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ACLKXCTL: CLKXM = 0 still generates internal clock (should be external)

HI All,

Noob question, i'm trying to make my receiver and transmission McAPS 1 in slave mode, and trying to set all the clocks external. However i'm having problems with CLKXM in ACLKXCTL that setting it to 0/1 doesn't make any difference, a clock is still generated at 24.5760, in both 0/1 states, setting CLKXDIV = 0,1,2... DOES have effect.

This is a CUSTOM board, what I have tried is:

  • PDIR= 1/0
  • every possible combination of bits in ACLKXCTL / ACLKRCTL 
  • cut the wire that goes to ACLKX in order to isolate the clock and make sure is still internally generated (and still is)

I haven't found any other post issue about this, makes me think that i'm missing something very obvious do you have any suggestion?

Thanks in Advance

Alfred Espinosa