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Bug in v210 f2802x_common sci.c

I wasn't sure where the best place to report this is, if there is a better place please let me know.

In v210 of the f2802x driver lib SCI_setRxFifoIntLevel reads as follows:

void SCI_setRxFifoIntLevel(SCI_Handle sciHandle, const SCI_FifoLevel_e fifoLevel)
    SCI_Obj *sci = (SCI_Obj *)sciHandle;

    // clear the value

    // set the bits
    sci->SCIFFRX |= fifoLevel;

} // end of SCI_setRxFifoIntLevel() function

The value being cleared is on the transmit register even though we are trying to write on the receive register.

Line 670 in sci.c

Just wanted to report this so that it won't bite people in future versions.

-Daniel Jones