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Safely Temporarily Disable AM335x Ethernet Receive Interrupts

I've modeled my ethernet code after the Starterware LWIP interface examples (although I'm not using LWIP for various reasons). 

During the time the Receive interrupt process is called, I handle the incoming packets -- using some variables that are used in other parts of the system. 

So, I need to be able to "protect" these variables and temporarily disable the receive interrupt. 

I've tried using something like:

//Disable the Global Interrupts
intStatus = IntDisable();

/* Disable the interrupts for channel 0 and for control core 0 */
CPSWCPDMATxIntDisable(me->cpdma_base, 0);
CPSWWrCoreIntDisable(me->wrpr_base, 0, 0, CPSW_CORE_INT_TX_PULSE);

CPSWCPDMARxIntDisable(me->cpdma_base, 0);
CPSWWrCoreIntDisable(me->wrpr_base, 0, 0, CPSW_CORE_INT_RX_PULSE);

//Enable the Global Interrupts

or even just

//Disable the Global Interrupts
intStatus = IntDisable();

/* Disable the interrupts for channel 0 and for control core 0 */
CPSWWrCoreIntDisable(me->wrpr_base, 0, 0, CPSW_CORE_INT_TX_PULSE);

CPSWWrCoreIntDisable(me->wrpr_base, 0, 0, CPSW_CORE_INT_RX_PULSE);

//Enable the Global Interrupts

but this seems to cause crashes. 

Is this the correct way to temporarily disable the interrupts?