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Bluradios CC2540 module

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2540, BLE-STACK

Hello are there anyone here who are using Bluradios CC2540 nBLE modules? Are there any advantage of using these over CC2540 mini Development kit which TI is offering?


    BlueRadios modules offer a complete and easy to integrate solution for a much faster time to market. The modules are FCC, IC and CE certified and just need to be dropped into your design. You won’t need to worry about RF design/component selection, as the module has a built in antenna that can achieve a range of over 100m. If the customer would like to use their own antenna the module is also offered without an antenna or with a u.fl connector. BlueRadios has a Bluetooth 2.1 module and a soon to be released Dual Mode Low Energy module with the same footprint as the Single Mode Low Energy module.

    The modules can be controlled through the UART using a serial AT command stack that is extremely easy to use out of the box. The stack includes a custom serial port profile, BlueRadios Serial Port (BRSP), for serial data streaming similar to the Bluetooth SPP profile. The modules come preprogrammed with the latest AT command stack and a bootloader that allows firmware updates to easily be programmed through the UART. BlueRadios is also working on providing libraries for customers to write their own apps to run on the module. The libraries will sit on top of the TI stack, providing a simpler interface similar to what the AT command interface provides. Of course the TI stack can still be used to write apps for BlueRadios modules.

    BlueRadios development boards are much more developer friendly with all I/O being pulled out to headers. They have a USB to Serial IC on board, allowing the AT Command stack to easily be tested from a PC. They can also be powered via battery, USB, CC Debugger or external supply. BlueRadios also offers multiple reference design boards with various sensors on board.


  • How about power consumption? Is there any estimation for BlueRadios modules power consumption in the various modes?

  • The BlueRadios Module uses the same power, at each power mode, that the CC2540 data sheet specifies 

  • One more consideration -- using a pre-certified module from a third party vendor provides all the advantages mentioned above.

    However, such modules typically require the use of the vendor's stack, and thus the vendor will become your primary source of developer support.  Be sure you are comfortable with the support structure of any vendor you might chose.


  • BlueRadios doesn't require that you use our stack on our module, you can use TI's Stack or any other software you'd like.  However, if you'd like to use our software we do require that it be used on one of our modules.

  • J.Sample said:

    BlueRadios doesn't require that you use our stack on our module, you can use TI's Stack or any other software you'd like.  However, if you'd like to use our software we do require that it be used on one of our modules.

    That's good news. Thanks.

    Forgive a naive follow up: if the TI software stack was used in lieu of a vendor's stack, does the module's certification still apply?  I have been led to believe that the stack was an intrisic component to the certification.



  • The hardware compliance certifications (FCC/IC/CE) would still apply, but if the stack is changed then the Bluetooth certifications would have to be redone.

  • Sorry for getting back late on this again.,

    As per my understanding only IAR is the supporting compiler for CC2540 and the free version supports applications only upto 4k., I looked at the and can see that they have provided hex files of ~160k ., Using the exe what they have provided there, I believe one can program CC2540 modules of Bluradios., How is this being done? Can any one kindly let me know please? I understand that to compile new application using bluetooth stack we have to have IAR full version. Kindly clarify.,


    -Nagaraj Hegde

  • The BlueRadios modules ship programmed with a bootloader that allows firmware to be updated through the serial port using our programmer application. 

    There will be 4 options available to write applications for the BlueRadios modules: (ATLE.e and ATLE.ez are not yet available but will be released soon.)

    ATLE.s (Serial) - The module is controlled through the UART using an AT command set.  This requires an external processor, which customers may already be familiar with and may not require an expensive compiler.

    ATLE.e (Embedded) - BlueRadios provides a library that is built on top of the TI stack, allowing customers to build custom applications.  This requires the IAR compiler but will provide a simplified programming experience compared to the TI Stack.

    ATLE.ez (Easy Embedded) - BlueRadios provides a library that can be used with a free compiler, allowing customers to build custom applications at no extra cost.  The programming experience is even more simplified than ATLE.e, allowing the user to execute AT commands as if they were running on an external microcontroller, but still allowing direct access to the CC2540 peripherals.  ATLE.ez will be RAM limited compared to the ATLE.e option.

    TI BLE-STACK - Customers can use the TI stack with IAR.


  • Thanks J.Sample,

    So if I understand properly, then the ATLE.s needs an additional processor, ATLE.e is with IAR and the ATLE.ez with any compiler., Can you give some more hint on that last option please? Are we supposed to use external processor here as well?

    Are the customers supposed to buy ATLE.ez from Bluradios or that will be free? And which compiler can be used (which all Bluradios tested) to compile the code? I am interested to know how is this being done... Because as per TI, IAR is the only available compiler for CC2540!


    -Nagaraj Hegde


  • In most cases the ATLE.s stack would need an external processor, but depending on the complexity of your application it may not.  I forgot to mention that the ATLE.s stack has a remote command mode, so say your application just involved toggling a remote I/O, you could connect to the module, enter remote command mode, and send an AT command to toggle the I/O.  

    ATLE.e will use IAR and ATLE.ez will use a specific open source compiler, but I cannot release that information yet nor can I explain how it is being done.  ATLE.ez is meant to run on the module, so you wouldn't need an external processor.  The ATLE software is free to our customers and will only run on our modules.  

  • Hello J.Sample,

    Thanks for that! and one last question. So in the Bluradios modules, is it that you have used customer boot loader module which sits in CC2540, which communicate with the UART and take actions according to AT commands? 

    And can we access peripherals of CC2540 using AT commands? I know you have options for PIO and LEDs but is there a way to access ADC/Timers etc?

    Thanks for the help!

    Nagaraj Hegde

  • Hi Nagaraj,

    The bootloader and the firmware are two separate pieces.  The bootloader runs first at boot, and allows for firmware upgrades over the UART, if no upgrade is requested it runs the ATLE.s firmware.  The ATLE.s firmware then accepts commands over the UART.  The ATLE.e and ATLE.ez options will provide full access to peripherals and we are working on support for the ADC in ATLE.s.


  • Hi J.Sample.,

    Thanks so much for all the info., They are really informative.,

    I am just wondering if you can let us know about an approximate time frame when ATLE.ez will be available please?

    Thanks and best regards,

    Nagaraj Hegde

  • Hi Nagaraj,

    I cannot give out an exact date for the release of ATLE.ez, but it should be available sometime in the next couple of months.

    J. Sample

  • Hello J.Sample.,

    We will be using bluradios modules in our development but we will be using that with TI Stack., Now, that I am working with the Bluradios development board, I am finding it very hard to understand, a pin of CC2540 is mapped to which pin in the bring out board? I specifically need Timer 1 pins 0 and 1 in alternate 2 position (at P1.2 and P1.1 respectively)., Can you kindly let me know, which pins in the board corresponds to them please?

    Thanks and best regards,

    Nagaraj Hegde

  • J.Sample said:

    Hi Nagaraj,

    I cannot give out an exact date for the release of ATLE.ez, but it should be available sometime in the next couple of months.

    Hi there, it's now been a few months since you last posted this, can you give us an update as to the status of ATLE.e and ATLE.ez support? Also, is it currently possible to write C-code for the embedded 8051 MCU and use the TI BLE Stack?  I've been looking into both the Blueradios and BlueGiga BLE modules, and the BlueGiga modules don't currently have the capability to write C code for the 8051 on the cc2540, so I wanted to verify that your modules do indeed have this capability.  Thanks,


  • Adam,
    Sorry for the delay, we have been focusing our efforts on developing our dual mode modules, which will be out by the end of the month. At that point we will be able to finish up the ATLE.e library, so it may be another month or so. The ATLE.ez may take longer as we are currently running into resource issues in the 8051.
    But yes, you can use the TI BLE Stack to develop c-code applications with the IAR compiler.
  • Hi what is the current state of the ATLE.ez it would be nice to know if you have already have it.

    Thanks Jaime.

  • Hi Jaime,

    Unfortunately, due to the limited amount of memory on the 2540, we were unable to get ATLE.ez working.


  • Hi J.Sample,

    I want to use the bluradios BLE module. Here is what I am talking about
    Another link for the material available on the site -
    Now, I would like to use AT command set to program the module. The site says that there are AT command sets available, but I do not see them on the site.
    I am a rookie, so I would prefer using the AT command set, can you tell me what all I need to buy to get this going?
    Last time I used rn-42 bluetooth module, and to program that, all I had to do was send AT commands over serial via arduino, Can I do the same with the blueradios module?
  • Hi Steve,

    Yes, you will be able to send AT commands over serial from an arduino.  I would recommend buying the LE evaluation kit:, it includes everything you need to get going.  Both the module and the dev board come programmed with the latest AT.s firmware.

    $199 BR-EVAL-LE4.0-S2A Evaluation Kit includes:

      BR-DEV-LE4.0-S2A Development Board 
      BR-MUSB-LE4.0-S2A USB Dongle
      USB Male-to-Mini B Male 1meter cable 
      Quick Start Guide
      BLE AT Command Set User Guide PDF e-mailed.


  • Hi J.Sample,

    Thankyou for all the info. Just a few more things -

    1. Where should I purchase the kit from? I do not see a purchase link directly on their site. So If I purchase the kit from Digikey, then how can I inform them that I have purchased their product and they should give me the support documents?

    2. Can I buy it on TI directly, I just see the IC available here, cc2540.

    thank you again, your reply was very helpful.

  • Hi J.Sample, I forgot to add another thing. 

    Is it possible to get the blueradios module without the antenna and connect the antenna externally. I mean I do not mind the module being thicker, but the length of the module is a constraint for me, so maybe I can get the module without the antenna and connect the antenna later.

    I doubt if this can be done -  please have a look here -

    This says ,"without antenna , smd output" , for the module without the antenna, what does that mean?

  • Hi Steve,

    Information on ordering directly from BlueRadios is available here:

    The eval kits are available on Digikey, but not from TI directly.


  • Hi Steve,

    The modules are available without an antenna, but they are built to order with a 5k minimum.  In this configuration an external antenna can be connected to the module's RF output pad.


  • Hi John,

    First of all thank you for all the replies, they have been really helpful. So I understand I cannot get the module without the antenna unless I place a bulk order (which I can not). So would it be possible to get the module with antenna, then remove the antenna i.e cut out the antenna part from the pcb, and then place the antenna on top of the module and connect it via wires to the module.

  • Hi Steve,

    You could do this, but I wouldn't recommend it.  Cutting off the antenna should be fine, but placing the antenna on top of the module and connecting it via wires most likely won't perform very well at all.  


  • May I ask a follow-up question? I have read of other non-BlueRadios 3rd party modules that recommend using the BlueRadio software stack (for example, the PAN1720 mentions the use of the BlueRadio stack in its design guide).

    Does an arrangement exist there, or is this not a condoned practice? If one were to buy one of these modules, could one qualify for a BlueRadios account which allows access to the documentation for the BlueRadios stack, or is the only way to qualify for an account the purchase of a BlueRadio module?

    Thanks very much.

  • I agree with John that this would be dodgy if not done very carefully. However, if your organization has RF design resources, you could be successful at prototyping the connection to an external antenna. It might be approched via a UFL connector to the antenna that is pigtailed at the other end connecting to the module. Solid metal-to-metal RF-transmission-line and ground connections will be key. You'll want to revaluate the passives for proper matching in order to get tolerable performance from it. This might give you a rough model of what is ultimately acheivable with the 5k-run module.

  • Hi David,

    There is an arrangement between Panasonic and BlueRadios allowing Panasonic to sell their modules with the BlueRadios AT.s stack.  These modules have a different part number than Panasonic's non AT.s module - if you purchase these specific modules from Panasonic you would qualify for a BlueRadios account and access to documentation on the BlueRadios forum.


  • Hi, i don't know if anyone still read this post or not.

    I bought a BlueRadios single mode Bluetooth module. I am planning on programming it to take my sensor output and transfer by  Bluetooth to the dongle.  After reading this thread. I wanted to ask is it possible to program it withoout the IAR compiler and an external microprocessor using the AT commands. 

    2. I am kind of a novice in this bluetooth programmimg thing can anyone show me some source codes to use. I want to take the analog output and serial send it the Bluetooth dongle.

  • Hello Joseph, 

    There are two analog input pins on the BR-LE4.0-S2A, you can use those pins to read any analog voltage (less than 1.25V) and transmit it via BLE to the dongle. Otherwise, you can use an external microprocessor to read your sensor data and transmit them serially via UART. 

    You do not need the IAR compiler for that. 

  •  Thank You very much Bassam. 

    Actually i have done that already. I should have updated my question.

    Now what i want to do is to flash a custom program onto the bluetooth

    module to do the same thing without  entering the AT commands on the hyper terminal. I Have the IAR workbench. and the libraries. My question is how do i start.?

  • Hi all,

    I am kinda new when it comes to Bluetooth dev. I just got 2 of the br Le4-s3a and I am having trouble getting it working. Previously I have used the rn-42, and all it really took was powering it up to get it to work. At this point I just want to use it for some simple serial communication, and I didn't think I would need the dev kit. Do I need it to do anything though? I can power it up and one pio 2 flashes and led, while 5 is solid (I may have 2 and 5 mixed up). The device is not discoverable, and I have had no luck communicating with it via UART or i2c. Any ideas?

  • Hi Taylor,

    I was able to get this working just a few days ago, so I'm confident that you will as well. You can communicate with the device over UART. I'd suggest the following steps to you:

    1. Either purchase the breakout board ($10 on blue radios . com) or do what I did and solder leads onto the important pins. The basic pins you'll need are (1) all of the ground pins, (2) the Vdd pin, (3) the reset pin (pin 3), (4) the UART_TX pin (that's pin 13), and (5) the UART_RX pin (that's pin 14).

    2. Hook the grounds together and use a power supply or batteries to apply 3 volts (2-3.6 to be exact, and don't go over!) between Vdd and ground.

    3. Obtain a development board that has a DB9-serial connector that goes to a level-converter. This will allow you to hook the device to your computer and communicate via serial. You're computer uses different voltage levels than the modules do, and without the level converter, you'll not be able to communicate between them. If you don't already have one, then a more convenient way to go between computer and UART may be with a USB-UART bridge such as this inexpensive module. It is only one of many such options.

    4. Cross the UART TX and RX ports of the bluetooth module with those on the bridge development module that you've bought. Trial-and-error will suffice if you happen to get the wires backwards on your first attempt

    5.Connect the bridge development module to your computer and fire up hyperterminal, teraterm, or your favorite terminal program. Identify and connect to the com port of your bridge development module device. Set your baud to 115200 with 8 bits, no parity, and no hardware control.

    6.Enter "AT" + "<enter>". If you've done this all right, the module will reply "OK" to you. If not, you may just have the TX and RX connected backwards.

    7.If further troubleshooting is needed, simply touch your reset pin (pin 3) to ground for just a second and then release it, and the module should print out its name through the UART.

    Let me know if any of this is unclear. Best of luck!



  • Hey David,

    Thanks so much for the quick and detailed reply! Looks like i was just looking at the wrong baud rate, documents for the board seemed to point toward a default baud of 9600. I love the amount of useful documentation for this board  :s  . The tidbit on it saying its name after reset helped to.

    Never used AT commands before so i can look into that now. I'd ask how to get her started up but Ill hopefully find out before you get a chance to reply.

    Thanks again for the help!!


  • Nevermind... haha

    looks like i have no idea what i am doing an i am having no luck finding any information on the commands for this guy. Is there any good reference material out there? or if someone can let me know the basic commands i need to get up and going.

    thanks again!


  • You need to get permissions to access BlueRadios Forum so you can download the proper documentation,  This may take a few days

  • is there anyway someone can give me some information on the command set? i signed up for the BR forum but after waiting a week it seems my account was not approved. Im not to happy about that but don't have the time to call and yell at them right now.

  • If you are rejected you can respond back to the email with a copy of the invoice from where you purchased the modules from, ie Digikey.  Incorrect information that is put into the forum will be rejected.  

  • Hi Taylor,

    I endorse what Berms03 said. I bought my modules from Digikey, and went in a few circles with the folks at BlueRadios for a bit. The solution is to photocopy your invoice and attach it to an email to "". That done, there is no more confusing the issue, and they will send you the activation email - on the same day in my case.

    If you are itching to get started in the meantime and you have another module like the usb module from one of the TI dev kits, you can always connect to your BlueRadios module and query it. The single-mode module is discoverable when it starts up, and you can link to it and get at its GATT tables, for example.

    Note that - as far as I'm aware - if you would like to customize the GATT table of your module - you may still be obliged to purchase IAR - albeit at their reduced rate of $1000. If anyone knows differently of an alternative way to do this, I'd enjoy being corrected.

  • Hi guys,

    Thanks for the advice, I eventually just re applied called blue radio to get it approved. I actually managed to connect to the module on my iPhone, but past that I haven't had much time. But it looks like I can get all the documentation I need now and I look forward to seeing what I can do with this guy. Thanks again for the help!

  • Hi Guys, 

    Has any of you had this problem with the blueradios single mode module. I have been trying to read the ADC input with cusom codes that i flushed on he module for almost three weeks now and i have nothing. I set up a timer for 10sec and try to read the ADC. I have even tried bypassing the Blue radios stack and used the TI bu still i et nothing. The hyper terminal prints. value =0 always.

    osal_set_event(AT_TaskId(), ADC_READ_EVT);

    osal_start_reload_timer(AT_TaskId(), ADC_READ_EVT, 10000);

    ATADC(0, &value);
    AT_DBG("value = %u", value);

    Any input will be much appreciated.


  • Hi Guys, 

    I am making a new PCB with cc2540( blueradios) and i was wondering apart from the module and crystal. What other things does the module need to work on my PCB.

    2. I was also wondering if there is an EagleCad library for TPS62730.

    Thank You.

  • The BlueRadios module does not need any extra components to work.  All it really needs is VDD (3.3V) and Ground and the module will be ready to use, you shouldn't need another crystal.  The module contains both 32.768kHZ and 32MHz crystals.  If you plan on using AT commands you will need to have access to the UART, if you are writing custom code, you will need the Programming lines pulled out for the CC Debugger.

  • berms03 is correct - the crystals are on board. If you'd like to control it from your computer, you'll need an RS232-UART bridge. If you'll control it with a micro, then simply connect the UART lines of the micro to the corresponding traces on the module. Finally, simply provide power, and you're good to go.

  • Hi berms03 and David Bennett, 

    What meant was,i am making my own PCB. I bought a couple of the Bluetooth module only not the evaluation board. I will have the module, some sensor circuit and battery on the board. I want to know that other things i need for my board to work. I know you need the external clock for ADC sampling. So what other things do i need again and what are some the possible configurations. 

    Thank You.

  • Hi Bluradios experts,

    I have a question related to the Blueradio stack, can you address it here: