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I2C2 on BBB

I have a question about initializing the I2C2 using Starterware (bare-metal, no OS). A function to configure the I2C2 Module seems to be missing.

There is a function "I2C0ModuleClkConfig()" for I2C0 (which works for me) and also a function "I2C1ModuleClkConfig()" for I2C1 (which also works for me). However, there doesn't appear to be a "I2C2ModuleClkConfig()" function.

How can I use the I2C2 interface without it?? I successfully set I2C0 and I2C1 with reading data from capes, but what about I2C2?


  • Hi Dean,

    Presently there is no API to enable the module clocks for I2C2 instance. To enable the I2C instance you have to define the API for configuring the clocks for the module. Please refer I2C1ModuleClockConfig API defined in platform/evmskAM335x/hsi2c.c as reference for defining the new API.


    Anant Pai