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how to access BSP_ARGS from display driver?

I am using Variscite's VAR-SOM-OM37, 3730, and I want to be able to read the deviceID that is set in the EBoot's menu.

I can read deviceID from the display driver's code FROM eboot,(I have confirmed it is working for eboot using the code below)

but I can't find an API to do that from WinCE's Display driver.(or maybe need to link to another library?)

void LcdPdd_LCD_InitResolution()


#ifdef BOOT_MODE
        BSP_ARGS *pArgs2;
        pArgs2 = OALCAtoUA(IMAGE_SHARE_ARGS_CA);
        RETAILMSG( TRUE,(TEXT("********************************************************pArgs->deviceID is %d\r\n"),pArgs2->deviceID));

how to access deviceID in the WinCE display driver in this function???

  • actually did more testing. it isn't working.

    anyone know how to read the deviceid value from the eboot's menu item 6 Set Device ID?

    Main Menu
    [1] Show Current Settings
    [2] Boot and Download Settings
    [3] Select KITL (Debug) Device
    [4] Network Settings
    [5] Flash Management
    [6] Set Device ID
    [7] Save Settings
    [a] Select Display Resolution (Generic LCD mode only)
    [0] Exit and Continue
    Selection: 6
    Current Device ID: 1

    New Device ID:
  • Seems like memory at IMAGE_SHARE_ARGS_CA isn't initialized yet at that point.