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Complementary PWM

Hi ,

I am trying to run complimentary pair PWM's for my dc motor. I turn on and turn off the PWM's in intervals . 

When I turn ON my PWM's , the first cycle always seems to have a longer duty cycle compared to the rest of the PWM cycles . 

Could you please tell me why this happens.

Kind Regards


  • Hi Anish,

    Try setting the correct CMPA value during peripheral configuration. Btw the above waves are not complimentary. Check the ePWM userguide or TRM for your device for proper complimentary ePWMs.

  • Hi Gautam ,
    Oh sorry , forgot to mention . These are the low phases(CMPB) of PWM1 and PWM2. I wanted to show that it was consistent. I have given the correct CMPA for the high phases and it works fine. But for my low phases is always wrong . Would there be some register that I have to reset after I turn my PWMs off ?

  • Can you share the ePWM configuration?
  • pwm_config.c
    #include "defines.h"
    #include "pwm_config.h"
    #include "global_prototypes.h"
    #define AQCTLA_INIT     0X90	
    #define AQCTLB_INIT     0X900
    #define AQCTLA_INIT_STATE ( 0x90 )
                                CC_CTR_ZERO + \
                                CC_SHADOW + \
                                CC_SHADOW )
    Uint16 deadband = 20;
     * Make the PWMs complementary with the given Phase shifts for the motors
     * - The phase shifts are given with respect to PWM1 .
     Compl_pwm_init(struct Motor_struct *cpi_motor,
    		         Uint16 cpi_tbphs,
                     Uint16 deadband)
     /**********************local structure pointers ***********************/
    	struct Local_variables *cpi_local = &cpi_motor->local;
    	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBPRD               = cpi_local->tb_period;         /* Set timer period */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBCTR               = UI_0;                         /* Clear counter */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBPHS.half.TBPHS    = cpi_tbphs;                    /* Phase Offset */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBCTL.all           = TB_COUNT_UPDOWN;              /* Count up and down */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBCTL.bit.SYNCOSEL  = TB_SYNC_IN;                   /* Sync Output Select  (used for syncing edges for proper motor control) */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBCTL.bit.PHSEN     = TB_ENABLE;                    /* Enable phase loading */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBCTL.bit.HSPCLKDIV = TB_DIV1;                      /* Clock ratio to SYSCLKOUT */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBCTL.bit.CLKDIV    = TB_DIV1;
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->PCCTL.all           = PCCTL_INIT_STATE;             /* Initialise PWM Chopper Control Register */
        /* High Resolution PWM  setup */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->HRCNFG.all              = UI_0;                      /* Clear all bits first.*/
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.EDGMODE      = UI_1;                      /* Accurately position the rising edge.*/
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.CTLMODE      = UI_0;                      /* Control the MEP based on the CMPAHR register. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.HRLOAD       = UI_0;                      /* Using a shadow register load when the HR counter is 0. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->HRPCTL.bit.TBPHSHRLOADE = UI_1;                      /* Synchronize the high-resolution phase */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->HRPCTL.bit.HRPE         = UI_1;                      /* High resolution period enabled */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->CMPCTL.all          = CMPCTL_INIT_STATE;             /* Initialise the Counter Compare Control Register */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->AQCTLA.all          = AQCTLA_INIT_STATE;             /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                                     /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->DBCTL.all           = H_11;                          /* Apath = InA (delay is by-passed for A signal path) ,  Bpath = FED (Falling Edge Delay in B signal path) */
     	                                                                             /* EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising edge delayed signal */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->DBFED               = deadband;                      /* Falling Edge Delay Count */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->DBRED               = deadband;                      /* Rising edge delay value */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->CMPA.half.CMPA      = UI_0;
    // 	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->CMPB.half.CMPB       = UI_0;
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBPRD               = cpi_local->tb_period;          /* Set timer period */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBCTR               = UI_0;                          /* Clear counter */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBPHS.half.TBPHS    = cpi_tbphs;                     /* Phase Offset */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBCTL.all           = TB_COUNT_UPDOWN;               /* Count up and down */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBCTL.bit.SYNCOSEL  = TB_SYNC_IN;                    /* Sync Output Select  (used for syncing edges for proper motor control) */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBCTL.bit.PHSEN     = TB_ENABLE;                     /* Enable phase loading */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBCTL.bit.HSPCLKDIV = TB_DIV1;                       /* Clock ratio to SYSCLKOUT */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBCTL.bit.CLKDIV    = TB_DIV1;
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->PCCTL.all           = PCCTL_INIT_STATE;              /* Initialise PWM Chopper Control Register */
        /* High Resolution PWM  setup */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->HRCNFG.all              = UI_0;                       /* Clear all bits first. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.EDGMODE      = UI_1;                       /* Accurately position the rising edge. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.CTLMODE      = UI_0;                       /* Control the MEP based on the CMPAHR register. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.HRLOAD       = UI_0;                       /* Using a shadow register load when the HR counter is 0. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->HRPCTL.bit.TBPHSHRLOADE = UI_1;                       /* Synchronize the high-resolution phase */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->HRPCTL.bit.HRPE         = UI_1;                       /* High resolution period enabled */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->CMPCTL.all          = CMPCTL_INIT_STATE;              /* Initialise the Counter Compare Control Register */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->AQCTLA.all          = AQCTLA_INIT_STATE;              /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                                      /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->DBCTL.all           = H_11;                           /* Apath = InA (delay is by-passed for A signal path) ,  Bpath = FED (Falling Edge Delay in B signal path) */
     	                                                                              /* EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising edge delayed signal */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->DBFED               = deadband;                       /* Falling Edge Delay Count */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->DBRED               = deadband;                       /* Rising edge delay value */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->CMPA.half.CMPA      = UI_0;
    // 	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->CMPB.half.CMPB       = UI_0;
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBPRD               = cpi_local->tb_period;           /* Set timer period */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBCTR               = UI_0;                           /* Clear counter */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBPHS.half.TBPHS    = cpi_tbphs;                      /* Phase Offset */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBCTL.all           = TB_COUNT_UPDOWN;                /* Count up and down */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBCTL.bit.SYNCOSEL  = TB_SYNC_IN;                     /* Sync Output Select  (used for syncing edges for proper motor control) */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBCTL.bit.PHSEN     = TB_ENABLE;                      /* Enable phase loading */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBCTL.bit.HSPCLKDIV = TB_DIV1;                        /* Clock ratio to SYSCLKOUT */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBCTL.bit.CLKDIV    = TB_DIV1;
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->PCCTL.all           = PCCTL_INIT_STATE;               /* Initialise PWM Chopper Control Register */
        /* High Resolution PWM  setup */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->HRCNFG.all              = UI_0;                       /* Clear all bits first. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.EDGMODE      = UI_1;                       /* Accurately position the rising edge. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.CTLMODE      = UI_0;                       /* Control the MEP based on the CMPAHR register. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.HRLOAD       = UI_0;                       /* Using a shadow register load when the HR counter is 0. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->HRPCTL.bit.TBPHSHRLOADE = UI_1;                       /* Synchronize the high-resolution phase */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->HRPCTL.bit.HRPE         = UI_1;                       /* High resolution period enabled */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->CMPCTL.all         = CMPCTL_INIT_STATE;               /* Initialise the Counter Compare Control Register */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->AQCTLA.all         = AQCTLA_INIT_STATE;               /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                                      /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->DBCTL.all          = H_11;                            /* Apath = InA (delay is by-passed for A signal path) ,  Bpath = FED (Falling Edge Delay in B signal path) */
     	                                                                              /* EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising edge delayed signal */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->DBFED              = deadband;                        /* Falling Edge Delay Count */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->DBRED              = deadband;                        /* Rising edge delay value */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->CMPA.half.CMPA     = UI_0;
    // 	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->CMPB.half.CMPB       = UI_0;
      *  This Function disables the complementary pair PWMs
     Compl_pwm_disable(struct Motor_struct *cpd_motor)
    	 cpd_motor->phase_a.pwm->AQCTLA.all       = AQCTLA_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
    	 cpd_motor->phase_a.pwm->AQCTLB.all       = AQCTLB_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPB on Down Count   :  force EPWMxB output high  */
                                                                        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPB on Up Count     :  force EPWMxB output low */
    	 cpd_motor->phase_a.pwm->DBCTL.all        = DB_DISABLE;         /* Init Dead-Band Generator Control Register for EPWM 1*/
    	 cpd_motor->phase_a.pwm->CMPA.half.CMPA   = UI_0;
    	 cpd_motor->phase_a.pwm->CMPB.half.CMPB   = UI_0;
    	 cpd_motor->phase_b.pwm->AQCTLA.all       = AQCTLA_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
    	 cpd_motor->phase_b.pwm->AQCTLB.all       = AQCTLB_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPB on Down Count   :  force EPWMxB output high  */
                                                                        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPB on Up Count     :  force EPWMxB output low */
    	 cpd_motor->phase_b.pwm->DBCTL.all        = DB_DISABLE;         /* Init Dead-Band Generator Control Register for EPWM 2*/
    	 cpd_motor->phase_b.pwm->CMPA.half.CMPA   = UI_0;
    	 cpd_motor->phase_b.pwm->CMPB.half.CMPB   = UI_0;
    	 cpd_motor->phase_c.pwm->AQCTLA.all       = AQCTLA_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
    	 cpd_motor->phase_c.pwm->AQCTLB.all       = AQCTLB_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPB on Down Count   :  force EPWMxB output high  */
                                                                        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPB on Up Count     :  force EPWMxB output low */
    	 cpd_motor->phase_c.pwm->DBCTL.all        = DB_DISABLE;         /* Init Dead-Band Generator Control Register for EPWM 3*/
    	 cpd_motor->phase_c.pwm->CMPA.half.CMPA   = UI_0;
    	 cpd_motor->phase_c.pwm->CMPB.half.CMPB   = UI_0;
    	 cpd_motor->local.pwm_state = DISABLED;
      *  This function initialises the complementary pair PWMs
     Comp_pwm_enable(struct Motor_struct *cpe_motor)
    	 cpe_motor->phase_a.pwm->AQCTLA.all = AQCTLA_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                  /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
    	 cpe_motor->phase_a.pwm->DBCTL.all  = H_11;               /* Apath = InA (delay is by-passed for A signal path) ,  Bpath = FED (Falling Edge Delay in B signal path) */
                                                                  /* EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising edge delayed signal */
    	 cpe_motor->phase_b.pwm->AQCTLA.all = AQCTLA_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                  /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
    	 cpe_motor->phase_b.pwm->DBCTL.all  = H_11;               /* Apath = InA (delay is by-passed for A signal path) ,  Bpath = FED (Falling Edge Delay in B signal path) */
                                                                  /* EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising edge delayed signal */
    	 cpe_motor->phase_c.pwm->AQCTLA.all = AQCTLA_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                  /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
    	 cpe_motor->phase_c.pwm->DBCTL.all  = H_11;               /* Apath = InA (delay is by-passed for A signal path) ,  Bpath = FED (Falling Edge Delay in B signal path) */
                                                                  /* EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising edge delayed signal */
    	 cpe_motor->local.pwm_state = ENABLED;
    Please find my configuration in the attached file .

  • Hi .
    Please find my configuration below :

    #include "defines.h"
    #include "pwm_config.h"
    #include "global_prototypes.h"
    #define AQCTLA_INIT     0X90	
    #define AQCTLB_INIT     0X900
    #define AQCTLA_INIT_STATE ( 0x90 )
                                CC_CTR_ZERO + \
                                CC_SHADOW + \
                                CC_SHADOW )
    Uint16 deadband = 20;
     * Make the PWMs complementary with the given Phase shifts for the motors
     * - The phase shifts are given with respect to PWM1 .
     Compl_pwm_init(struct Motor_struct *cpi_motor,
    		         Uint16 cpi_tbphs,
                     Uint16 deadband)
     /**********************local structure pointers ***********************/
    	struct Local_variables *cpi_local = &cpi_motor->local;
    	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBPRD               = cpi_local->tb_period;         /* Set timer period */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBCTR               = UI_0;                         /* Clear counter */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBPHS.half.TBPHS    = cpi_tbphs;                    /* Phase Offset */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBCTL.all           = TB_COUNT_UPDOWN;              /* Count up and down */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBCTL.bit.SYNCOSEL  = TB_SYNC_IN;                   /* Sync Output Select  (used for syncing edges for proper motor control) */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBCTL.bit.PHSEN     = TB_ENABLE;                    /* Enable phase loading */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBCTL.bit.HSPCLKDIV = TB_DIV1;                      /* Clock ratio to SYSCLKOUT */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->TBCTL.bit.CLKDIV    = TB_DIV1;
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->PCCTL.all           = PCCTL_INIT_STATE;             /* Initialise PWM Chopper Control Register */
        /* High Resolution PWM  setup */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->HRCNFG.all              = UI_0;                      /* Clear all bits first.*/
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.EDGMODE      = UI_1;                      /* Accurately position the rising edge.*/
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.CTLMODE      = UI_0;                      /* Control the MEP based on the CMPAHR register. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.HRLOAD       = UI_0;                      /* Using a shadow register load when the HR counter is 0. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->HRPCTL.bit.TBPHSHRLOADE = UI_1;                      /* Synchronize the high-resolution phase */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->HRPCTL.bit.HRPE         = UI_1;                      /* High resolution period enabled */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->CMPCTL.all          = CMPCTL_INIT_STATE;             /* Initialise the Counter Compare Control Register */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->AQCTLA.all          = AQCTLA_INIT_STATE;             /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                                     /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->DBCTL.all           = H_11;                          /* Apath = InA (delay is by-passed for A signal path) ,  Bpath = FED (Falling Edge Delay in B signal path) */
     	                                                                             /* EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising edge delayed signal */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->DBFED               = deadband;                      /* Falling Edge Delay Count */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->DBRED               = deadband;                      /* Rising edge delay value */
     	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->CMPA.half.CMPA      = UI_0;
    // 	cpi_motor->phase_a.pwm->CMPB.half.CMPB       = UI_0;
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBPRD               = cpi_local->tb_period;          /* Set timer period */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBCTR               = UI_0;                          /* Clear counter */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBPHS.half.TBPHS    = cpi_tbphs;                     /* Phase Offset */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBCTL.all           = TB_COUNT_UPDOWN;               /* Count up and down */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBCTL.bit.SYNCOSEL  = TB_SYNC_IN;                    /* Sync Output Select  (used for syncing edges for proper motor control) */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBCTL.bit.PHSEN     = TB_ENABLE;                     /* Enable phase loading */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBCTL.bit.HSPCLKDIV = TB_DIV1;                       /* Clock ratio to SYSCLKOUT */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->TBCTL.bit.CLKDIV    = TB_DIV1;
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->PCCTL.all           = PCCTL_INIT_STATE;              /* Initialise PWM Chopper Control Register */
        /* High Resolution PWM  setup */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->HRCNFG.all              = UI_0;                       /* Clear all bits first. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.EDGMODE      = UI_1;                       /* Accurately position the rising edge. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.CTLMODE      = UI_0;                       /* Control the MEP based on the CMPAHR register. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.HRLOAD       = UI_0;                       /* Using a shadow register load when the HR counter is 0. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->HRPCTL.bit.TBPHSHRLOADE = UI_1;                       /* Synchronize the high-resolution phase */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->HRPCTL.bit.HRPE         = UI_1;                       /* High resolution period enabled */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->CMPCTL.all          = CMPCTL_INIT_STATE;              /* Initialise the Counter Compare Control Register */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->AQCTLA.all          = AQCTLA_INIT_STATE;              /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                                      /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->DBCTL.all           = H_11;                           /* Apath = InA (delay is by-passed for A signal path) ,  Bpath = FED (Falling Edge Delay in B signal path) */
     	                                                                              /* EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising edge delayed signal */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->DBFED               = deadband;                       /* Falling Edge Delay Count */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->DBRED               = deadband;                       /* Rising edge delay value */
     	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->CMPA.half.CMPA      = UI_0;
    // 	cpi_motor->phase_b.pwm->CMPB.half.CMPB       = UI_0;
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBPRD               = cpi_local->tb_period;           /* Set timer period */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBCTR               = UI_0;                           /* Clear counter */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBPHS.half.TBPHS    = cpi_tbphs;                      /* Phase Offset */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBCTL.all           = TB_COUNT_UPDOWN;                /* Count up and down */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBCTL.bit.SYNCOSEL  = TB_SYNC_IN;                     /* Sync Output Select  (used for syncing edges for proper motor control) */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBCTL.bit.PHSEN     = TB_ENABLE;                      /* Enable phase loading */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBCTL.bit.HSPCLKDIV = TB_DIV1;                        /* Clock ratio to SYSCLKOUT */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->TBCTL.bit.CLKDIV    = TB_DIV1;
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->PCCTL.all           = PCCTL_INIT_STATE;               /* Initialise PWM Chopper Control Register */
        /* High Resolution PWM  setup */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->HRCNFG.all              = UI_0;                       /* Clear all bits first. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.EDGMODE      = UI_1;                       /* Accurately position the rising edge. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.CTLMODE      = UI_0;                       /* Control the MEP based on the CMPAHR register. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->HRCNFG.bit.HRLOAD       = UI_0;                       /* Using a shadow register load when the HR counter is 0. */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->HRPCTL.bit.TBPHSHRLOADE = UI_1;                       /* Synchronize the high-resolution phase */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->HRPCTL.bit.HRPE         = UI_1;                       /* High resolution period enabled */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->CMPCTL.all         = CMPCTL_INIT_STATE;               /* Initialise the Counter Compare Control Register */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->AQCTLA.all         = AQCTLA_INIT_STATE;               /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                                      /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->DBCTL.all          = H_11;                            /* Apath = InA (delay is by-passed for A signal path) ,  Bpath = FED (Falling Edge Delay in B signal path) */
     	                                                                              /* EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising edge delayed signal */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->DBFED              = deadband;                        /* Falling Edge Delay Count */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->DBRED              = deadband;                        /* Rising edge delay value */
     	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->CMPA.half.CMPA     = UI_0;
    // 	cpi_motor->phase_c.pwm->CMPB.half.CMPB       = UI_0;
      *  This Function disables the complementary pair PWMs
     Compl_pwm_disable(struct Motor_struct *cpd_motor)
    	 cpd_motor->phase_a.pwm->AQCTLA.all       = AQCTLA_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
    	 cpd_motor->phase_a.pwm->AQCTLB.all       = AQCTLB_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPB on Down Count   :  force EPWMxB output high  */
                                                                        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPB on Up Count     :  force EPWMxB output low */
    	 cpd_motor->phase_a.pwm->DBCTL.all        = DB_DISABLE;         /* Init Dead-Band Generator Control Register for EPWM 1*/
    	 cpd_motor->phase_a.pwm->CMPA.half.CMPA   = UI_0;
    	 cpd_motor->phase_a.pwm->CMPB.half.CMPB   = UI_0;
    	 cpd_motor->phase_b.pwm->AQCTLA.all       = AQCTLA_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
    	 cpd_motor->phase_b.pwm->AQCTLB.all       = AQCTLB_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPB on Down Count   :  force EPWMxB output high  */
                                                                        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPB on Up Count     :  force EPWMxB output low */
    	 cpd_motor->phase_b.pwm->DBCTL.all        = DB_DISABLE;         /* Init Dead-Band Generator Control Register for EPWM 2*/
    	 cpd_motor->phase_b.pwm->CMPA.half.CMPA   = UI_0;
    	 cpd_motor->phase_b.pwm->CMPB.half.CMPB   = UI_0;
    	 cpd_motor->phase_c.pwm->AQCTLA.all       = AQCTLA_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
    	 cpd_motor->phase_c.pwm->AQCTLB.all       = AQCTLB_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPB on Down Count   :  force EPWMxB output high  */
                                                                        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPB on Up Count     :  force EPWMxB output low */
    	 cpd_motor->phase_c.pwm->DBCTL.all        = DB_DISABLE;         /* Init Dead-Band Generator Control Register for EPWM 3*/
    	 cpd_motor->phase_c.pwm->CMPA.half.CMPA   = UI_0;
    	 cpd_motor->phase_c.pwm->CMPB.half.CMPB   = UI_0;
    	 cpd_motor->local.pwm_state = DISABLED;
      *  This function initialises the complementary pair PWMs
     Comp_pwm_enable(struct Motor_struct *cpe_motor)
    	 cpe_motor->phase_a.pwm->AQCTLA.all = AQCTLA_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                  /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
    	 cpe_motor->phase_a.pwm->DBCTL.all  = H_11;               /* Apath = InA (delay is by-passed for A signal path) ,  Bpath = FED (Falling Edge Delay in B signal path) */
                                                                  /* EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising edge delayed signal */
    	 cpe_motor->phase_b.pwm->AQCTLA.all = AQCTLA_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                  /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
    	 cpe_motor->phase_b.pwm->DBCTL.all  = H_11;               /* Apath = InA (delay is by-passed for A signal path) ,  Bpath = FED (Falling Edge Delay in B signal path) */
                                                                  /* EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising edge delayed signal */
    	 cpe_motor->phase_c.pwm->AQCTLA.all = AQCTLA_INIT;        /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Down Count   :  force EPWMxA output high */
                                                                  /* Action When TBCTR = CMPA on Up Count     :  force EPWMxA output low  */
    	 cpe_motor->phase_c.pwm->DBCTL.all  = H_11;               /* Apath = InA (delay is by-passed for A signal path) ,  Bpath = FED (Falling Edge Delay in B signal path) */
                                                                  /* EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising edge delayed signal */
    	 cpe_motor->local.pwm_state = ENABLED;

  • Hi Anish,

    I believe the waveform is for the PWMB output. Correct?
    What is the initial value of CMPB? Can you try a non-zero value?


  • Hi Bharathi , 

    Yes it is for PWMB output . 

    The initial value is zero . I did try giving 650 and  1250  , but the motor draws more current and doesnt turn .