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Video recording Freeze on SD CARD. RET_OVERWRTE Error


I record videos using DM365 board of PAL resolution onto SD card using Aprro_avi_save application. The video on the SD card appears to be frozen for a brief 5-6 secs for every  30-40 secs while the live video looks fine. Whenever there is  a freeze, Application gives me an error of "RET_OVERWRTE" which translates to "loss of data" from the encoder memory.

After further debugging I saw that the frames requested by the serial number sent by Appro_avi_save thru system_server are not available on the memory due to which it returns error. At this place I see that serial number of the current frame and the serial number sent by Aprro_avi_save application do not match and hence the memory is overwritten with new frames. This is in the gop_lock.c.

I don't see this issue when I flash the entire filesystem / when I upload av_server.out system_server and Appro_avi_save applications together but reappears if I change something in system_server and upload only with system_server as I have not made any change on my Avserver.out.

Ideally all three applications are independent and there is only a soft link between each other. How does uploading all three help me resolve this issue ?

Is there some kind of cache memory allocations that need to be changed for my encoded frame buffer ?

( I see other member posting similar issue coming up with this solution. Refer below for the link:)

Is there some writeup I can refer to to help me understand this lock unlock process of the GOPs during the streaming process ?

Thanks in advance,