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Compiler errno.h and NDK serrno.h are incomaptible

Hey guys:

Because of a hundred different includes within includes, I am getting both c:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/include/errno.h and c:\ti\tirtos_tivac_2_00_01_23\products\ndk_2_23_01_01\packages\ti\ndk\inc\serrno.h included in my compile.  Here is the warning:

"c:\ti\tirtos_tivac_2_00_01_23\products\ndk_2_23_01_01\packages\ti\ndk\inc\serrno.h", line 80: warning #48-D: incompatible redefinition of macro "EINPROGRESS" (declared at line 96 of "c:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/arm_5.1.5/include/errno.h")

There are a couple of problems.  The first is that the values are declared as HEX in errno.h and as decimal in serrno.h.  My guess is that it makes the errno.h values *unsigned* and the serrno.h values are *signed*.

The other problem is that EINPROGRESS and and probably others I haven't tripped over yet have different values between the two files.

In my opinion serrno.h should not exist at all and the NDK should be including errno.h from the compiler include directory which should be in a more or less Unix/Linux standard path for *all* of the compilers you supply with CCSv6
