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How to Send/Receive data directly via USB End Point


I'm using Beaglebone White (original) and AM335X_StarterWare_02_00_01_01 for using the AM335x USB with USB Bluetooth dongle

I'm able to have it worked on bot Windows & Linux using LibUsb functions Read/Write directly on endpoints EP0 (Control OUT)

EP1 (Event IN) and EP2 (Data IN/OUT)

I'm able to run example usb_host_msc fine with USB drive

However, I'm NOT able to figure out how to use those API function work directly on EP I'm after.

Below are my questions

1) USBHCDPipeRead() & USBHCDPipeWrite()

1a) Do they work for all EP, including EP0 for Control & Setup ?

1b) They require PipeLine_Id, not EP_Num, how to convert between PipeLine_Id to EP_Num. I found a macro INDEX_TO_USB_EP, but it returns 0x10 for EP, but max of EP is 0xF ?!?!

2) USBHCDControlTransfer()

There's no response after sending "Reset Cmd", and I'm not able to locate TX/RX data buffer to check
