3video]  837184: LOAD: TSK: ENC_PROCESS_TSK_0   : 1.4%
 [m3video]  837184: LOAD: TSK: ENC_PROCESS_TSK_1   : 1.4%
 [m3video]  837184: LOAD: TSK: ENC_PROCESS_TSK_2   : 2.5%
 [m3video]  837184: LOAD: TSK: MISC                : 0.5%
 [c6xdsp ] 
 [c6xdsp ]  836962: LOAD: CPU: 0.2% HWI: 0.0%, SWI:0.0%
 [c6xdsp ] 
 [c6xdsp ]  836962: LOAD: TSK: MISC                : 0.2%
