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Usb_stick_update failure


TI-RTOS: v2.01.00.03

NDK: v2.23.01.01

CCS: v6.0.1.0040


I am getting following errors while upadting Usb-stick update.

Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type
#1965 cannot open source file "inc/hw_nvic.h"    startup_ccs.c    /usb_stick_update    line 26    C/C++ Problem
#1965 cannot open source file "inc/hw_flash.h"    usb_stick_update.c    /usb_stick_update    line 28    C/C++ Problem

I had included these header files in my code, but when I compiled my project, these above 2 errors are displayed. How I can resolved this problem.
