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edma error interrupt with no error status

We are attempting to use the EDMA with UARTs on the AM335x.

We use starterware02.00.00.07 uartEcho_edma.

in our main(),we only use 2 steps.

first, wait for the data from master,

second,if received,then check the CRC, if CRC is right then transmit data to the master,if CRC is wrong,don't answer the master.

This is mostly working, but we see a problem when receive data with WRONG CRC.

The EDMA  has an error interrupt handler, Edma3CCErrorIsr().  this interrupt can be generated when there is a missed DMA event (latched in EMR or EMRH), a missed QDMA event (latched in QEMR), a threshold exceeded (latched in CCERR) or a TCC error (also latched in CCERR).

when the CRC is wrong,program run into Edma3CCErrorIsr,the interrupt handler checks those four error registers, but does not find any error event. All of the registers are 0. but the program keep on running into Edma3CCErrorIsr.

can you give me some suggestions.