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TMS320C6747: Processor SDK RTOS

Part Number: TMS320C6747

I'm doing development work for c6747 using Processor SDK RTOS. Online document says that p-SDK comes with pre-build libraries for everything. However I'm having a hard time creating a simple UART example because I can't find the libraries to link. I'm getting unresolved symbols for UART_Config among others. Kindly assist.



  • Hi,

    The processor sdk should have a project create script.

    It should be located in
    You should run the following commands:
    cd ~/ti/pdk_c67x_x_x_x/packages
    ./ [soc] [board] [endian] [module] [processor]

    In your case the last command should look something like:
    ./ c6747 [board] little uart dsp

    Here is an explanation of all the parameters needed by the project create script:
    # * soc - AM335x / AM437x / AM571x / AM572x / K2E / K2G / K2K / K2H / K2L /
    # * C6678 / C6657
    # * board - all (use "all" for K2X and C66X SOCs)
    # * -or-
    # * Refer to pdk_<soc>_<version>\packages\ti\board\lib
    # * for valid board inputs for the soc
    # * endian - little / big
    # * module - all
    # * -or-
    # * aif2 / bcp / cppi / csl / dfe / emac / fatfs / fm / fftc /
    # * gpio / hyplnk / i2c / icss_emac / iqn2 / mcasp / mcbsp / mmap / mmcsd /
    # * nimu / nimu_icss / nwal / pa / pcie / pktlib / pruss / qm / rm / sa /
    # * serdes-diag / spi / srio / tcp3d / tfw / transportqmss /
    # * transportsrio / tsip / uart / usb / wdtimer / vps
    # * processor - arm / dsp / m4

    After you execute the above, you should have:

    with UART project folder in it. You can import this project in CCS & start your development there.

    Best Regards,
  • Thank you for your reply Yordan,

    I'm running on Windows. And I encountered difficulty when executing pdkProjectCreate.bat. Error returned is that the soc input is invalid. I tried "c6747", "C6747", "omapl137", "evmOMPAL137".

    In my pdk_omapl137_1_0_1\packages\ti\board\lib, there is only one folder with the name "evmOMAPL137".

    Where do you think I could have gone wrong?

  • Hi,

    Can you attach the script?

    Best Regards,
  • Make sure that you have setup the build environment before you run the pdkProjectCreate script.

    set SDK_INSTALL_PATH // point to where the SDK is installed default C:\ti
    set TOOLS_INSTALL_PATH // point to where CCS is installed
    pdkProjectCreate <arguments >
