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BeagleBone Black Android 4.2.2 HDMI Problem


I tried porting Android 4.2.2 image provided by TI on BeagleBone Black. I used Serialdebug on BBB and able to communicate using Serial console. I was able to start VNC server on android and saw the android working remotely on my laptop.

Now, the problem is I am not getting anything on HDMI out on my monitor except error message "Unspecified Signal, Check your hardware".

Can anybody help me how to resolve this issue.

I tried angstrom distribution on same hardware and able to view display on HDMI 1080p. Also I tried TI EZSDK 7.00 and even it is displaying on HDMI 720p same setup.

I guess it is problem with android distribution, can anybody help me to try change the resolution using serial console.

I have attached serial console data below.
