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Problums with VLIB's Lucas Kanade feature tracking on DM6437

Hi all,

I'm trying to implement VLIB's functions (Lucas Kanade Features Tracking) for a moving object tracking on DM6437.

My code looks like this.

static short  BufGradX[WIDTH*HEIGHT];
static short  BufGradY[WIDTH*HEIGHT];
static short  BufMag[WIDTH*HEIGHT];
static short  BufGradXOld[WIDTH*HEIGHT];
static short  BufGradYOld[WIDTH*HEIGHT];
static short  HrScore [WIDTH*HEIGHT];
static unsigned char BufOut[WIDTH*HEIGHT];
static unsigned char nonMaxSuppr [WIDTH*HEIGHT];
static unsigned char scratchHS[WIDTH*(HEIGHT+96)];
static short sensHS = 1310;
static short thold = 25;

short fpX[4096];    // Coordinate X of previous points
short fpY[4096];    // Coordinate Y of previous points
short fpnX[4096];    // Coordinate X of current points
short fpnY[4096];    // Coordinate Y of current points
static unsigned char scratchLK [/*POINTS*/384]; // Scratch buffer for Lucas-Kanade

void doLucasKanade(unsigned char *pCurImage, unsigned char *pPrevImage, int width, int height)
    int           i, j;
    int           nFeatures = 0;
    short         *pGx     = &BufGradX[0];
    short         *pGy     = &BufGradY[0];
    short         *pMag    = &BufMag[0];
    unsigned char *pBufIn  = pCurImage;
    unsigned char *pBufOut = &pBufOut[0];
    unsigned char *pScratch;

    memset(&BufGradX[0],    0, sizeof(BufGradX));
    memset(&BufGradY[0],    0, sizeof(BufGradY));
    memset(&BufMag[0],      0, sizeof(BufMag));
    memset(&BufOut[0],      0, sizeof(BufOut));
    memset(&HrScore[0],     0, sizeof(HrScore));
    memset(&nonMaxSuppr[0], 0, sizeof(nonMaxSuppr));

    memset(&fpY[0], 0, sizeof(fpY));
    memset(&fpX[0], 0, sizeof(fpX));
    memset(&fpnY[0], 0, sizeof(fpnY));
    memset(&fpnX[0], 0, sizeof(fpnX));
    memset(&outX[0], 0, sizeof(outX));
    memset(&outY[0], 0, sizeof(outY));

    VLIB_xyGradientsAndMagnitude(pBufIn+width+1, pGx+width*2+2, pGy+width*2+2, pMag+width*2+2, width, height-4);
    VLIB_harrisScore_7x7(pGx, pGy, width, height, &HrScore[0], 1310, scratchHS);
    VLIB_nonMaxSuppress_7x7_S16(&HrScore[0], width, height, thold, &nonMaxSuppr[0]);
    for (i=0; i<height; i++)
        for (j=0; j<width; j++)
            if (nonMaxSuppr[i*height+j] == 255)
                fpY[nFeatures]  = i << 4;
                fpX[nFeatures]  = j << 4;
                fpnY[nFeatures] = fpY[nFeatures];
                fpnX[nFeatures] = fpX[nFeatures];
    VLIB_trackFeaturesLucasKanade_7x7(pPrevImage, pCurImage, &BufGradXOld[0], (short* restrict)&BufGradYOld[0],
                     width, height, nFeatures, &fpX[0], &fpY[0], &fpnX[0], &fpnY[0], 10, scratchLK);

    for (i=0; i<nFeatures; i++)
        if ((fpnX[i] >= 0 ) && (fpnY[i] >= 0))
            outX[i] = fpnX[i]>>4 - fpX[i]>>4;
            outY[i] = fpnY[i]>>4 - fpY[i]>>4;
            outX[i] = 0;
            outY[i] = 0;

    memcpy(pPrevImage,  pCurImage, width*height);
    memcpy(BufGradXOld, BufGradX,  width*height*sizeof(short));
    memcpy(BufGradYOld, BufGradY,  width*height*sizeof(short));

When I deal with LK function, what is the coordinates of a moving object?

In my opinion, the coordinates of the object is considered to be in pfnX[] and pfnY[]. But I found something went wrong. The result showed me that it uses only half of the entire screen or displays tracking results on only half of the monitor.

How can I indicate the right coordinates?

This results were as follows:

fpnX[] = {4800, 5278, 5776, 94, 111, 1345, 1825, 2318, 4365, 5857, 914, 2406, 3824, 4191, 4384, 5008, 368, .... , 3552, 3568}

fpnY[] = {1824, 1822, 1824, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1838, 1838, 1841, 1839, 1857, 1855, 1857, 1855, 1855, 1857, 1873, .... , 3440, 1808, 1824, 1824}

I calculate fpnX[i]>>4 and fpnY[i]>>4 to determine the coordinates. (pfnX and pfnY types are SQ11.4)

As a result, x-coordinate appears in a random position and only y-coordinate position appears at lower end of the image.

What should I do in order to find the exact location of a moving object?

 Thanks & Best Regards.