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Where can I get G3_HostAppliction.exe this software?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE031, SYSBIOS

Hi everyone,

Where can I get G3_HostAppliction.exe this software?

Inside the "TI G3 Power Line Communication Developer's Kit Design Guide" has mention this software.

 But I can not find where I can download it.

Is anyone know it?


  • Hi Wayne,

    wayne lu1 said:
    Where can I get G3_HostAppliction.exe this software?

    You should get it over here:



  • Hi Gautam,

    Thanks for your help.

    But is Zero-config GUI the same as G3_HostAppliction?



  • wayne lu1 said:
    But is Zero-config GUI the same as G3_HostAppliction?

    I'd the same doubt too but it seems so... check this link:

    Seems like G3-HostApplication has been renamed as Zero-config GUI.



  • Wayne,

    I have four versions from several PLC development packages. You can download this archive 4113.PLC.rar.



  • Igor Gorbachev said:
    I have four versions from several PLC development packages.

    Thanks for the link, Igor!

  • Igor,

    Thanks for your help.

    But how do I use these packages?

    Do I need to import these packages to the PLC kit through the CCS?

    Cause I only know there are many code but I don't know how to use them.



  • Wayne,

    when you unpack RAR you can see four folders with HostApplicationEmulator projects for Visual C++. There are G3_HostApplication.exe or HostApplication.exe files into "Release" folders. You can try any, but for your case may be better take executable files with prefix G3.



  • Igor,

    I reading chapter 4 of this file.

    But I don't know how to do with what you gave to me.



  • Hi Igor

    I have run G3_HostApplication.exe and Host_CLI.exe which you gave to me.

    But both of them have some problem.

    This one is after running G3_HostApplication.exe.

    And this one is after running  Host_CLI.exe.

    Both of them I can not give the command.

    And it seems there are some errors but I don't know how to do with these errors. 


  • Wayne,

    I think you need to refer to user's manuals of these applications and you should apply needed arguments of command line when you run these applications. At least "port" can't be 0 at your first screen shot. It should be matched with connection port of your PC and KIT.



  • Igor

    I know about user's manuals of these applications.
    But I don't know why the com port is 0.
    And someone told me I need to load the G3 codes into the controller in advance.
    But I don't know what is the G3 codes too.


  • Hi, Wayne.

    wayne lu1 said:

    And someone told me I need to load the G3 codes into the controller in advance.
    But I don't know what is the G3 codes too.

    Let us in order.

    UG (p.37) : "The latest G3 binary should be flashed onto the F28069"

    UG (p.3): "The development kit includes the following software:

    • G3 PLC Binaries
    – G3 PHY and Lower MAC Project Binary Image
    • (g3_plc_FF2806x_AFE031.out for F28069)
    • (g3_plc_F28M35x.out for F28M35x) " 

    Thus you need to use the pre installed original firmware of your KIT. If you have uploaded some custom binary then you should return to original binary. I suspect there is connection problem. Open device manager on your PC and check # of COM-port connected to KIT. This # is argument "Serial Port assignment" when running HostApplication (Table 7, p.4.2 of UG). You can use SCI-B (USB-connection) as well as SCI-A(nul-modem connection) of your KIT.



  • Hi Igor,

    I tried two kinds of binary code which are 

    C:\Texas Instruments\G3_SDK_Package_V7_4_1_6\SW\Bin\sysbios_g3_plc_aes_F2806x_AFE031_CRC16_MSB_LOADNG_image.hex   &

    C:\Texas Instruments\PRIME_SDK_PackageV8010\SW\bin\v8.0.1.1\prime_iec432_f2806x_image.hex.

    They can work in GUI, but I can not understand why they can not connect on  G3_HostApplication.

    It still shows unable to open com port.



  • Wayne,

    you are right, I have  the same problem with running g3_HostApplication from 7150 development package. Try hostappemu.exe from 7710 package (refer to folder 7710 of my RAR which has been uploaded before). I have checked this application and one works for me at least.



  • Hi Igor,

    I had try 7710 package.
    But the hostappemu.exe just flash a second and close.
    It shows different problem from 7150.


  • Wayne,

    wayne lu1 said:

    I had try 7710 package.
    But the hostappemu.exe just flash a second and close.

    it's strange,

    did you run hostappemu.exe with CMD.EXE (Start->CMD, and then command line "......\hostappemu.exe" with needed arguments)?



  • Hi Igor,

    I run what you told me, and it shows

    HostAppEmu: Version: - Product Version:
    ERROR: multiple modes specified.

    What is this mean?

  • Hi, Wayne. 

    wayne lu1 said:
    Hi Igor,

    I run what you told me, and it shows

    HostAppEmu: Version: - Product Version:
    ERROR: multiple modes specified.

    What is this mean?

    It means you didn't apply argument for selecting mode (P2P or MAC). Pay attention at following screen shot where argument "/?" was applied:

    and, for example, now we can select comport 1 (argument "-port 1") and point-to-point mode (P2P - argument "-x"):

    no one modem is connected to my PC here and my PC haven't COM1. An application was finished on timeout.

    Happy New Year and good luck!



  • Hi Igor,

    Happy New Year.

    I had do what you told me.

    I gave the command( -p 10 -x), and it showed like this fig.

    But it just stop at here.

    I could not give any command after this.

    And I didn't see where I can read the product id(PID) or change the PID.

    It is different from what the guideline says.



  • Wayne,

    First, at your screen I see the following: 

    Device Type G3

    PHY Mode    PRIME

    There is something wrong. I suspect your original firmware is "G3". Try other set of arguments:

    -p 10 -g n

    Honestly I didn't try this application "in detail". Again run it with argument ''/?" and learn all available arguments. Try different sets of arguments. When you will try arguments, pay attention on a version of supported protocol which is provided by original firmware of your KIT. In fact the original firmware provides only one (G3 or PRIME). Verify this thing.

