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TMS320F28069 McBSP with AD1938

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28069

Hello All,

I am using TMS320F28069 with AD1938.

I am using the McBSP along with DMA to get the TDM8 data from AD1938 & sent back after processing.
The AD1938 is configured as Master & the lines CLKX, FSX, CLKR and FSR are driven by AD1938.

The data received on the McBSP port looks random when I dump & plot the data.
Could any one confirm the if the Initialisation of McBSP is fine?

Data is 24-bit format with 32 BCLK from AD1938.

void McBSP_init (void)
  /*************** RESET MCBSP ****************/
   McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.FRST = 0;                        // Frame Sync generator reset
   McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.GRST = 0;                        // Sample Rate generator Reset
   McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.XRST = 0;                        // Transmitter reset
   McbspaRegs.SPCR1.bit.RRST = 0;                        // Receiver reset

   // Receiver Configuration

   // Global Behaviour
   McbspaRegs.SPCR1.bit.DLB = 0;                       // digital loop back disabled
   McbspaRegs.SPCR1.bit.CLKSTP = 0;                    // clock stop mode disabled
   McbspaRegs.MCR1.bit.RMCM = 1;                       // Enable Receive multichannel selection mode
   McbspaRegs.MCR1.bit.RMCME = 0;                      // 2-partition mode
   McbspaRegs.MCR1.bit.RPBBLK = 0;                     // Block 1 : channels 16 to 31 is assigned to B partition
   McbspaRegs.MCR1.bit.RPABLK = 0;                     // Block 0 : channels 0 to 15 is assigned to A partition

   McbspaRegs.RCERA.all = 0;                           // initially disable all the channels
   McbspaRegs.RCERB.all = 0;                           // initially disable all the channels
   McbspaRegs.RCERA.bit.RCEA0 = 1;                     // enable channel 1
   McbspaRegs.RCERA.bit.RCEA1 = 1;                     // enable channel 2
   McbspaRegs.RCERA.bit.RCEA2 = 1;                     // enable channel 3
   McbspaRegs.RCERA.bit.RCEA3 = 1;                     // enable channel 4
   McbspaRegs.RCERA.bit.RCEA4 = 1;                     // enable channel 5
   McbspaRegs.RCERA.bit.RCEA5 = 1;                     // enable channel 6
   McbspaRegs.RCERA.bit.RCEA6 = 1;                     // enable channel 7
   McbspaRegs.RCERA.bit.RCEA7 = 1;                     // enable channel 8

   // Data Behaviour
   McbspaRegs.RCR2.bit.RPHASE = 0;                     // single phase frame
   McbspaRegs.RCR1.bit.RWDLEN1 = 0x5;                  // word length = 32bit
   McbspaRegs.RCR1.bit.RFRLEN1 = 7;                    // 8 word per frame
   McbspaRegs.RCR2.bit.RFIG = 1;                       // ignores unexpected receive frame sync pulses
   McbspaRegs.RCR2.bit.RCOMPAND = 0;                   // No Companding
   McbspaRegs.RCR2.bit.RDATDLY = 1;                    // 1-bit data delay
   McbspaRegs.SPCR1.bit.RJUST = 0;                     // Right justify the data and sign-extend the data into the MSBs
   McbspaRegs.SPCR1.bit.RINTM = 0;                     // RINT generated when RRDY changes from 0 to 1.

   // Frame-synchronization behaviour
   McbspaRegs.PCR.bit.FSRM = 0;                        // Receive frame synchronization is supplied externally
   McbspaRegs.PCR.bit.FSRP = 0;                        // Frame-synchronization pulse FSR is active high.

   //Clock Behaviour
   McbspaRegs.PCR.bit.CLKRM = 0;                       // Internal CLKX is driven externally
   McbspaRegs.PCR.bit.CLKRP = 0;                       // Receive data is sampled on the falling edge of MCLKR.

   //Clock Synchronization Mode
   McbspaRegs.SRGR2.bit.GSYNC = 1;                     // Clock synchronization is performed. When a pulse is detected on the FSR pin
   McbspaRegs.PCR.bit.SCLKME = 1;                      // Sample rate generator clock derived from MCLKR pin
   McbspaRegs.SRGR2.bit.CLKSM = 0;

   //Transmitter Configuration

   McbspaRegs.MCR2.bit.XMCM = 1;                       // Enable transmitter multichannel selection mode
   McbspaRegs.MCR2.bit.XMCME = 0;                      // 2-partition mode
   McbspaRegs.MCR2.bit.XPBBLK = 0;                     // Block 1 : channels 16 to 31 is assigned to B partition
   McbspaRegs.MCR2.bit.XPABLK = 0;                     // Block 0 : channels 0 to 15 is assigned to A partition

   McbspaRegs.XCERA.all = 0;                           // initially disable all the channels
   McbspaRegs.XCERB.all = 0;                           // initially disable all the channels
   McbspaRegs.XCERA.bit.XCERA0 = 1;                    // enable channel 1
   McbspaRegs.XCERA.bit.XCERA1 = 1;                    // enable channel 2
   McbspaRegs.XCERA.bit.XCERA2 = 1;                    // enable channel 3
   McbspaRegs.XCERA.bit.XCERA3 = 1;                    // enable channel 4
   McbspaRegs.XCERA.bit.XCERA4 = 1;                    // enable channel 5
   McbspaRegs.XCERA.bit.XCERA5 = 1;                    // enable channel 6
   McbspaRegs.XCERA.bit.XCERA6 = 1;                    // enable channel 7
   McbspaRegs.XCERA.bit.XCERA7 = 1;                    // enable channel 8

   // Data Behaviour
   McbspaRegs.XCR2.bit.XPHASE = 0;                     // Single-phase frame
   McbspaRegs.XCR1.bit.XWDLEN1 = 5;                    // Transmit word length is 32 bits
   McbspaRegs.XCR1.bit.XFRLEN1 = 7;                    // 8 word per frame
   McbspaRegs.XCR2.bit.XFIG = 1;                       // ignores unexpected transmit frame sync pulses
   McbspaRegs.XCR2.bit.XCOMPAND = 0;                   // No companding, any size data, MSB transmitted first
   McbspaRegs.XCR2.bit.XDATDLY = 1;                    // 1-bit data delay
   McbspaRegs.SPCR1.bit.DXENA = 0;                     // DX delay enabler is off.
   McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.XINTM = 0;                     // XINT generated when XRDY changes from 0 to 1.

   // Frame-synchronization behaviour
   McbspaRegs.PCR.bit.FSXM = 0;                        // Transmit frame synchronization is externally
   McbspaRegs.SRGR2.bit.FSGM = 1;                      // The transmitter uses frame-sync pulses generated by SRC. Program the FWID bits to
                                                       // set the width of each pulse. Program the FPER bits to set the frame-synchronization period
   McbspaRegs.PCR.bit.FSXP = 0;                        // Frame-synchronization pulse FSX is active high.

   //Clock Behaviour
   McbspaRegs.PCR.bit.CLKXM = 0;                       // Internal CLKX is driven externally
                                                       // The MCLKR pin is an output pin that reflects internal MCLKR.
   McbspaRegs.PCR.bit.CLKXP = 1;                       // Transmit data sampled on falling edge of CLKX

   // McBSP Interrupt Enable Register
   McbspaRegs.MFFINT.all = 0;
   //McbspaRegs.MFFINT.bit.XINT = 1;          // Enable Transmit Interrupts
   //McbspaRegs.MFFINT.bit.RINT = 1;          // Enable Receive Interrupts

   // Immediate stop mode (reset condition)
   // The transmitter or receiver stops immediately in response to a breakpoint & completing current transfer
   McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.FREE = 0;
   McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.SOFT = 1;

   //************* Enable Sample rate generator
   McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.GRST = 0;
   delay_loop();                                      // Wait at least 2 SRG clock cycles
      //************ Frame Sync generator reset
   McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.FRST = 0;
   delay_loop();                                      // Wait at least 2 SRG clock cycles
   //************ Enable TX/RX unit
   McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.XRST = 1;                     // The serial port transmitter is enabled.
   McbspaRegs.SPCR1.bit.RRST = 1;                     // The serial port receiver is enabled.

  • Hemanth,

    Some suggestions:

    1. Please repeat the experiment without using the DMA to do the data transfer.
    2. Provide a known DC value to the ADC input and examine the converted result(s).

    The above steps should give you some idea on where the problem could be. You could also capture the transmitted serial data on a scope and check if it is the expected value.





  • Hello Hareesh,

    Thanks for your inputs.

    I am able to see the data in the McBSP line.

    The reception seems to be fine, but in the Transmission the channel is shifted.
    The FSX is not sync to the data at Channel-0. (FSX is provided by external source)

    The figure below shows the data observed in oscilloscope.
    Ch-1 (Yellow line) is the FSX
    Ch-2 (Blue line) is the MDXA pin

    I am transmitting data (16-bit) with 16 channel. The data of the channel is shifted.

    I am using DMA to transfer the data to the DXR1 register.
    I set XINTM bit to 0, so that XRDY signal changes from 0->1. The XRDY signal is used as a DMA event.

    How do I synchronize to transmit the first data at rising edge of FSX?



  • Hemanth,

    Good to know reception is working fine. Could you clarify what you mean by "shifted"? Shifted in time or bit-shifting? From the scope waveform, it appears you are referring to the former, but wanted to be sure. Have you tried playing with the XDATDLY setting? i.e. try different values and see how it impacts the shifting?

    I have attached an app.note (written for a different device family) which may give you some ideas.


  • Hello Hareesh,

    Thanks a lot for your inputs.

    The problem is solved now.

    The issue was inconsistency in McBSP & ADC setting for
    1. BCLK delay
    2. Frame Sync
    3. CLK polarity configuration for Tx & Rx Path
