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Gallery2 apk question


We are working on porting KitKat 4.4.4 r2 into an ARM Cortex A9 based evaluation module/board from Texas Instruments.

This board has JellyBean 4.3 available from row-boat releases.


We see that row-boat releases are maintaining their own copy of the Gallery2 Application while the same application is also being maintained and developed by Google’s AOSP code-base. We want to understand the following:


1.       What was the reason to clone the Gallery2 Application and maintain a local copy rather than using the AOSP’s copy of the Gallery2 App.

2.       What kind of issues/bugs were found in the AOSP’s Gallery2 Application.

 Sources are from this manifest  :TI-Android-JB-4.3-DevKit-4.2.xml

Please let us know on the above questions at the earliest.


Mahesh Muni