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How should i create/read/write in AMR memory?

OMAP L138, I want to open a read file using    

fp = fopen(InputData.txt,"r"); // read mode

but it didn't seem to work! How should i create/read/write file in AMR memory?

  • Hi David,

    I don't know what is AMR memory,

    I think you meant ARM memory right ?

    What are you trying to do ?

    Is that ARM app or DSP app ?

    Are you working with Linux sw or something else like bare-metal code (starterware) ?

    If it is linux, you would get lot of examples in internet for that (file manipulation).

    Also we have "nand writer" CCS project that has file manipulation support such as fread, fopen, fclose etc.,

        // Setup pointer in RAM
        aisPtr = (Uint8 *) UTIL_allocMem(aisAllocSize);
        // Clear memory
        for (i=0; i<aisAllocSize; i++)
        // Go to start of file
        // Read file data
        if (aisFileSize != fread(aisPtr, 1, aisFileSize, fPtr))
          DEBUG_printString("\tWARNING: File Size mismatch.\r\n");
        // Close file
        fclose (fPtr);