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Compiler/TMS320C6748: Using TI calls to set/reset a pin versus use a struct

Part Number: TMS320C6748

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

I have seen a strange behavior I somply don't understand:

I have worked with the Delfino controllers and really enjoyed the struct mechanism to access registers and bits within the peripherals and I thought I would try the same for 6748 DSP.

So I made a header file with structs to define the GPIO registers and bits based on the way it is done for the 2000 series. See file.

Also I made a little test file to see how it works. See file.

And now comes the strange stuff:
When I single step the     "GPIOPinWrite( SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, GPIO_PIN_NUMBER(6,6), 1 );" and the "GpioBanks.B6_7.SET.bit.SETA6 = 1;" lines, I got two very different results when counting the clock pulses in Timer 2.

For the TI call (GPIOPinWrite) the number of clock pulses are around 25 to 30 and when I test the struct the number of pulses is 3 to 5. Looks like a huge improvement: 5 times faster when using the struct way.

Great, let's try it in real time without the debugger: Now it turns out the TI call is faster (~40%?) than the struct way. Bummer. I looked at the actual pin, GPIO 6,6, on a  scope.

But how come it seems faster when using the debugger as compared to the free run?

Any good explanation?


Claus Knudsen


 * main.c

#include "psc.h"

#include "soc_C6748.h"
#include "gpio.h"
#include "pll_regs.h"
#include "timer.h"

#include "C6000GPIOStruct.h"


void TestGPIO_STRUCT (void);
void ConfigandStartTimer_2( void );

int main(void) {

    PINMUX14 = 0x00000080;      // set pin to GPIO(6,6)



    while (1)

#pragma DATA_SECTION(GpioBanks , "GPIO_REG");
volatile struct GPIO_BANKS_0_8 GpioBanks;

void TestGPIO_STRUCT (void)

    GPIOPinWrite( SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, GPIO_PIN_NUMBER(6,6), 1 ); // step
    GPIOPinWrite( SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, GPIO_PIN_NUMBER(6,6), 0 ); // step

    // Use the struct two times in order to distinguish between the TI call and the struct
    GpioBanks.B6_7.SET.bit.SETA6 = 1;
    GpioBanks.B6_7.CLR.bit.CLRA6 = 1;
    GpioBanks.B6_7.SET.bit.SETA6 = 1;
    GpioBanks.B6_7.CLR.bit.CLRA6 = 1;


void ConfigandStartTimer_2( void )
    TimerConfigure( SOC_TMR_2_REGS, TMR_CFG_64BIT_CLK_INT);

    TimerPeriodSet( SOC_TMR_2_REGS, TMR_TIMER12, 0xFFFFFFFF );
    TimerPeriodSet( SOC_TMR_2_REGS, TMR_TIMER34, 0xFFFFFFFF );



 * main.c

#include "psc.h"

#include "soc_C6748.h"
#include "gpio.h"
#include "pll_regs.h"
#include "timer.h"

#include "C6000GPIOStruct.h"


void TestGPIO_STRUCT (void);
void ConfigandStartTimer_2( void );

int main(void) {

    PINMUX14 = 0x00000080;      // set pin to GPIO(6,6)



    while (1)

#pragma DATA_SECTION(GpioBanks , "GPIO_REG");
volatile struct GPIO_BANKS_0_8 GpioBanks;

void TestGPIO_STRUCT (void)

    GPIOPinWrite( SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, GPIO_PIN_NUMBER(6,6), 1 ); // step
    GPIOPinWrite( SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, GPIO_PIN_NUMBER(6,6), 0 ); // step

    // Use the struct two times in order to distinguish between the TI call and the struct
    GpioBanks.B6_7.SET.bit.SETA6 = 1;
    GpioBanks.B6_7.CLR.bit.CLRA6 = 1;
    GpioBanks.B6_7.SET.bit.SETA6 = 1;
    GpioBanks.B6_7.CLR.bit.CLRA6 = 1;


void ConfigandStartTimer_2( void )
    TimerConfigure( SOC_TMR_2_REGS, TMR_CFG_64BIT_CLK_INT);

    TimerPeriodSet( SOC_TMR_2_REGS, TMR_TIMER12, 0xFFFFFFFF );
    TimerPeriodSet( SOC_TMR_2_REGS, TMR_TIMER34, 0xFFFFFFFF );


// Linker CMD file

// ============================================================================
// Linker Command File for Linking c674 DSP Programs
// These linker options are for command line linking only. For IDE linking,
// you should set your linker options in Project Properties.
//         -c                    Link Using C Conventions
//        -stack     0x1000        Software Stack Size
//        -heap    0x1000        Heap Area Size
// ===========================================================================
-stack 0x3000
//-heap 0x2000

// ============================================================================
//                         Specify the System Memory Map
// ============================================================================
    L1P:        o = 0x11E00000          l = 0x00008000
    L1D:        o = 0x11F00000          l = 0x00008000
    L2:         o = 0x11800000          l = 0x00040000
    SHARED_RAM: o = 0xC0000000          l = 0x00100000
    DDR2:       o = 0xC0100000          l = 0x07F00000
    EMIFA2      o = 0x60000000          l = 0x02000000
    GPIOMEM     o = 0x01E26010          l = 0xC8

// ============================================================================
//                 Specify the Sections Allocation into Memory
// ============================================================================

    .cinit        >        L2               // Initialization Tables
    .pinit        >        SHARED_RAM//DDR2
    .init_array   >        L2               //
    .binit        >        L2               // Boot Tables
    .const        >        SHARED_RAM       //DDR2//L2               // Constant Data. was L2, now DDR2 with fpga code
    .switch       >        L2               // Jump Tables
    .text         >       L2// DDR2               // Executable Code
    .text:_c_int00: align=1024 > L2         // Entrypoint

    GROUP (NEARDP_DATA)                       // group near data
       .bss                                   // note: removed fill = 0
    }             >        L2
    .far: fill = 0x0, load > L2             // Far Global & Static Variables
    .fardata      >        L2               // Was L2. Far RW Data
    .stack        >        L2               // Software System Stack
    .sysmem       >        L2               // Dynamic Memory Allocation Area
    .heap         >        DDR2
      . += 0x01000000;
    .cio          >        L2               // C I/O Buffer
    .vecs         >        L2               // Interrupt Vectors

    FPGASection   >        EMIFA2
    DDR2Funcs     >        DDR2
    SharedRAMFuncs >       SHARED_RAM
    LEVEL2        >        L2
    FASTMEM: fill = 0x0      >         L1D

  • I've forwarded this to the SW experts. Their feedback should be posted here.

    Tsvetolin Shulev
  • Part Number: TMS320C6748

    Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

    I have seen a strange behavior I somply don't understand:

    I have worked with the Delfino controllers and really enjoyed the struct mechanism to access registers and bits within the peripherals and I thought I would try the same for 6748 DSP.

    So I made a header file with structs to define the GPIO registers and bits based on the way it is done for the 2000 series. See file.

    Also I made a little test file to see how it works. See file.

    And now comes the strange stuff:
    When I single step the     "GPIOPinWrite( SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, GPIO_PIN_NUMBER(6,6), 1 );" and the "GpioBanks.B6_7.SET.bit.SETA6 = 1;" lines, I got two very different results when counting the clock pulses in Timer 2.

    For the TI call (GPIOPinWrite) the number of clock pulses are around 25 to 30 and when I test the struct the number of pulses is 3 to 5. Looks like a huge improvement: 5 times faster when using the struct way.

    Great, let's try it in real time without the debugger: Now it turns out the TI call is faster (~40%?) than the struct way. Bummer. I looked at the actual pin, GPIO 6,6, on a  scope.

    But how come it seems faster when using the debugger as compared to the free run?

    Any good explanation?


    Claus Knudsen

     * main.c
    #include "psc.h"
    #include "soc_C6748.h"
    #include "gpio.h"
    #include "pll_regs.h"
    #include "timer.h"
    #include "C6000GPIOStruct.h"
    #define GPIO_PIN_NUMBER(BANK,PINNR) (BANK * 16 + PINNR + 1)
    void TestGPIO_STRUCT (void);
    void ConfigandStartTimer_2( void );
    int main(void) {
        PINMUX14 = 0x00000080;      // set pin to GPIO(6,6)
        while (1)
    #pragma DATA_SECTION(GpioBanks , "GPIO_REG");
    volatile struct GPIO_BANKS_0_8 GpioBanks;
    void TestGPIO_STRUCT (void)
        GPIOPinWrite( SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, GPIO_PIN_NUMBER(6,6), 1 ); // step
        GPIOPinWrite( SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, GPIO_PIN_NUMBER(6,6), 0 ); // step
        // Use the struct two times in order to distinguish between the TI call and the struct
        GpioBanks.B6_7.SET.bit.SETA6 = 1;
        GpioBanks.B6_7.CLR.bit.CLRA6 = 1;
        GpioBanks.B6_7.SET.bit.SETA6 = 1;
        GpioBanks.B6_7.CLR.bit.CLRA6 = 1;
    void ConfigandStartTimer_2( void )
        TimerConfigure( SOC_TMR_2_REGS, TMR_CFG_64BIT_CLK_INT);
        TimerPeriodSet( SOC_TMR_2_REGS, TMR_TIMER12, 0xFFFFFFFF );
        TimerPeriodSet( SOC_TMR_2_REGS, TMR_TIMER34, 0xFFFFFFFF );
        TimerEnable( SOC_TMR_2_REGS, TMR_TIMER12, TMR_ENABLE_CONT);
    // Linker CMD file
    // ============================================================================
    // Linker Command File for Linking c674 DSP Programs
    // These linker options are for command line linking only. For IDE linking,
    // you should set your linker options in Project Properties.
    //         -c                    Link Using C Conventions
    //        -stack     0x1000        Software Stack Size
    //        -heap    0x1000        Heap Area Size
    // ===========================================================================
    -stack 0x3000
    //-heap 0x2000
    // ============================================================================
    //                         Specify the System Memory Map
    // ============================================================================
        L1P:        o = 0x11E00000          l = 0x00008000
        L1D:        o = 0x11F00000          l = 0x00008000
        L2:         o = 0x11800000          l = 0x00040000
        SHARED_RAM: o = 0xC0000000          l = 0x00100000
        DDR2:       o = 0xC0100000          l = 0x07F00000
        EMIFA2      o = 0x60000000          l = 0x02000000
        GPIOMEM     o = 0x01E26010          l = 0xC8
    // ============================================================================
    //                 Specify the Sections Allocation into Memory
    // ============================================================================
        .cinit        >        L2               // Initialization Tables
        .pinit        >        SHARED_RAM//DDR2
        .init_array   >        L2               //
        .binit        >        L2               // Boot Tables
        .const        >        SHARED_RAM       //DDR2//L2               // Constant Data. was L2, now DDR2 with fpga code
        .switch       >        L2               // Jump Tables
        .text         >       L2// DDR2               // Executable Code
        .text:_c_int00: align=1024 > L2         // Entrypoint
        GROUP (NEARDP_DATA)                       // group near data
           .bss                                   // note: removed fill = 0
        }             >        L2
        .far: fill = 0x0, load > L2             // Far Global & Static Variables
        .fardata      >        L2               // Was L2. Far RW Data
        .stack        >        L2               // Software System Stack
        .sysmem       >        L2               // Dynamic Memory Allocation Area
        .heap         >        DDR2
          . += 0x01000000;
        .cio          >        L2               // C I/O Buffer
        .vecs         >        L2               // Interrupt Vectors
        FPGASection   >        EMIFA2
        DDR2Funcs     >        DDR2
        SharedRAMFuncs >       SHARED_RAM
        LEVEL2        >        L2
        FASTMEM: fill = 0x0      >         L1D
        FASTPROG > L1P
    // Struct
     * C6000GPIOStruct.h
     *  Created on: Jan 10, 2017
     *      Author: claus
    #ifndef C6000GPIOSTRUCT_H_
    #define C6000GPIOSTRUCT_H_
    #include "cwk_types.h"
    struct GPIO_DIR_BITS {
        uint32 DIRA0:1;
        uint32 DIRA1:1;
        uint32 DIRA2:1;
        uint32 DIRA3:1;
        uint32 DIRA4:1;
        uint32 DIRA5:1;
        uint32 DIRA6:1;
        uint32 DIRA7:1;
        uint32 DIRA8:1;
        uint32 DIRA9:1;
        uint32 DIRA10:1;
        uint32 DIRA11:1;
        uint32 DIRA12:1;
        uint32 DIRA13:1;
        uint32 DIRA14:1;
        uint32 DIRA15:1;
        uint32 DIRB0:1;
        uint32 DIRB1:1;
        uint32 DIRB2:1;
        uint32 DIRB3:1;
        uint32 DIRB4:1;
        uint32 DIRB5:1;
        uint32 DIRB6:1;
        uint32 DIRB7:1;
        uint32 DIRB8:1;
        uint32 DIRB9:1;
        uint32 DIRB10:1;
        uint32 DIRB11:1;
        uint32 DIRB12:1;
        uint32 DIRB13:1;
        uint32 DIRB14:1;
        uint32 DIRB15:1;
    struct GPIO_OUT_BITS{
        uint32 OUTA0:1;
        uint32 OUTA1:1;
        uint32 OUTA2:1;
        uint32 OUTA3:1;
        uint32 OUTA4:1;
        uint32 OUTA5:1;
        uint32 OUTA6:1;
        uint32 OUTA7:1;
        uint32 OUTA8:1;
        uint32 OUTA9:1;
        uint32 OUTA10:1;
        uint32 OUTA11:1;
        uint32 OUTA12:1;
        uint32 OUTA13:1;
        uint32 OUTA14:1;
        uint32 OUTA15:1;
        uint32 OUTB0:1;
        uint32 OUTB1:1;
        uint32 OUTB2:1;
        uint32 OUTB3:1;
        uint32 OUTB4:1;
        uint32 OUTB5:1;
        uint32 OUTB6:1;
        uint32 OUTB7:1;
        uint32 OUTB8:1;
        uint32 OUTB9:1;
        uint32 OUTB10:1;
        uint32 OUTB11:1;
        uint32 OUTB12:1;
        uint32 OUTB13:1;
        uint32 OUTB14:1;
        uint32 OUTB15:1;
    struct GPIO_SET_BITS{
        uint32 SETA0:1;
        uint32 SETA1:1;
        uint32 SETA2:1;
        uint32 SETA3:1;
        uint32 SETA4:1;
        uint32 SETA5:1;
        uint32 SETA6:1;
        uint32 SETA7:1;
        uint32 SETA8:1;
        uint32 SETA9:1;
        uint32 SETA10:1;
        uint32 SETA11:1;
        uint32 SETA12:1;
        uint32 SETA13:1;
        uint32 SETA14:1;
        uint32 SETA15:1;
        uint32 SETB0:1;
        uint32 SETB1:1;
        uint32 SETB2:1;
        uint32 SETB3:1;
        uint32 SETB4:1;
        uint32 SETB5:1;
        uint32 SETB6:1;
        uint32 SETB7:1;
        uint32 SETB8:1;
        uint32 SETB9:1;
        uint32 SETB10:1;
        uint32 SETB11:1;
        uint32 SETB12:1;
        uint32 SETB13:1;
        uint32 SETB14:1;
        uint32 SETB15:1;
    struct GPIO_CLR_BITS{
        uint32 CLRA0:1;
        uint32 CLRA1:1;
        uint32 CLRA2:1;
        uint32 CLRA3:1;
        uint32 CLRA4:1;
        uint32 CLRA5:1;
        uint32 CLRA6:1;
        uint32 CLRA7:1;
        uint32 CLRA8:1;
        uint32 CLRA9:1;
        uint32 CLRA10:1;
        uint32 CLRA11:1;
        uint32 CLRA12:1;
        uint32 CLRA13:1;
        uint32 CLRA14:1;
        uint32 CLRA15:1;
        uint32 CLRB0:1;
        uint32 CLRB1:1;
        uint32 CLRB2:1;
        uint32 CLRB3:1;
        uint32 CLRB4:1;
        uint32 CLRB5:1;
        uint32 CLRB6:1;
        uint32 CLRB7:1;
        uint32 CLRB8:1;
        uint32 CLRB9:1;
        uint32 CLRB10:1;
        uint32 CLRB11:1;
        uint32 CLRB12:1;
        uint32 CLRB13:1;
        uint32 CLRB14:1;
        uint32 CLRB15:1;
    struct GPIO_IN_BITS{
        uint32 INA0:1;
        uint32 INA1:1;
        uint32 INA2:1;
        uint32 INA3:1;
        uint32 INA4:1;
        uint32 INA5:1;
        uint32 INA6:1;
        uint32 INA7:1;
        uint32 INA8:1;
        uint32 INA9:1;
        uint32 INA10:1;
        uint32 INA11:1;
        uint32 INA12:1;
        uint32 INA13:1;
        uint32 INA14:1;
        uint32 INA15:1;
        uint32 INB0:1;
        uint32 INB1:1;
        uint32 INB2:1;
        uint32 INB3:1;
        uint32 INB4:1;
        uint32 INB5:1;
        uint32 INB6:1;
        uint32 INB7:1;
        uint32 INB8:1;
        uint32 INB9:1;
        uint32 INB10:1;
        uint32 INB11:1;
        uint32 INB12:1;
        uint32 INB13:1;
        uint32 INB14:1;
        uint32 INB15:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA0:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA1:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA2:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA3:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA4:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA5:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA6:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA7:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA8:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA9:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA10:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA11:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA12:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA13:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA14:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGA15:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB0:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB1:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB2:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB3:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB4:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB5:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB6:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB7:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB8:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB9:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB10:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB11:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB12:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB13:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB14:1;
        uint32 SET_RIS_TRIGB15:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA0:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA1:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA2:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA3:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA4:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA5:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA6:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA7:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA8:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA9:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA10:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA11:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA12:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA13:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA14:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGA15:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB0:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB1:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB2:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB3:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB4:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB5:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB6:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB7:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB8:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB9:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB10:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB11:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB12:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB13:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB14:1;
        uint32 CLR_RIS_TRIGB15:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA0:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA1:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA2:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA3:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA4:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA5:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA6:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA7:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA8:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA9:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA10:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA11:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA12:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA13:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA14:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGA15:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB0:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB1:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB2:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB3:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB4:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB5:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB6:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB7:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB8:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB9:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB10:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB11:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB12:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB13:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB14:1;
        uint32 SET_FAL_TRIGB15:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA0:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA1:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA2:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA3:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA4:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA5:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA6:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA7:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA8:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA9:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA10:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA11:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA12:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA13:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA14:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGA15:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB0:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB1:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB2:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB3:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB4:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB5:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB6:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB7:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB8:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB9:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB10:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB11:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB12:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB13:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB14:1;
        uint32 CLR_FAL_TRIGB15:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA0:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA1:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA2:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA3:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA4:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA5:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA6:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA7:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA8:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA9:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA10:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA11:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA12:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA13:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA14:1;
        uint32 INTSTATA15:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB0:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB1:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB2:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB3:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB4:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB5:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB6:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB7:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB8:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB9:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB10:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB11:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB12:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB13:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB14:1;
        uint32 INTSTATB15:1;
    union GPIO_DIR_REG{
        uint32      all;
        struct      GPIO_DIR_BITS bit;
    union GPIO_OUT_REG{
        uint32      all;
        struct      GPIO_OUT_BITS bit;
    union GPIO_SET_REG{
        uint32      all;
        struct      GPIO_SET_BITS bit;
    union GPIO_CLR_REG{
        uint32      all;
        struct      GPIO_CLR_BITS bit;
    union GPIO_IN_REG{
        uint32      all;
        struct      GPIO_IN_BITS bit;
        uint32      all;
        struct      GPIO_SET_RIS_TRIG_BITS bit;
        uint32      all;
        struct      GPIO_CLR_RIS_TRIG_BITS bit;
        uint32      all;
        struct      GPIO_SET_FAL_TRIG_BITS bit;
        uint32      all;
        struct      GPIO_CLR_FAL_TRIG_BITS bit;
        uint32      all;
        struct      GPIO_INTSTAT_BITS bit;
    struct GPIO_BANK{
        union GPIO_DIR_REG DIR;
        union GPIO_OUT_REG OUT;
        union GPIO_SET_REG SET;
        union GPIO_CLR_REG CLR;
        union GPIO_IN_REG  IN;
    struct GPIO_BANKS_0_8{
        struct GPIO_BANK B0_1;
        struct GPIO_BANK B2_3;
        struct GPIO_BANK B4_5;
        struct GPIO_BANK B6_7;
        struct GPIO_BANK B8;
    #endif /* C6000GPIOSTRUCT_H_ */

  • Hi Claus,

    Let's combine this thread with:
    because seems similar.

    Tsvetolin Shulev
  • Claus,

    I am not one of the SW experts Tsvetolin is talking to but wanted to jump into the thread anyway.

    Please look at the assembly code generated by both methods to figure out why the timing differences occur. My two guesses about your situation are

    1. The TI code results in fewer read/modify/write operations and fewer total accesses to the peripheral bus. The result is less time waiting for slow peripheral bus accesses to complete.

    2. When single-stepping some peripheral accesses might not be completed with the cycle counts are captured. But when running, those peripheral accesses will have to complete before starting the accesses in the next function call or macro.

    The C28x core uses a shorter pipeline than the C674x core. The C28x pipeline is highly protected, which makes it easier to program in assembly and somewhat more deterministic; the C674x pipeline is totally unprotected, which makes it easier to reach very high clock rates but makes it very difficult to program in assembly (unless you are a compiler).
