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Starterware/OMAP-L138: Burning image on the NAND flash memory - OMAP-L138 LCDK

Part Number: OMAP-L138

Tool/software: Starterware

Hello everybody,
I am currently working on the OMAP-L138 LCDK board. I would like to burn on the NAND memory flash the raster example from the Starterware examples.
I'm encountering a problem though.
The transfer of the freshly converted AIS image (.out image converted to .ais with AISGen tool of TI) through UART is successful, and also the command line displays that the
that the image was succesfully written to the NAND flash. (see on the image)

As explained in the documentation, after the burning, I raised the DIP switch number 3 to '1', and supplied voltage to the device.
I am not able to see any image on the screen though. Through CCS, I succesfully burn the image on the on shared RAM memory, but the memory is deleted after reset.
I want the code to run automatically at boot, and hence I have to burn the code to the NAND flash, but as I said, I don't succeed in the operation.
1. Is there a way to burn the image on the NAND flash through CCS ?
2. What could be wrong when I try to burn the image on the NAND flash through UART ?

Thank you very much,