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AM335x CAN transmit address transmit question

I an using the CAN system in the AM335x ICE V2.1 board. I have it working,
transmitting and receiving but am having trouble using the CAN message RAM. I have
a question in on the receive but now I am having trouble in the TRANSMIT part.

I use the CANMsgObjectConfig(unsigned int baseAdd, can_frame* canPtr) from the dcan_frame.c
utilities from dcanTxRx starterware routine. This configures a slot in the Message RAM
with the data contained in the can_frame object. This includes the dlc, length of the packet
and the CAN id value.

I wanted to use these slots for transmit so all I would have to do would be copy the
data into the slot and set the flags to send the data. Like this, I have an internal structure
that holds the data on all the CAN message RAM slots (frames) plus some other information

Send a CAN packet

@param data Data buffer
@param len Length of data <= 8
@param slot Slot #

@return 0 if successful, <> 0 if not

int CANTransmit( unsigned char *data,int len,int slot)
int rtnval = 0;
unsigned int msgNum = frames[slot].msgNum;
unsigned int *ptr = (unsigned int *)data;
can_frame *frame = (can_frame *)&frames[slot].frame;

frame->data = (unsigned int *)data;

/* Set the message valid bit */

/* Set the data length code */
DCANDataLengthCodeSet(DCOM_REGS, len, DCAN_IF1_REG);

/* Populate the data bytes in the data registers */
if( ptr != 0 )
DCANDataWrite(DCOM_REGS, ptr, DCAN_IF1_REG); <-- Just copy the data into the msg RAM

/* Configure the command register */
**** This enables the XMIT and away it goes.
**** msgNum is the CAN Message RAM location (gotten when we set it up using

return rtnval;

This works the first time I use it then for all subsequent attempts it uses the address from last
transmitted data address and never resets.

How is the CAN message RAM supposed to work ?

Right as a stopgap I am calling CANMsgObjectConfig() instead of this routine and that
sends to the right address.

Any suggestions ?

--jim schimpf