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How to configure a leopard Imaging and LCDK6748

I am using LCDK 6748 and a Leopard Imaging camera LI-CAM-OV5653-P33.
This camera has to use BT.1120 mode with operating clock at 74.25MHz.

I am using the " vpif lcd_loopback " which is in the C6748_StarterWare.

I think I need to change some parameters but I am not sure about which parameters I have to change.

I have changed:




I have put the camera pixels resolutions.

Also, I have changed in the VPIFCaptureModeConfig(), with the struct vbufParam of the BT.1120 mode.

I do not know where I have to change the clock frecuency and if I need to change more parameters.

After doing this, the led screen is green but the screen is still blank.

Can you help me?

Thank you.

Kind Regards .

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your post.

    In my opinion, you have to add more supporting modes in vpif.h to support HD resolution and as of now, it is supporting NTSC SD resolution and you will see "VPIF_480I" macro in vpif.h, like wise, you have to add more supporting modes for other input capture resolution as per TRM specification, thereby, it should be passed as an parameter to the "VPIFCaptureModeConfig()' function like as below:

    VPIFCaptureModeConfig(SOC_VPIF_0_REGS, VPIF_480I, VPIF_CHANNEL_0, 0, (struct vbufParam *) 0);

    Again, appropriately, the below macro should be modified accordingly to the input capture resolution;

    #define CAPTURE_IMAGE_WIDTH (720)
    #define CAPTURE_IMAGE_HEIGHT (488)

    The only function which we require modification should be at the initialize capture which is through "SetUpVPIFRx()" function to support the HD input resolution.

    The CAPMODE bit of the C0CTRL and C1CTRL control registers determines what data format will be captured by VPIF. The BT/YC video mode will look for video sync signals that are embedded within the video byte stream (standard for BT video). The CCD/CMOS (Raw Data Capture) mode will look for video sync signals on the dedicated VPIF sync pins (common for CCD and CMOS sensors). For more details on this, please look into the TRM.

    Other than this, I don't think, we require additional changes to support input capture resolution.

    Thanks & regards,

    Sivaraj K


    Please click the Verify Answer button on this post if it answers your question


  • Hello

    Can you tell me where I can find the macro of BT/YC video mode?? I saw the TRM but it has not any code.

    Thank you

    Kind Regards

  • I found the code of the function and I add the mode as VPIF_HD. I tried to debug but the screen is still blank.

    void VPIFCaptureModeConfig(unsigned int baseAddr, unsigned int mode, unsigned int sdChannel, unsigned int rawWidth, VPIFVbufParam* buf)
    { /*
    typedef struct vbufParam
    unsigned int sav2eav;
    unsigned int eav2sav;
    unsigned int vsize;
    unsigned int l1;
    unsigned int l3;
    unsigned int l5;
    unsigned int l7;
    unsigned int l9;
    unsigned int l11;
    } VPIFVbufParam;
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0HCFG) = (268 << VPIF_C0HCFG_EAV2SAV_SHIFT) | (1440 << VPIF_C0HCFG_SAV2EAV_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG0) = (4 << VPIF_C0VCFG0_L1_SHIFT) | (20 << VPIF_C0VCFG0_L3_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG1) = (264 << VPIF_C0VCFG1_L5_SHIFT) | (266 << VPIF_C0VCFG1_L7_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG2) = (283 << VPIF_C0VCFG2_L9_SHIFT) | (1 << VPIF_C0VCFG2_L11_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VSIZE) = 525 << VPIF_C0VSIZE_VSIZE_SHIFT;
    HWREG(baseAddr + C1HCFG) = (268 << VPIF_C1HCFG_EAV2SAV_SHIFT) | (1440 << VPIF_C1HCFG_SAV2EAV_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C1VCFG0) = (4 << VPIF_C1VCFG0_L1_SHIFT) | (20 << VPIF_C1VCFG0_L3_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C1VCFG1) = (264 << VPIF_C1VCFG1_L5_SHIFT) | (266 << VPIF_C1VCFG1_L7_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C1VCFG2) = (283 << VPIF_C1VCFG2_L9_SHIFT) | (1 << VPIF_C1VCFG2_L11_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C1VSIZE) = 525 << VPIF_C1VSIZE_VSIZE_SHIFT;
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0HCFG) = (272 << VPIF_C0HCFG_EAV2SAV_SHIFT) | (1920 << VPIF_C0HCFG_SAV2EAV_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG0) = (1 << VPIF_C0VCFG0_L1_SHIFT) | (42 << VPIF_C0VCFG0_L3_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG1) = (1122 << VPIF_C0VCFG1_L5_SHIFT) | (564 << VPIF_C0VCFG1_L7_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG2) = (603 << VPIF_C0VCFG2_L9_SHIFT) | (1121 << VPIF_C0VCFG2_L11_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VSIZE) = 1125 << VPIF_C0VSIZE_VSIZE_SHIFT;
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0HCFG) = (272 << VPIF_C0HCFG_EAV2SAV_SHIFT) | (1920 << VPIF_C0HCFG_SAV2EAV_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG0) = (1 << VPIF_C0VCFG0_L1_SHIFT) | (42 << VPIF_C0VCFG0_L3_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG1) = (1122 << VPIF_C0VCFG1_L5_SHIFT) | (564 << VPIF_C0VCFG1_L7_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG2) = (603 << VPIF_C0VCFG2_L9_SHIFT) | (1121 << VPIF_C0VCFG2_L11_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VSIZE) = 1125 << VPIF_C0VSIZE_VSIZE_SHIFT;
    /* TBD */
    /* TBD */

    /* TBD */

  • I added the mode VPIF_HD. Is the code correct??

    void VPIFCaptureModeConfig(unsigned int baseAddr, unsigned int mode, unsigned int sdChannel, unsigned int rawWidth, VPIFVbufParam* buf)
    { /*
    typedef struct vbufParam
    unsigned int sav2eav;
    unsigned int eav2sav;
    unsigned int vsize;
    unsigned int l1;
    unsigned int l3;
    unsigned int l5;
    unsigned int l7;
    unsigned int l9;
    unsigned int l11;
    } VPIFVbufParam;
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0HCFG) = (268 << VPIF_C0HCFG_EAV2SAV_SHIFT) | (1440 << VPIF_C0HCFG_SAV2EAV_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG0) = (4 << VPIF_C0VCFG0_L1_SHIFT) | (20 << VPIF_C0VCFG0_L3_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG1) = (264 << VPIF_C0VCFG1_L5_SHIFT) | (266 << VPIF_C0VCFG1_L7_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG2) = (283 << VPIF_C0VCFG2_L9_SHIFT) | (1 << VPIF_C0VCFG2_L11_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VSIZE) = 525 << VPIF_C0VSIZE_VSIZE_SHIFT;
    HWREG(baseAddr + C1HCFG) = (268 << VPIF_C1HCFG_EAV2SAV_SHIFT) | (1440 << VPIF_C1HCFG_SAV2EAV_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C1VCFG0) = (4 << VPIF_C1VCFG0_L1_SHIFT) | (20 << VPIF_C1VCFG0_L3_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C1VCFG1) = (264 << VPIF_C1VCFG1_L5_SHIFT) | (266 << VPIF_C1VCFG1_L7_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C1VCFG2) = (283 << VPIF_C1VCFG2_L9_SHIFT) | (1 << VPIF_C1VCFG2_L11_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C1VSIZE) = 525 << VPIF_C1VSIZE_VSIZE_SHIFT;
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0HCFG) = (272 << VPIF_C0HCFG_EAV2SAV_SHIFT) | (1920 << VPIF_C0HCFG_SAV2EAV_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG0) = (1 << VPIF_C0VCFG0_L1_SHIFT) | (42 << VPIF_C0VCFG0_L3_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG1) = (1122 << VPIF_C0VCFG1_L5_SHIFT) | (564 << VPIF_C0VCFG1_L7_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG2) = (603 << VPIF_C0VCFG2_L9_SHIFT) | (1121 << VPIF_C0VCFG2_L11_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VSIZE) = 1125 << VPIF_C0VSIZE_VSIZE_SHIFT;
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0HCFG) = (272 << VPIF_C0HCFG_EAV2SAV_SHIFT) | (1920 << VPIF_C0HCFG_SAV2EAV_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG0) = (1 << VPIF_C0VCFG0_L1_SHIFT) | (42 << VPIF_C0VCFG0_L3_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG1) = (1122 << VPIF_C0VCFG1_L5_SHIFT) | (564 << VPIF_C0VCFG1_L7_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VCFG2) = (603 << VPIF_C0VCFG2_L9_SHIFT) | (1121 << VPIF_C0VCFG2_L11_SHIFT);
    HWREG(baseAddr + C0VSIZE) = 1125 << VPIF_C0VSIZE_VSIZE_SHIFT;


    /* TBD */
    /* TBD */

    /* TBD */

  • Any idea?

    Does anyone know anything about this??

    Thank you

    Kind Regards

  • Hi Javi,

    I am using LCDK 6748 and a Leopard Imaging camera LI-CAM-OV5653-P33.
    This camera has to use BT.1120 mode with operating clock at 74.25MHz.

    I do not know where I have to change the clock frecuency and if I need to change more parameters.


    void RasterClkConfig(unsigned int baseAddr, unsigned int pClk,
                         unsigned int moduleClk)

    Use the below API to change the PCLK of VPIF.

        /* configure the pclk */
        RasterClkConfig(SOC_LCDC_0_REGS, 25000000, 150000000);


        /* configure the pclk to 74.25MHz */
        RasterClkConfig(SOC_LCDC_0_REGS, 74250000, 150000000);

  • I have just change the clock.

    Now the screen is still blank and it shows the next message:

    It can not submit this mode. Optimal resolution 1280x1024. 60Hz

    I have change the VPIFCaptureModeConfig, the clock and the pixel resolution. 

    Do I need to change more parameters??

    Thank you

    Kind regards

  • Any help??

    Thank you

    Kind regards

  • Please any help??

    Thank you

  • Hi Javi,

    It can not submit this mode. Optimal resolution 1280x1024. 60Hz

    I have change the VPIFCaptureModeConfig, the clock and the pixel resolution.

    Are you getting any error while running the code ?

    Please read the chapter 24 of C6748 TRM throughly and cross check that you have done for RASTER configuration.