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Starterware/AM3357: uart example

Guru 20755 points
Part Number: AM3357

Tool/software: Starterware


I am using uart edma example with StarterWare.

I would please like to ask why it use dummy transmit at the start ?

Is this dummy transmit required whenever we use uart with dma ?

Thank you,


  • Ran,

    Please see at the very end of
    Hope this clarifies.

  • Hi Lalindra,

    Thanks a lot !
    It does help in understanding.
    Yet, It didn't work on porting it to my OS (vxworks).
    I have some issue that I must write dummy bytes (8), and only after that the dma starts triggering all the bytes, and it works very well.
    The problem is that I must trigger the start of the dma with these first dummy bytes(8), otherwise the dma does not start .
    I am not sure if it is the same issue is not the same as the dummy transfer described in the wiki , is it ?

    Is this behavior as I described known (is it the same as the wiki dummy transfer) ? Is there any workaround ?

    Thank you,