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Screen Resolution (4DCAPE-43+Beaglebone Black+Android)

There is a black bar that appears on right hand side of the screen. Below is picture of the issues.

The display is from 4D Systems

Based on TI-Android-JB-4.2.2-DevKit-4.1.1 UserGuide the black bar represents a navigation bar. 

The TI-Android-JB-4.2.2-DevKit-4.1.1 PortingGuide has the following suggestion from section 3.5.2 Navigation Keys


To activate the Software Navigation Bar, add the following line in overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml. This is done by default for AM335x EVM

    <bool name="config_showNavigationBar">true</bool>

The kernel has been complied with both Boolean values true and false, with the hope that the navigation bar with will be visible as intended or the navigation bar including the black bar is not visible. Either is fine, but not half way.

Thank you