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ask help on NDK jumbo frame


I'm uisng NDK 2.0.0 with jumbo frame enabled on C6455. Everything runs fine with non-jumbo frame mode.

To enable jumbo frame, i include all  *_jmubo.lib and add the macro _INCLUDE_JUMBOFRAME_SUPPORT into my project, it build successfully, but when i run it, the following error come out:

Error: Unable to register the EMAC
NIMUIOCTL Failed with error code: -22

Can someone help me out?



  • Dear Weslly,
    Can you please refer to the following post and try that code change ?

    Let me know if its not working for you.
  • thanks, Quote, according to it ,first i tried to change memory allocation both in pbm.c and jumbo_pbm.c:


    //#define PKT_NUM_FRAMEBUF 192   (original)
    #define PKT_NUM_FRAMEBUF 256


    //#define JUMBO_RAW_PAGE_COUNT 16    (original)
    #define JUMBO_RAW_PAGE_COUNT (16*4)

    still no fixed. So i add the _mmCheck in nimu_eth.c:

    /* Register the device with NIMU */
    if (NIMURegister (ptr_device) < 0)
    printf ("Error: Unable to register the EMAC\n");
    _mmCheck(0, &printf);
    return -1;

    here is the printf output:

    TCP/IP Stack Example Client
    Using MAC Address: 82-76-b5-fc-25-7e
    Error: Unable to register the EMAC

    7:48 ( 10%) 6:96 ( 18%) 1:128 ( 4%) 1:256 ( 8%)
    1:512 ( 16%) 0:1536 0:3072
    (15360/49152 mmAlloc: 16/0/1, mmBulk: 0/0/0)

    1 blocks alloced in 512 byte page
    7 blocks alloced in 48 byte page
    5 blocks alloced in 96 byte page
    1 blocks alloced in 128 byte page
    1 blocks alloced in 256 byte page

    So what does it mean? Any mem block not enough?



  • Dear Weslly,
    Yes, it might be issue due to insufficient allocated memory.
    Did you rebuild the NDK once you modified the NDK stack code (pbm.c & jumbo_pbm.c) ?

    If not, please rebuild the NDK package (version) which you linked into your project.

    Refer these wikis to rebuild the NDK package.
  • Hi, Titus,

    I made a mistake, actually this register issue was fixed after i changed "JUMBO_RAW_PAGE_COUNT" from 16 to 64.

    But now i have another issue:

    I found my udp receive didnt' work in jumbo frame mode, here is my code:

    rv = recvfrom(t_NetComHdl.s_recv, p, len, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&RemoteAddr, &len2);

    it will block at this point, meaning receiving nothing. 

    And if i justt undefine "_INCLUDE_JUMBOFRAME_SUPPORT", making it woking in non-jumbo frame mode, nothing else changed, then udp receive turns to work.

    So what's the problem, am i still missing something.

