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How to set argv in debugging Sitara AM3359 SK board?


I have a Sitara SK board, TFTP boot and NFS at the host Ubuntu PC. I want to debug the following C code, but I don't find a place to set argv needed.

Could you tell me where to put argv for remote debugging at the target board?


int main(int, char **argv)
    // gets file to read and builds map to support queries
    TextQuery file = build_textfile(argv[1]);

  • Hi Jeff,

    Can you share some more details?

    As I am sure you're aware argv[1] is the first parameter after the name of the compiled C program. So can you please share a little more details about your query:
    How do you call your C application? In linux user space, or is it called within another program? Or is it a compiled within linux kernel?
    It may also be helpful if you can share the code of your application?

    Best Regards,
  • Find the solution at debug configure file. Thanks,