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Errors with "Tag_PCS_config attribute" when trying to compile RTOS examples for Tiva-C Launchpad


I would like to work with the TI-RTOS Drivers, specifically for Tiva-C

After struggling with my own code, I tried to compile the "I2CTMP006" example.

The result is I received 28 error messages of the form:

"file C:\TI\tirtos_tivac_2_01_00_03\products\bios_6_40_03_39\packages\ti\catalog\arm\cortexm4\tiva\ce\lib\Boot.aem4f<Boot_sysctl.oem4f>" has a Tag_PCS_config attribute value of "1" that is different than one previously seen ("0"); combining incompatible files

I am using CCS 5.5

What would cause this error, and where should I look to solve it?

Thank you