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Benchmark for external memory access timing on C6748 LCDK


I'm developing a custom boot loader on C6748 LCDK. For now, I want to collect the timing data of my boot loader, especially for coping the application from external memory (nand flash) into L2-RAM. What is the best and accurate way to do it? 

BTW, I'm using CCS v5 with a XDS510 emulator.



  • Hi Jane,

    It depends on size of the executable (bootloader) which is resides on flash, And also type of emulator has been used.

  • Hi Titusrathinaraj,

    We use HPI boot mode to copy the secondary bootloader into L2-RAM. Then the secondary bootloader will initialize PLL and EMIF and load application from falsh into L2-RAM. I think I can use timer to collect the timing data, it's precise enough, right?




  • Jane,

    The timer will work fine. You will need to note the clock divider ratio and then multiply the timer count by that divider and then by the DSP clock period.

    It might be easier to use an oscilloscope to watch the time spent with the NAND accesses occurring. That may be helpful for figuring out how efficient your NAND reads are, in case you want to try to make it faster.
