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Starterware/TMDXSK437X: Where can I find TMDXSK437X PinMux_config file

Part Number: TMDXSK437X

Tool/software: Starterware


I have a custom board that is mostly based on "TMDXSK437X" dev kit.

I am trying to locate the existing pinmux_config file for this devkit so I can load it and modify it via PinMux Config tool in TI cloud.

I have installed the "C:\ti\pdk_am437x_1_0_5" package and under the:


I see only following three files:



idkevm_config -(this I believe is the industrial kit pinmux_config file)

If someone can let me know where to find the PinMix config file for the "TMDXSK437X" I would truly appreciate it.

Thank you,
