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how to increase TMS320F2812 ADC's sampling rate?


I am using TMS320F2812 ADC in the simultaneously sampling, Continuous run, and cascaded sequence model,only sampling channel a0 and channel b0. But i find the sampling rate is not stable, and lower than the rate I calculate according to the datasheet. The picture of the signal sampled by the dsp chip and my code are listed below. I do not know why the sampling interval is not identical.

My target sample rate is the highest speed of th ADC in TMS320F2812. About 8.33MSPS, I am not sure, and i am testing it. The speed of the input sinusoid if 35KHZ.  1MSPS is enough for 35khz sinusoid, but I just would like to test the speed of f2812 adc. I would like it can work at the highest speed, namely, 12.5msps for one channel continuously sampling and 8.33msps for two channels simultaneously and continuously sampling.

I have been using optimization level 2 (2 Global Optimization in ccs6.0 )all the time.Maybe it is not the optimization problem.

Thank you.




//this programm is used to verify sampling AINA0 and AINB0 simutaneously.

#include "DSP281x_Device.h"     // DSP281x Headerfile Include File
#include "DSP281x_Examples.h"   // DSP281x Examples Include File
#include <STDIO.H>

// ADC start parameters
#define ADC_MODCLK 0x3   // HSPCLK = SYSCLKOUT/2*ADC_MODCLK2 = 150/(2*3)     = 25MHz
#define ADC_CKPS   0   // ADC module clock = HSPCLK/1      = 25MHz/(1)     = 25MHz
#define ADC_SHCLK  5   // S/H width in ADC module periods                  = 16 ADC cycle
#define AVG        1000  // Average sample limit
#define ZOFFSET    0x00  // Average Zero offset
#define BUF_SIZE   2048  // Sample buffer size

// Global variable for this example
Uint16 SampleTable[BUF_SIZE];


   unsigned long int i;
   int shclk;
   Uint16 array_index;
   char*msg, char_result[20];

//Initialize System Control:
// PLL, WatchDog, enable Peripheral Clocks
// This example function is found in the DSP281x_SysCtrl.c file.

// Specific clock setting for this example:

// Initialize GPIO:
// This example function is found in the DSP281x_Gpio.c file and
// illustrates how to set the GPIO to it's default state.
// InitGpio();  // Skipped for this example
// Enable the pins as XF pin as output
   GpioMuxRegs.GPFMUX.bit.XF_GPIOF14 = 1;  //enable XF pin on GPOF14

// Clear all interrupts and initialize PIE vector table:
// Disable CPU interrupts

// Initialize the PIE control registers to their default state.
// The default state is all PIE interrupts disabled and flags
// are cleared.
// This function is found in the DSP281x_PieCtrl.c file.

// Disable CPU interrupts and clear all CPU interrupt flags:
   IER = 0x0000;
   IFR = 0x0000;

//SCI B setting.
   scib_fifo_init();    // Initialize the SCI FIFO
   scib_init(115200);  // Initalize SCI for echoback
   msg = "\r\nThis is ADC testing.\r\n";
    // Wait for inc character
    while(ScibRegs.SCIFFRX.bit.RXFIFST!=1) { } // wait for XRDY =1 for empty state
    // Get character
    ReceivedChar = ScibRegs.SCIRXBUF.all;
   }while(ReceivedChar!='\r'&& ReceivedChar!='\n');
//SCI B setting end.

// Initialize the PIE vector table with pointers to the shell Interrupt

// Specific ADC setup for this example:
   InitAdc();         // power up ADC
   AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.bit.ACQ_PS = ADC_SHCLK;  // Simultaneous mode enabled: Sample rate = 1/[(3+ACQ_PS)*ADC clock in ns]
              // = 1/(18*40ns) =1.388888888MHz
         // If Sequential mode: Sample rate   = 1/[(2+ACQ_PS)*ADC clock in ns]
   AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.bit.CONT_RUN = 1;       // Setup continuous run

   //Simultaneous Sampling Cascaded Sequencer Mode Example
   AdcRegs.ADCTRL3.bit.SMODE_SEL = 1; // Setup simultaneous sampling mode
   AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.bit.SEQ_CASC = 1; // Setup cascaded sequencer mode
   AdcRegs.ADCMAXCONV.all = 0x0007; // 2 double conv s (16 total)
   AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ1.all = 0x0; // Setup conv from ADCINA0 & ADCINB0
   AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ2.all = 0x0; // Setup conv from ADCINA0 & ADCINB0
   AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ3.all = 0x0; // Setup conv from ADCINA0 & ADCINB0
   AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ4.all = 0x0; // Setup conv from ADCINA0 & ADCINB0

// User specific code, enable interrupts:

// Clear SampleTable
   for (i=0; i<BUF_SIZE; results="results" read="read" int1="int1" for="for" wait="wait" while="while" shclk="0;" array_index="0;" adcregs="1;" seq1="seq1" sampletable="((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT0)" i="0;" start="start">>4);
     SampleTable[array_index++]= ((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT1) >>4);
     SampleTable[array_index++]= ((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT2) >>4);
     SampleTable[array_index++]= ((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT3) >>4);
     SampleTable[array_index++]= ((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT4) >>4);
     SampleTable[array_index++]= ((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT5) >>4);
     SampleTable[array_index++]= ((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT6) >>4);
     SampleTable[array_index++]= ((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT7) >>4);

  // Wait for INT1
      while (AdcRegs.ADCST.bit.INT_SEQ1== 0){}
      AdcRegs.ADCST.bit.INT_SEQ1_CLR = 1;
      //Read results
      SampleTable[array_index++]= ((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT8) >>4);
      SampleTable[array_index++]= ((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT9) >>4);
      SampleTable[array_index++]= ((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT10) >>4);
      SampleTable[array_index++]= ((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT11) >>4);
      SampleTable[array_index++]= ((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT12) >>4);
      SampleTable[array_index++]= ((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT13) >>4);
      SampleTable[array_index++]= ((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT14) >>4);
      SampleTable[array_index++]= ((AdcRegs.ADCRESULT15) >>4);



   scib_msg("\r\n\r\nADC testing is over.\r\n");

// No more.


  • Hello,

    Right now the value of ACQPS of 5 will decrease the the effective sample rate from the max listed in the DS.  While the ADC clock rate is at its max, the S/H window is now 6 ADC clocks or 240ns.  There is an equation for sampling time in the F2812 DS

    Also, you need to make sure that your data arrays are in 0WS SRAM, for best access time.  I think opt level 2 should be ideal, as it will force direct memory access and save some cycles, but again your SRAM needs to be in its own block(no code) so that we keep the delays at the min.
