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C2000 ECAN Back2Back Example

I am simply trying to run the Example_2806xECanBack2Back example in the ControlSuite and I have a couple questions about the initial setup.

Do I need to add an additional 120Ohm resistor between the CANH and CANL pins in order to achieve a total resistance of 60Ohm?

Can I just attach probes to the CANH and CANL pins so that I can read the traffic on the CAN bus?

I added an additional 120Ohm resistor between the CANH and CANL pins and attached probes to the CANH and CANL pins in order to watch the CAN traffic on my scope. Within CCS I am watching the "PassCount", "ErrorCount", and "MessageReceivedCount" variables and I am able to verify that the "PassCount" and "MessageReceivedCount" variables are incrementing. However, I do not see any CAN traffic on the CAN bus. I only see that CANH and CANL are both at 2V.

  • Andrew,

    This example uses the self-test mode of the CAN module. i.e. the transmission/reception happens within the module itself (even the required ACKnowldege is generated internally in the module). Therefore, there is no need for a CAN transceiver to run this particular test case and no activity will be seen in the CAN pins/bus. Because everything is internal, there is no need for a 120-ohm termination resistor. Note that a real-world CAN application absolutely needs a CAN transceiver and termination resistors on both ends of the bus.

  • So what do I need to do to interact with the CAN transciever? Are there any example code for that?
  • You would want to connect to a tranceiver, if you want to communicate with another CAN node(s) on the bus. For this , the transmitting CAN node should not be in self-test mode. You could use the attached code as a starting point and build on that.

    Fig 6 in the attached application note shows how to terminate the bus. Note that there are many more Application Notes written by Steve Corrigan on the TI website.SLLA270.pdf

    * Filename: TXLOOP_A.c                                                 *
    *                                                                    *
    * Description: TXLOOP - Transmit loop using any mailbox 	
    * Mailbox 5 is shown as an example...
    * This example TRANSMITS data to another CAN module using MAILBOX5
    * This program could either loop forever or transmit "n" # of times,	
    * where "n" is the TXCOUNT value.
    * Last update:   
    #include "DSP28x_Project.h"     // Device Headerfile and Examples Include File
    #include "octave_test.h"
    #define COUNT  1000  // Transmission will take place (COUNT) times..
    long      	i;
    long 	  	loopcount = 0;
    long		BO_counter = 0 ; //Counts the # of times node enters BO
    /* Create a shadow register structure for the CAN control registers. 
    This is needed, since, only 32-bit access is allowed to these registers. 16-bit access
     to these registers could potentially corrupt the register contents. This is
     especially true while writing to a bit (or group of bits) among bits 16 - 31 */
    struct ECAN_REGS ECanaShadow;
    /* Kill Watchdog, Enable peripheral clocks */
    /* Initialize the CAN module */
    /* Write to the MSGID field  */
        ECanaMboxes.MBOX0.MSGID.all = 0x15540000;
    	/* Configure bit timing parameters for eCANA*/
        ECanaShadow.CANMC.all = ECanaRegs.CANMC.all;
        ECanaShadow.CANMC.bit.CCR = 1 ;            // Set CCR = 1
        ECanaRegs.CANMC.all = ECanaShadow.CANMC.all;
        // Wait until the CPU has been granted permission to change the configuration registers
          ECanaShadow.CANES.all = ECanaRegs.CANES.all;
        } while(ECanaShadow.CANES.bit.CCE != 1 );       // Wait for CCE bit to be set..
        ECanaShadow.CANBTC.all = 0;
        /* The following block is for 90 MHz SYSCLKOUT. (45 MHz CAN module clock Bit rate = 1 Mbps
           See Note at end of file. */
        ECanaShadow.CANBTC.bit.BRPREG = 5;	// 2 for 1 Mbps, 5 for 500 kbps, 11 for 250 kbps, 23 for 125 kbps, 29 for 100 kbps
        ECanaShadow.CANBTC.bit.TSEG2REG = 3;
        ECanaShadow.CANBTC.bit.TSEG1REG = 9;
        ECanaShadow.CANBTC.bit.SAM = 1;
        ECanaRegs.CANBTC.all = ECanaShadow.CANBTC.all;
        ECanaShadow.CANMC.all = ECanaRegs.CANMC.all;
        ECanaShadow.CANMC.bit.CCR = 0 ;            // Set CCR = 0
    	ECanaShadow.CANMC.bit.ABO = 1;
        ECanaRegs.CANMC.all = ECanaShadow.CANMC.all;
        // Wait until the CPU no longer has permission to change the configuration registers
          ECanaShadow.CANES.all = ECanaRegs.CANES.all;
        } while(ECanaShadow.CANES.bit.CCE != 0 );       // Wait for CCE bit to be  cleared..
    /* Configure Mailbox under test as a Transmit mailbox */
    	ECanaShadow.CANMD.all = ECanaRegs.CANMD.all;	
    	ECanaShadow.CANMD.bit.MD0= 0;
    	ECanaRegs.CANMD.all = ECanaShadow.CANMD.all; 
    /* Enable Mailbox under test */
    	ECanaShadow.CANME.all = ECanaRegs.CANME.all;	
    	ECanaShadow.CANME.bit.ME0 = 1;
    	ECanaRegs.CANME.all = ECanaShadow.CANME.all; 
    /* Write to DLC field in Master Control reg */
    	ECanaMboxes.MBOX0.MSGCTRL.bit.DLC = 0;
    /* Write to the mailbox RAM field */
         ECanaMboxes.MBOX0.MDL.all = 0x01234567;
    	 ECanaMboxes.MBOX0.MDH.all = 0x89ABCDEF;
    /* Begin transmitting */
         ECanaShadow.CANTRS.all = 0; 	
         ECanaShadow.CANTRS.bit.TRS0 = 1;     // Set TRS for mailbox under test       
         ECanaRegs.CANTRS.all = ECanaShadow.CANTRS.all; 
         ECanaShadow.CANTA.all = ECanaRegs.CANTA.all;
    		ECanaShadow.CANTA.all = ECanaRegs.CANTA.all;	// Wait for TA25 bit to be set..
    		if(ECanaRegs.CANTEC.all > 250) {BO_counter++;}	// Increment this counter if node goes BO
    		if(ECanaRegs.CANREC.all > 250) {BO_counter++;}	// Increment this counter if node goes BO
    		ECanaShadow.CANMC.all = ECanaRegs.CANMC.all;
        	if(ECanaShadow.CANMC.bit.CCR == 1) {BO_counter++;} ;            // Set CCR = 0
             while(ECanaShadow.CANTA.bit.TA0 == 0 );      
         ECanaShadow.CANTA.all = 0; 	
         ECanaShadow.CANTA.bit.TA0 = 1;     	 // Clear TA5       
         ECanaRegs.CANTA.all = ECanaShadow.CANTA.all;
    /* Notes:
    Tested: 3/12/2014

  • Thank you for your help!