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The latest C2000 Real-Time Control Peripherals Reference Guide is now live!

We have just released the latest revision of the C2000 Real-Time Control Peripherals Reference Guide! It is now in revision L.

The Peripheral Reference Guide is a great resource for those who are looking at which device they want to purchase, whether they are migrating from an older C2000 MCU or making their first design with C2000. This can help accelerate your designs by showing you the following things in one place:

  • A master list of all peripherals available on each device.
  • A link to all Peripheral User Guides and Technical Reference Manuals.
  • A brief description of each peripheral.
  • The differences between each type of a peripheral. i.e. the differences between Type 1 and Type 4 ePWM.
  • Which devices have common peripherals. i.e. SPI type 1 is on F2802x, F2803x, F2805x, F2806x, F28M35x, and F28M36x.

Check it out here:

