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Data damaged when loading from SD-card / FatFS

Genius 5820 points


I found a problem when loading larger amounts of data from SD-card: In some cases some of the bytes are damaged (mainly first byte and some data in between). Now I found this happens only when data blocks with a size larger than 511 bytes are loaded. Changing my code in a way so that this limit is not exceeded (loading larger data by using repeted calls to f_read()) solves the problem.

The funny thing: in MLO code that comes with Starterware this 511 bytes limitation is already taken into account, the APP-file is loaded using repeated read-calls with sizes of max. 511 bytes.

So my question: what causes this limitation? It is the same value like the FatFS is the MLO-solution some workaround for buggy code or how can one explain this?
