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DM365 voicecodec moudle 's interrupt in LINUX

 I use the DM365 voicecodec moudle in linux 2.6 all the register was be config like this:
 REG_ARM_INTMUX|=(1<<7);     //set the interrupt mux control to make the VCINT could be used
 REG_PERI_CLKCTL &= (~0xFF80);  //set the VC'clock
  REG_PERI_CLKCTL |= ( 0x0080);  
 dm365_voicecodec_write(((1<<RSTDAC)|(1<<RSTADC)), DM365_VOICECODEC_CTRL);//reset the ADC/DAC
 dm365_voicecodec_write(((0<<RSTDAC)|(0<<RSTADC)), DM365_VOICECODEC_CTRL);//stop reset
 dm365_voicecodec_write(0x000000fd,DM365_VOICECODEC_POWER);//open the all power
 dm365_voicecodec_write(0x0000003f,DM365_VOICECODEC_MUTE_ATT);//VC_REG09//set the Digital attenuation for DAC
 dm365_voicecodec_write(((1<<RFIFOEN)|(1<<WFIFOEN)|(1<<RFIFOCL)|(1<<WFIFOCL)), DM365_VOICECODEC_CTRL);//set the ctl register
 dm365_voicecodec_write(((1<<RDRDY)|(1<<WDREQ)),DM365_VOICECODEC_INTEN); //enable write fifo request and read fifo data read interrupt
 /*************************the interrupt request function************************************/
 err = request_irq(IRQ_DM365_VCINT, dm365_vc_interrupt, IRQF_DISABLED,VOICECODEC_DEVICE_NAME, NULL);//IRQ_DM365_VCINT=24
 the question is :the interrupt function is not entered,does i had make the register error? and is there somethingelse i don't know to do.
 Is there anybody can tell me how could I do to make the interrupt function be used?
 Thanks for you answer;