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Why FVID_allocBuffer failed with -5 ?

The following code is picked up from the sample program in PSP package. I used them in my project. but I found that the third parameter sedId is zero when the function test_raw_capture() is called, however at the same time I can see that the EXTERNALHEAP is 0xE4046BEC in the watch window. Generally speaking, I can assign a pointer address to an integer variable like this:

Int32 sedId = (Int32) EXTERNALHEAP;

While I find that I could not do this in CCS, at the entry of function test_raw_capture(), the sedId is zero in the watch window, which will cause a failure in FVID_allocBuffer() later.


Then I changed the assignment to direct hard-code like this:

vCapParamsChanRaw.segId = 0xE4046BEC;

vDisParamsChan.segId = 0xE4046BEC;

The external heap address is looked up in the *.map file. There is another question : In DSP/BIOS I have configured the DDR2 to have a heap with the size of 0x02000000, and labeled as EXTERNALHEAP. So why is the EXTERNALHEAP at the address of 0xE4046BEC not at 0xE0000000?


Even after this modification, the function FVID_allocBuffer still failed with a returned value of -5. Now I have no idea at all. Did I miss something important here?


The software is CCS3.3 with SR11 and PSP 1.10.01. It seems that I still could not dynamically allocate memory. Can anyone help me out of this?


void tskRawCapture(void)


    /* Run VP4 raw capture -> VP1 display */

    test_raw_capture(hEdma, CFG_NUM_FRAME_COUNT, EXTERNALHEAP);



static Int32 test_raw_capture(EDMA3_DRV_Handle hEdma,

                              Uint32 totalFrameCnt,

                              Int32 sedId)


    Int         status = IOM_COMPLETED;

    Int         frames, bufCount;

    /* Display and capture channel information */

    ChannelInfo capChInfoRaw;

    ChannelInfo disChInfo;

    /* Display and capture driver name strings

       Use this strings as they are for proper driver creation */

    Int8        *vPortCapStringsRaw = "/VP4CAPTURE/A";

    Int8        *vPortDisStrings = "/VP1DISPLAY/SAA7105";


    if (!totalFrameCnt)


        LOG_printf(&trace, "Give non-zero frame count\n");

        return -1;



    /* Allocate both capture and display frame buffers

       in external heap memory */

    vCapParamsChanRaw.segId = sedId;

    vDisParamsChan.segId = sedId;




    /* Allocate and Queue buffers for display and capture drivers */

    if (IOM_COMPLETED == status)


        for (bufCount = 0; bufCount < NUM_FRAME_BUFFERS; bufCount++)


            /* Allocate Frame buffer for capture driver */

            status = FVID_allocBuffer(capChInfo.chanHandle, &(capChInfo.frame));

            if (IOM_COMPLETED != status)


                LOG_printf(&trace, "Failed to allocate buffer\n");




            /* Queue the buffers */

            status = FVID_queue(capChInfo.chanHandle, &(capChInfo.frame));

            if (IOM_COMPLETED != status)


                LOG_printf(&trace, "Failed to Queue buffer\n");




            /* Allocate Frame buffer for display driver - VP3 */

            status = FVID_allocBuffer(disChInfoRaw.chanHandle,


            if (IOM_COMPLETED != status)


                LOG_printf(&trace, "Failed to allocate buffer\n");




            /* Queue the buffers */

            status = FVID_queue(disChInfoRaw.chanHandle, &(disChInfoRaw.frame));

            if (IOM_COMPLETED != status)


                LOG_printf(&trace, "Failed to Queue buffer\n");







        LOG_printf(&trace, "Failed to create - Display channel\n");




  • Can you check whether using MEM_calloc call from the application with the same segId fails? This way you can narrow down the debugging and see if the problem is with the VPORT driver configuration or with BIOS heap creation.


    Also when you hard code the value of "EXTERNALHEAP" variable, you should use the value pointed by this rather that the address itself. So you should do "vCapParamsChanRaw.segId = *((Int *)0xE4046BEC;)" instead of "vCapParamsChanRaw.segId = 0xE4046BEC;"

  • Sivaraj R said:

    Can you check whether using MEM_calloc call from the application with the same segId fails? This way you can narrow down the debugging and see if the problem is with the VPORT driver configuration or with BIOS heap creation.


    Also when you hard code the value of "EXTERNALHEAP" variable, you should use the value pointed by this rather that the address itself. So you should do "vCapParamsChanRaw.segId = *((Int *)0xE4046BEC;)" instead of "vCapParamsChanRaw.segId = 0xE4046BEC;"

    I have fixed my problem. The mem_calloc function runs correctly, and I found a mistake in my video port configuration.

    Thank you![:)]

  • hey guys , i have the same problem with you? could you tell me how to solve it ? and how to configure the vedio port correctly? thank you!