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SEGV error when trying to run application on Linux (C6678)


I've just started developing C6678 DSP board, which has a Linux on it. I'm now trying to run a helloworld program on the onboard linux. Here is what I did:

I build a helloworld program in CCS, and use the debug mode to load and run the application (helloworld.out) through XDS560 emulator, and it works well.

Then I use ftp to transfer the  helloworld.out file to the DSP board, and try to run it there (./helloworld.out ), and the SEGV pops out.

I'm guessing maybe this is not the right way to get an application running on the onboard Linux?

Thanks in advance,


  • Hi Shang Li,

    For keystone-II devices, which has DSP + ARM cores:

    Yes, the reason is, you have created a bare metal hello world application to be run on ARM target directly without running any operating system on it.

    That's why you are able to run the hello world example using CCS and the emulator.

    To create a hello world example to run on top of linux, use linaro tool chain to cross compile and build it some thing like below.

    // to compile

    host $ arm-linaro-linux-gnueabi-gcc hello.c –o hello

    // transfer the binary hello into target root filesystem using "scp" command.

    //to run

    host $ ./hello

    For keystone - I devices Which has just the DSP cores:

    For example, use command like below for C6678 EVM

    %> gmake PLATFORM=uclinux COMPILER=cl6x LINKER=gcc

    For more info refer to




    Please click the Verify Answer button on this post if it answers your question.


  • Hi Shankari,

    Thanks for your reply!

    So far I don't have a linux PC, so I'm gonna get one and try the method you told me and come back later. 

    But before that, is there any other way to compile a program using CCS that can run on Linux?

  • Hi,
    As Shankari replied, you can use the following link to build and also you can try windows machine with cygwin setup for building.