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OMAP-L137 USB0 interrupts

I have an application running that initializes the usb0 port of the omap and it seems to be working just fine. My problem is that when I connect it to

an interrupt, the inrrupt fires once and then it never gets called again. I connected HWI6 to event 19, which according to documentation is the usb0

interrupt event. When i run in real time and then halt after a bit, my logs indicate that the ISR was called only once, even though I can see that the SRCR register

indicates that another interupt was called for but never serviced. When I run in debug, watching the event registers and the srcr, I see the following.

1. After intializing the DSP and entering my main routine I halt before I manualy set a usb0 interrupt and see that the event registers and SRCR are clear.

2. When I manually set an interupt for control endpoint 0, I see the SRCR go to 0x00000001 which is correct, the Event register zero goes to 0x00080001. Why event 0

triggers I have no idea.

3. The ISR is entered and I clear the SRCR and event register then exit.

4. when I manually set the interrupt event again, the SRCR behaves correctly however the Event register stays cleared. So the event for the second interrupt was not seen.

5. If I alter the program so that I can manually set the event register it still fails to induce the interrupt after the first time.

So it looks to me like the event register stops creating interrupts after the first go around. I saw a small blurb in the usb users guide about the EOIR register needing to be set

in order for the usb0 to continue operation but I could not find any info on this register IE what the heck are the meaning of the bits. Anyone out there have an idea of how I am botching this up?