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Helloworld on arago

Dear Forum,

I have been working on getting a simple hello world to compile build and get it placed into the usr/bin dir of the tidsk distribution described here with no luck.  Im hoping someone can point out where Im going wrong in how Im doing my config and recipes.  Im running everything on a ubuntu 12.04lts machine.  Target hardware is the TMDSSK3358 - AM335x Starter Kit (which I hope is what distribution link above is to be used with).

I have seen several examples from the yocto pages, but the examples all call out directory structures (poky and others) Im not exactly seeing in the tisdk builds and not sure how to deal with.

Is there a good demo someone can point me to specifically for the arago builds?

Thanks for the help!


I have attached a tar of the meta-hello dir. Below is the first file and location I changed.      



# This template file was created by taking the oe-core/meta/conf/bblayers.conf
# file and removing the BBLAYERS section at the end.

# LAYER_CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/bblayers.conf
# changes incompatibly


# Layers configured by oe-core-setup script
        /home/rupertm/ti/tisdk/sources/meta-hello \
        /home/rupertm/ti/tisdk/sources/meta-arago/meta-arago-distro \
        /home/rupertm/ti/tisdk/sources/meta-arago/meta-arago-extras \
        /home/rupertm/ti/tisdk/sources/meta-qt5 \
        /home/rupertm/ti/tisdk/sources/meta-openembedded/toolchain-layer \
        /home/rupertm/ti/tisdk/sources/meta-openembedded/meta-networking \
        /home/rupertm/ti/tisdk/sources/meta-openembedded/meta-ruby \
        /home/rupertm/ti/tisdk/sources/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \
        /home/rupertm/ti/tisdk/sources/meta-ti \
        /home/rupertm/ti/tisdk/sources/meta-linaro/meta-linaro-toolchain \
        /home/rupertm/ti/tisdk/sources/oe-core/meta \

attached is the tar for the meta-hello.
