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DM368 AudoSink getting Assertion `pcm && params' failed.

I'm using a system based on the DM368 IPNC and am attempting to play an inbound RTP stream (uLaw) to the speaker.  To do this, I have created an instance of an RTPSource associated with the inbound port.  I have also created an instance of the AudioSink (live/audiorecv/AudioSink.cpp) to deliver the RTP to the speaker.  Once I initiate the AudioSink->startPlaying, I get the following error reported:

av_server.out: pcm_params.c:2286: snd_pcm_hw_refine: Assertion `pcm && params' failed.

In total there are 3 streams in use:  an H264 video out, an RTP audio out and an RTP audio in.  The two outbound streams appear to be ok.  I only have the issue when I attempt the inbound stream.  It makes no difference if I only attempt the inbound stream.  At this stage in development, I allow the system to boot, issue the /opt/ipnc/ to tear down the currently running configuration and then start up av_server.out with:

/opt/ipnc/av_server.out DM368 NTSC AUDIO 8000 G711 64000 TI2A AEWB 1080P H264 4000000 VBR AUTO H264 512000 VBR

Below is a segment of the code I'm running.  It is based on wis-streamer.cpp and other examples I could find within the system.  Any information on what I've not configured correctly to avoid the Assertion would be greatly appreciated.

 *                      M A I N   A P P L I C A T I O N
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct optionals myOpt = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x64001F, 96, "-", "-" };
    APPROInput* H264InputDevice = NULL;
    FramedSource* videoSource;
    FramedSource* audioSource;
    struct in_addr destAddr;
    struct in_addr srcAddr;
    int videoType = VIDEO_TYPE_H264_CIF;
    char BuffStr[200];
    const unsigned char ttl = 7; // low, in case routers don't admin scope
    RTPSink *rtpVideoSink;
    RTPSink *rtpAudioSink;
    RTPSource *rtpAudioSource;
    AudioSink *spkrOut;
    static RTCPInstance* rtcpVideo = NULL;
    static RTCPInstance* rtcpAudio = NULL;

    if(argc < 3){
    recoverArgs(argc, argv, &myOpt);
    printf("myOpt.vidPrtFarEnd = %d\n",myOpt.vidPrtFarEnd);
    printf("myOpt.audOutPrtFarEnd = %d\n",myOpt.audOutPrtFarEnd);
    printf("myOpt.audInPrtNearEnd = %d\n",myOpt.audInPrtNearEnd);
    // set the priority of this process
    setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, 0);

    // Create the environment and scheduler needed
    TaskScheduler *scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew();
    UsageEnvironment *env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler);

    // Initialize the signal handling

    // Address dest --> send to, src --> receive on 
    destAddr.s_addr = our_inet_addr(myOpt.farEndIp);
    srcAddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    srcAddr.s_addr = our_inet_addr(""); 

    // Get the port in correct format
    const Port rtpPort(myOpt.vidPrtFarEnd);
    const Port rtcpPort(myOpt.vidPrtFarEnd+1);
    const Port audOutRtpPort(myOpt.audOutPrtFarEnd);
    const Port audOutRtcpPort(myOpt.audOutPrtFarEnd+1);
    const Port audInRtpPort(myOpt.audInPrtNearEnd);

    /* Initialize the shared memory connection */

    /* Get access to the video stream.  This is done through the Appro API 
     * by first getting access to the video input and then routing it 
     * to an RTPSink.  */
    H264InputDevice = APPROInput::createNew(*env, videoType);

    audioSource = H264InputDevice->audioSource();
    videoSource = H264VideoStreamFramer::createNew(*env, 
    // Configure output buffer size

    //  Get the string info for the RTP
    extern int GetSprop(void *pBuff, char vType);
    GetSprop(BuffStr, videoType);

    // And set up the RTP/RTCP sockets -- TBD need to specify originating port??
    Groupsock audOutRtpGroupsock(*env, destAddr, audOutRtpPort, ttl);
    Groupsock audOutRtcpGroupsock(*env, destAddr, audOutRtcpPort, ttl);
    Groupsock rtpGroupsock(*env, destAddr, rtpPort, ttl);
    Groupsock rtcpGroupsock(*env, destAddr, rtcpPort, ttl);
    Groupsock audInRtpGroupsock(*env, srcAddr, audInRtpPort, ttl);

    // Incoming audio path::  rtpAudioSource --> spkrOut
    spkrOut   = AudioSink::createNew(*env, "Output", 1024); 
    rtpAudioSource = SimpleRTPSource::createNew(*env, &audInRtpGroupsock, 0, 8000, "audio", 0, 0);

    // Outgoing audio path::  audioSource --> rtpAudioSink
    rtpAudioSink = SimpleRTPSink::createNew(*env, &audOutRtpGroupsock, 0, 8000, "audio", "PCMU", 1, 1, 0); 
    // Outgoing video path::  videoSource --> rtpVideoSink
    rtpVideoSink = H264VideoRTPSink::createNew(*env, &rtpGroupsock, 

    // Create (and start) a 'RTCP instance' for the RTP sinks:
    const unsigned estimatedSessionBandwidth = 5000; // in kbps; for RTCP b/w share
    const unsigned maxCNAMElen = 100;
    unsigned char CNAME[maxCNAMElen+1];
    gethostname((char *)CNAME, maxCNAMElen);
    CNAME[maxCNAMElen] = '\0';
    rtcpVideo = RTCPInstance::createNew(*env, &rtcpGroupsock, estimatedSessionBandwidth,
                            CNAME, rtpVideoSink, NULL, 0);
    rtcpAudio = RTCPInstance::createNew(*env, &audOutRtcpGroupsock, 8, CNAME, rtpAudioSink, NULL, 0); 

    /* Last step is to start playing ... */
    *env << "Beginning streaming...\n" << "Port: " << myOpt.vidPrtFarEnd;
    *env << "Starting Video\n";
    rtpVideoSink->startPlaying(*videoSource, NULL, NULL);
    *env << "Starting Audio\n";
    rtpAudioSink->startPlaying(*audioSource, NULL, NULL);
    spkrOut->startPlaying(*rtpAudioSource, NULL, NULL);
    return 0;

  • FYI ... the receive audio path code doesn't look like it was released in working order. There are a couple of issues with the receive direction of the audio path. The most serious is in the DRV_audiopalyset_param() where the handle passed in is immediately zeroed out and then used. This caused the reported error. A couple of other changes are necessary to get the receive audio working.
  • Hi Alan,
    Sounds good.
    Thanks for your update.
    Could you tell us what changes have you been made to make it work, so other community members get benefited as well.