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General issues faced while setting up TRACE32 for linux debug with Lauterbach on an Ubuntu/Linux PC

Issue 1.

PCF/Bitmap fonts not enabled.

Error reported: "FATAL ERROR from X-windows: XFT available, but not working with PCF bitmap fonts.

Please check your FontCOnfig configuration, possibly bitmap fonts are explicitly disabled.


step 1: Enable bitmpa fonts, sudo rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/70-no-bitmaps.conf

step 2: CLear the old font cache

sudo fc-cache -f -v <path to t32, usually /opt>/t32/fonts

step 3: restart your PC.

  • Issue 2:

    Connection is not detected. You might have connected the lauterbach to you PC via USB cable and powered on but still doesn't get detected by PC/T32.

    Error reported: "FATAL ERROR from PODBUS, TRACE32 not connected or could not be accessed"


    step 1: Check if "SLECT" led is flshing on the hardware (Lauterbach Jtag debugger) if yes then it means the self test is successfully completed.

    step 2: You might be missing the udev rules file / is not copied correctly to udev directory.

      Copy the 10-lauterbach.rues file ound in <pathto t32 instalaltion, generally /opt>/t32/bin/pc_linux/udev.conf/10-lauterbach.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/ directory

    sudo cp <pathto t32 instalaltion, generally /opt>/t32/bin/pc_linux/udev.conf/10-lauterbach.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

    step 3: Restart your system.



  • Issue 3:

    Error reported: Unable to find shared object library


    You might be missing the shared library file so install Libjpeg

    sudo apt-get install libjpeg62

    Additional information on General issues and help can be found here:


  • Hello Ravikumar,

    Same scenario :  FATAL ERROR from PODBUS-driver  : TRACE32 not connected for accessible

     I have install the of centos 7 (64 bit) , And i completed on installation part  , after install the lauter bach i'm trying to sourcing on below command

    source  /opt/t32/

    in that file content

    export T32SYS=/tools/t32

    export T32TMP=/tmp

    export T32ID=T32

    export PATH=$PATH:/opt/t32/bin/pc_linux/


    FATAL ERROR from PODBUS-driver  : TRACE32 not connected for accessible

    I  have done  the above post root cause  (step1 and step2 ) till the issue is persist , Kindly post your conclusion for this scenario 

    Many Thanks

    Golden John S