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the meaning of DM642 physical address 0x01B3F010 and 0x01B3F014?

When we read the DM642 JTAG ID found that different board on the DM642 physical address 0x01B3F010 and 0x01B3F014 read and value are different and this value for the same piece of board on the DM642 is fixed and cannot be modified, we searched the  DM642 datasheet, the two address descriptions was not found. Would like to ask, this two address specific representation of what? Whether it is unique to each DM642? thank you!

  •  Dear sir/madam,
     We found that the physical address 0x01B3F010 and 0x01B3F014 for DM642 on different boards were not the same when we tried to read the JTAG ID. In addition, these two addresses for DM642 on the same board were fixed and could not be modified. Would you mind giving a little description of these two addresses because we could not find the descriptions of these two addresses on the DM642 datasheet. Besides, I would like to know that whether these two addresses  are unique for each DM642. Thanks for your time and we are looking forward to having your reply.