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i am working on EVM DM6437.i am using ccsV3.3 and PAL system.

i want to do erosion ,dilation,connected component labeling using vlib2.0.

I have wrtten code for that but it's not working.i get output as whole noise and get hanged.please check my code and tell me where i am going wrong.


code file:

full code.c
 * ======== video_preview.c ========

/* runtime include files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

/* BIOS include files */
#include <std.h>
#include <gio.h>
#include <tsk.h>
#include <trc.h>

/* PSP include files */
#include <psp_i2c.h>
#include <psp_vpfe.h>
#include <psp_vpbe.h>
#include <fvid.h>
#include <psp_tvp5146_extVidDecoder.h>

/* CSL include files */
#include <soc.h>
#include <cslr_sysctl.h>

/* BSL include files */
#include <evmdm6437.h>
#include <evmdm6437_dip.h>

/* Video Params Defaults */
#include <vid_params_default.h>

#include<vlib.h>                         // this file contain all header files of other required function
int p=0;
uint8_t arr[414720];
int16_t runningmean1;
int16_t *runningMean=&runningmean1;
int16_t runningvar1;
int16_t *runningVar=&runningmean1;
uint32_t mask32packed[12960];
uint8_t  out_data[51840];
int32_t maxbytesRequired1;
int32_t *maxbytesRequired=&maxbytesRequired1;
VLIB_CCHandle *handle;
int32_t *numCCs;
void *pBuf;
uint8_t  maskImage[414720];
void display(void* currentFrame);

/* This example supports either PAL or NTSC depending on position of JP1 */
#define STANDARD_PAL  0

#define FRAME_BUFF_CNT 6

static int read_JP1(void);

static CSL_SysctlRegsOvly sysModuleRegs = (CSL_SysctlRegsOvly )CSL_SYS_0_REGS;

 * ======== main ========
void main() {

    printf("Video Preview Application\n");

    /* Initialize BSL library to read jumper switches: */

    /* VPSS PinMuxing */
    /* CI10SEL   - No CI[1:0]                       */
    /* CI32SEL   - No CI[3:2]                       */
    /* CI54SEL   - No CI[5:4]                       */
    /* CI76SEL   - No CI[7:6]                       */
    /* CFLDSEL   - No C_FIELD                       */
    /* CWENSEL   - No C_WEN                         */
    /* HDVSEL    - CCDC HD and VD enabled           */
    /* CCDCSEL   - CCDC PCLK, YI[7:0] enabled       */
    /* AEAW      - EMIFA full address mode          */
    /* VPBECKEN  - VPBECLK enabled                  */
    /* RGBSEL    - No digital outputs               */
    /* CS3SEL    - LCD_OE/EM_CS3 disabled           */
    /* CS4SEL    - CS4/VSYNC enabled                */
    /* CS5SEL    - CS5/HSYNC enabled                */
    /* VENCSEL   - VCLK,YOUT[7:0],COUT[7:0] enabled */
    /* AEM       - 8bEMIF + 8bCCDC + 8 to 16bVENC   */
    sysModuleRegs -> PINMUX0    &= (0x005482A3u);
    sysModuleRegs -> PINMUX0    |= (0x005482A3u);

    /* PCIEN    =   0: PINMUX1 - Bit 0 */
    sysModuleRegs -> PINMUX1 &= (0xFFFFFFFEu);
    sysModuleRegs -> VPSSCLKCTL = (0x18u);


 * ======== video_preview ========
void video_preview(void) {

  FVID_Frame *frameBuffTable[FRAME_BUFF_CNT];
  FVID_Frame *frameBuffPtr;
  GIO_Handle hGioVpfeCcdc;
  GIO_Handle hGioVpbeVid0;
  GIO_Handle hGioVpbeVenc;
  int status = 0;
  int result;
  int i;
  int standard;
  int width;
  int height;

  /* Set video display/capture driver params to defaults */
  PSP_VPFE_TVP5146_ConfigParams tvp5146Params = 
  PSP_VPFECcdcConfigParams      vpfeCcdcConfigParams = 
  PSP_VPBEOsdConfigParams vpbeOsdConfigParams = 
  PSP_VPBEVencConfigParams vpbeVencConfigParams;

  standard = read_JP1();
  /* Update display/capture params based on video standard (PAL/NTSC) */
  if (standard == STANDARD_PAL)  {
       width  = 720;
       height = 576;
       vpbeVencConfigParams.displayStandard = PSP_VPBE_DISPLAY_PAL_INTERLACED_COMPOSITE;
  else {
       width  = 720;
       height = 480;
       vpbeVencConfigParams.displayStandard = PSP_VPBE_DISPLAY_NTSC_INTERLACED_COMPOSITE;
  vpfeCcdcConfigParams.height = vpbeOsdConfigParams.height = height;
  vpfeCcdcConfigParams.width = vpbeOsdConfigParams.width = width;
  vpfeCcdcConfigParams.pitch = vpbeOsdConfigParams.pitch = width * 2;

  /* init the frame buffer table */
  for (i=0; i<FRAME_BUFF_CNT; i++) {
    frameBuffTable[i] = NULL;

  /* create video input channel */
  if (status == 0) {
    PSP_VPFEChannelParams vpfeChannelParams;     = PSP_VPFE_CCDC;
    vpfeChannelParams.params = (PSP_VPFECcdcConfigParams*)&vpfeCcdcConfigParams;
    hGioVpfeCcdc = FVID_create("/VPFE0",IOM_INOUT,NULL,&vpfeChannelParams,NULL);
    status = (hGioVpfeCcdc == NULL ? -1 : 0);

  /* create video output channel, plane 0 */
  if (status == 0) {
    PSP_VPBEChannelParams vpbeChannelParams;     = PSP_VPBE_VIDEO_0;
    vpbeChannelParams.params = (PSP_VPBEOsdConfigParams*)&vpbeOsdConfigParams;
    hGioVpbeVid0 = FVID_create("/VPBE0",IOM_INOUT,NULL,&vpbeChannelParams,NULL);
    status = (hGioVpbeVid0 == NULL ? -1 : 0);

  /* create video output channel, venc */
  if (status == 0) {
    PSP_VPBEChannelParams vpbeChannelParams;     = PSP_VPBE_VENC;
    vpbeChannelParams.params = (PSP_VPBEVencConfigParams *)&vpbeVencConfigParams;
    hGioVpbeVenc = FVID_create("/VPBE0",IOM_INOUT,NULL,&vpbeChannelParams,NULL);
    status = (hGioVpbeVenc == NULL ? -1 : 0);

  /* configure the TVP5146 video decoder */
  if (status == 0) {
    result = FVID_control(hGioVpfeCcdc, VPFE_ExtVD_BASE+PSP_VPSS_EXT_VIDEO_DECODER_CONFIG, &tvp5146Params);
    status = (result == IOM_COMPLETED ? 0 : -1);

  /* allocate some frame buffers */
  if (status == 0) {
    for (i=0; i<FRAME_BUFF_CNT && status == 0; i++) {
      result = FVID_allocBuffer(hGioVpfeCcdc, &frameBuffTable[i]);
      status = (result == IOM_COMPLETED && frameBuffTable[i] != NULL ? 0 : -1);

  /* prime up the video capture channel */
  if (status == 0) {
    FVID_queue(hGioVpfeCcdc, frameBuffTable[0]);
    FVID_queue(hGioVpfeCcdc, frameBuffTable[1]);
    FVID_queue(hGioVpfeCcdc, frameBuffTable[2]);

  /* prime up the video display channel */
  if (status == 0) {
    FVID_queue(hGioVpbeVid0, frameBuffTable[3]);
    FVID_queue(hGioVpbeVid0, frameBuffTable[4]);
    FVID_queue(hGioVpbeVid0, frameBuffTable[5]);

  /* grab first buffer from input queue */
  if (status == 0) {
    FVID_dequeue(hGioVpfeCcdc, &frameBuffPtr);

  /* loop forever performing video capture and display */
  while ( status == 0 ) {

    /* grab a fresh video input frame */
    FVID_exchange(hGioVpfeCcdc, &frameBuffPtr);

             /////////user start writing code from here//////////

	VLIB_extractLumaFromUYUV ((frameBuffPtr->frame.frameBufferPtr), 720, 786, 576, arr);

	 if (p==0)
          	VLIB_initMeanWithLumaS16 ( runningMean, arr,414720);
        	VLIB_initVarWithConstS16  ( runningVar, 0,414720);

   	VLIB_subtractBackgroundS16 ( mask32packed, arr,  runningMean, runningVar,0x0A00,0x31ff, 414720);
	VLIB_updateEWRMeanS16 ( runningMean, arr, mask32packed, 0x10, 414720);
    VLIB_updateEWRVarianceS16 ( runningVar, runningMean,arr, mask32packed, 0x10, 414720);
    VLIB_erode_bin_square (((uint8_t *)mask32packed),  out_data, 720, 786);
	VLIB_erode_bin_square  ( out_data,  out_data, 720, 786);
	VLIB_erode_bin_cross  ( out_data,  out_data, 720, 786);
	VLIB_erode_bin_cross  ( out_data,  out_data, 720, 786);
	VLIB_erode_bin_cross  ( out_data,  out_data, 720, 786);
	VLIB_erode_bin_cross  ( out_data,  out_data, 720, 786);
	VLIB_dilate_bin_square (out_data, out_data, 720, 786);
	VLIB_dilate_bin_square (out_data, out_data, 720, 786);
    VLIB_dilate_bin_cross (out_data, out_data, 720, 786);
    VLIB_dilate_bin_cross (out_data, out_data, 720, 786);
    VLIB_dilate_bin_cross (out_data, out_data, 720, 786);
	VLIB_calcConnectedComponentsMaxBufferSize (720, 576, 50, maxbytesRequired);
	pBuf = (void *)malloc(sizeof( (maxbytesRequired1)));
	VLIB_initConnectedComponentsList (handle,pBuf, maxbytesRequired1);
	VLIB_createConnectedComponentsList (handle, 720, 576, ((uint32_t *)out_data), 50, 1);
	VLIB_getNumCCs (handle, numCCs);
    VLIB_unpackMask32 (((uint32_t *)out_data),  maskImage, 414720);

	                    /////////user stop writing code  here//////////
    /* display the video frame */
    FVID_exchange(hGioVpbeVid0, &frameBuffPtr);



 * ======== read_JP1 ========
 * Read the PAL/NTSC jumper.
 * Retry, as I2C sometimes fails:
static int read_JP1(void)
    int jp1 = -1;

    while (jp1 == -1) {
      jp1 = EVMDM6437_DIP_get(JP1_JUMPER); 

	void display(void* currentFrame)	
	int xx = 0;
    for( xx = 0; xx < 414720; xx+=1 )
		*( ( (unsigned char*)currentFrame ) + (2*xx) )=0x80;
       	*( ( (unsigned char*)currentFrame ) + (2*xx+1) )=maskImage[xx];