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YUV raw frame display with MCFW

Hi Guys,

I want to display YUV420p frame to internal HDMI display. I made a link graph like ipcframeoutHLOS->ipcframeinVPSS->Display. However, I have a question here. How I put the frames to ipcframeout link? 

I saw several topics related:

In above discussion, host put 264 bitbuffer into a Host bit link. To do it, we just need call a function name as Vdec_requestBitstreamBuffer. Vdec_requestBitstreamBuffer function will call IpcBitsOutLink_releaseBitBufs function. However, this is for bitsbuffer decode/display. How to do similar task for YUV frames display? How to call IpcFramesOutLink_releaseBitBufs function? In IpcFramesOutLink_Tsk.c, this function only be called by IpcFramesOutLink_tskMain.

Do I need allocate CMEM buffer by myself code in advance then put them to IpcFramesOutLink_PutFullVideoFrames? I saw a example in MCFW usecase code. In this example, we have to getVideoFrames from IpcFramesInLinkHLOS first then put them to IpcFramesOutLink_PutFullVideoFrames function. This is not for my case. I don't want to activated captureLink. I just want to display some RAW YUV frame to hdmi.

Does anybody know how to do this? I saw a topic about this:

But nobody answers

I hope you can answer my question this time.
