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SCANSTA 476 instruction opcodes

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SCANSTA476


SCANSTA476 is basically a ADC, or voltage monitor, with JTAG interface produced by National Semiconductor.

If somobody ask, what this post is doing on TI forum, it's because I was redirected here for technical supprot from product site. By the way  National Semiconductor is part of Texas Instruments now.

My problem is, I can't find anywhere documentation about JTAG instructions opcodes, or how to program MCU to communicate with this device.

If anybody could help, please.
I looked in so many places but couldn't find it.


  • Greetings -

    Sorry for the holiday delay in response.  Op-codes 40h to 47h select pins A0 to A7 respectively and are noted in the Timing Diagram in the datasheet.  You are correct also, the National portfolio of parts is now part of TI.  The datasheet is available at:

    I will check to see if there is any additional information available to highlight for you.

    John Goldie
    DPS APPS / SVA /

  • Greetings -

    A colleague also pointed out to me the BSDL model is a good reference also.  It is migrating from to and should be available in the product folder soon.  It can also be downloaded from:

    Best Regards;

    John Goldie

  • John Goldie said:

    Op-codes 40h to 47h select pins A0 to A7 respectively and are noted in the Timing Diagram in the datasheet. 

    I noticed it just after writing this post.

    John Goldie said:

    A colleague also pointed out to me the BSDL model is a good reference also.

    This is what I needed.

    Thanks you for help.


  • Stand by...I'll look into this and get it fixed.


  • Enclosed is the file. I'm still working on repairing the link.

    -- Copyright National Semiconductor Corporation 2005
    -- Boundary Scan Description Language, BSDL Model for "SCANSTA476"
    -- National Semiconductor Customer Service Center
    -- N. America  (800) 272-9959
    -- Europe Germany p49 (0) 69 9508 6208
    -- 01   09 May 2005  Relocated the PRIVATE_INSTRUCTION attribute to the fourth
    --                   position of the instruction register description.
    -- 00   24 January 2005  Initial release
    entity SCANSTA476 is
        generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "LLP16");
        port (A0     : linkage bit;
              A1     : linkage bit;
              A2     : linkage bit;
              A3     : linkage bit;
              A4     : linkage bit;
              A5     : linkage bit;
              A6     : linkage bit;
              A7     : linkage bit;
              VDD    : linkage bit_vector(0 to 1);
              VREF   : linkage bit;
              GND    : linkage bit;
              TDO    : out bit;
              TDI    : in bit;
              TMS    : in bit;
              TCK    : in bit;
              TRST   : in bit);
         use STD_1149_1_2001.all;
         attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of SCANSTA476 : entity is "STD_1149_1_2001";
         attribute PIN_MAP of SCANSTA476 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;
         constant LLP16 : PIN_MAP_STRING:=
        attribute TAP_SCAN_IN of TDI : signal is true;
        attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE of TMS : signal is true;
        attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT of TDO : signal is true;
        attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK : signal is (20.0e6, BOTH);
        attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of TRST : signal is true;
        attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of SCANSTA476 : entity is 8;
        attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of SCANSTA476 : entity is
          "EXTEST          (00000000),"&
          "IDCODE          (10000001),"&
          "PRELOAD         (10000010),"&
          "SAMPLE          (10000010),"&
          "HIGHZ           (00000110),"&
          "CLAMP           (10000111),"&
          "MUXSEL0         (01000000),"&
          "MUXSEL1         (01000001),"&
          "MUXSEL2         (01000010),"&
          "MUXSEL3         (01000011),"&
          "MUXSEL4         (01000100),"&
          "MUXSEL5         (01000101),"&
          "MUXSEL6         (01000110),"&
          "MUXSEL7         (01000111),"&
          "PVTMXG          (01001000),"&  -- private
          "PVTMXP          (01001001),"&  -- private
          "PVTAD0          (01100000),"&  -- private
          "PVTAD1          (01100001),"&  -- private
          "PVTAD2          (01100010),"&  -- private
          "PVTAD3          (01100011),"&  -- private
          "PVTAD4          (01100100),"&  -- private
          "PVTAD5          (01100101),"&  -- private
          "PVTAD6          (01100110),"&  -- private
          "PVTAD7          (01100111),"&  -- private
          "PVTADG          (01101000),"&  -- private
          "PVTADP          (01101001)";   -- private
        attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of SCANSTA476 : entity is "XXXXXX01";
        attribute INSTRUCTION_PRIVATE of SCANSTA476 : entity is
        attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of SCANSTA476 : entity is
          "0001" &                -- version 01
          "0000000001011010" &    -- part number 005A
          "00000001111" &         -- manufacturer's identity
          "1";                    -- required by 1149.1
        attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of SCANSTA476 : entity is
          "DEVICE_ID (IDCODE)," &
          "ADC[16]   (MUXSEL0, MUXSEL1, MUXSEL2, MUXSEL3, MUXSEL4," &
                     "MUXSEL5, MUXSEL6, MUXSEL7)," &
          "BYPASS    (CLAMP, HIGHZ, BYPASS)" ;
        attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH   of SCANSTA476 : entity is 1;
        attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of SCANSTA476 : entity is
       -- num  cell    port     function   safe [ccell disval rslt]
          -- TDO
          "0  (BC_1,   *,       internal,  1)";
          -- TDI
    end SCANSTA476;