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Linux/TMS320DM8168: Lost UDP packets streaming YUV packets

Part Number: TMS320DM8168

Tool/software: Linux

I'm trying to multicast 1 channel of (unencrypted) YUV420 data at 25 fps.  My use case is:

capture -> dei -> ipcFramesOutVpss -> ipcFramesInHost

The pseudo code for ipcFramesRecvFxn() is:


fd = open("/dev/mem");
for (i = 0; i < bufList.numFrames; i++)
  bufPtr = &bufList->frames[i];
  if (bufPtr->channelNum == 0)
      // luma
      virtAddr = mmap(addr, len, prot, flags, fd, offset);

      // chroma
      virtAddr = mmap(addr, len, prot, flags, fd, offset);

The issue is that the RTP packets are not captured by Wireshark i.e. the DM8168 is not sending them?